And trust is established, not by some big institution, 信任的建立并不是基于一些大型机构,
but by collaboration1, by cryptography and by some clever code. 而是基于合作,基于密码技术和一些精巧的代码。
And because trust is native to the technology, I call this, "The Trust Protocol2." 因为信任正是起源于这一技术。我把它叫做“信任协议”。
Now, you're probably wondering: How does this thing work? Fair enough. 你也许会想:它的工作原理是什么?问得好。
Assets -- digital assets like money to music and everything in between -- are not stored in a central place, 资产--数字资产从金钱到音乐,或是其他的产品,并不储存在中央区域,
but they're distributed across a global ledger3, using the highest level of cryptography. 而是分散于全球的账本之中,使用最高级别的密码技术。
And when a transaction is conducted, it's posted globally, across millions and millions of computers. 当一次交易处理完成后,它会通过数亿台计算机发布全球通告。
And out there, around the world, is a group of people called "miners." 而在全世界,有一群叫做“矿工”的人们。
These are not young people, they're Bitcoin miners. 他们并不一定是年轻人,他们是比特币矿工。
And they have massive computing4 power at their fingertips -- 10 to 100 times bigger than all of Google worldwide. 他们手头有着巨大的计算能力--比谷歌全球规大数十倍。
And these miners do a lot of work. 这些矿工要做很多工作。
And every 10 minutes, kind of like the heartbeat of a network, 每隔十分钟,有点类似于网络的一次心跳,
a block gets created that has all the transactions from the previous 10 minutes. 一个区块便诞生了,它包含了过去10分钟的所有交易信息。
And then the miners get to work, trying to solve some tough problems. 然后矿工们开始工作,尝试解决一些难题。
And they compete: the first miner to find out the truth and to validate5 the block, 他们彼此竞争,第一个找出真相并使区块有效的矿工
is rewarded in digital currency, in the case of the Bitcoin blockchain, with Bitcoin. 将会有数字货币的奖励,这就是关于比特币的区块链。

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n.合作,协作;勾结 | |
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n.议定书,草约,会谈记录,外交礼节 | |
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n.总帐,分类帐;帐簿 | |
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n.计算 | |
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vt.(法律)使有效,使生效 | |
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