Prosperity. The first era of the internet, the internet of information, 繁荣。互联网的第一个时代,信息的互联,
brought us wealth but not shared prosperity, because social inequality is growing. 带给我们财富,但是没有共享繁荣,因为社会变得日趋不平等。
And this is at the heart of all of the anger and extremism and protectionism and xenophobia and worse 而这是所有的愤怒和极端主义的焦点,还导致了贸易保护主义,仇外心理等
that we're seeing growing in the world today, Brexit being the most recent case. 现在我们见到的现象。英国脱欧就是最近的例子。
So could we develop some new approaches to this problem of inequality? 我们能否针对这不平等的问题想出一些新的解决方案?
Because the only approach today is to redistribute wealth, tax people and spread it around more. 因为现在唯一的方法就是财富的再分配,征税来减小贫富差距。
Could we pre-distribute wealth? 我们能否对财富进行预先分配?
Could we change the way that wealth gets created in the first place by democratizing wealth creation, 我们能否从源头上改变财富的创造方式,通过民主化来进行财富创造,
engaging more people in the economy, and then ensuring that they got fair compensation? 吸引更多的人参与经济,并确保他们得到平等的报酬?
Let me describe five ways that this can be done. Number one: 我将有五点使其可行的方案。第一点:
Did you know that 70 percent of the people in the world who have land have a tenuous1 title to it? 你们知道世界上70%的土地所有者只是拥有一个脆弱的名头?
So, you've got a little farm in Honduras, some dictator comes to power, 你在洪都拉斯有个小农场,当独裁者上台,
he says, "I know you've got a piece of paper that says you own your farm, 他说:"我知道你有一张纸证明你拥有你的农场,
but the government computer says my friend owns your farm." 但是政府的计算机显示我的朋友拥有你的农场。"
This happened on a mass scale in Honduras, and this problem exists everywhere. 这种事在洪都拉斯屡见不鲜,而这一问题也非常普遍。
more important than having a bank account, 比起拥有一个银行账户更重要。
because if you don't have a valid4 title to your land, you can't borrow against it, and you can't plan for the future. 因为倘若你对你的土地没有有效的所有权,你就无法用它来借贷,你就无法计划于未来。
So today, companies are working with governments to put land titles on a blockchain. 所以现在,公司正在与政府合作将土地所有权置于区块链中。
This creates the conditions for prosperity for potentially billions of people. 这样就为数亿人的繁荣创造了可能的条件。

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adj.细薄的,稀薄的,空洞的 | |
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n.经济学家,经济专家,节俭的人 | |
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n.可动性,变动性,情感不定 | |
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adj.有确实根据的;有效的;正当的,合法的 | |
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adj.不可改变的,永恒的 | |
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n.劈,砍,出租马车;v.劈,砍,干咳 | |
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