Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? 你们觉得人的注意力是可控制的吗?
Even more than that, 或者更进一步,
what about predicting human behavior? 人的行为可预知吗?
I think those are interesting ideas, if you could. 如果可以的话,我觉得这些想法很有趣。
I mean, for me, that would be the perfect superpower, 对我来说,这些会是完美的超能力,
actually kind of an evil way of approaching it. 只不过是有点邪恶罢了。
But for myself, in the past, I've spent the last 20 years 过去20年,我一直在用一种非传统的方式观察人类行为:
studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way: 过去20年,我一直在用一种非传统的方式观察人类行为:
picking pockets. 小偷小摸。
When we think of misdirection, 提到错误引导,
we think of something as looking off to the side, 我们总觉得是将注意力放在事物的其他方面,
when actually it's often the things that are right in front of us 但实际上,往往在我们眼前的事情
that are the hardest things to see, 是最难被发现的,
the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to. 那些你天天看到的东西反而是你的盲点。
For example, how many of you still have your cell phones 举个例子,现场有多少人身上带了手机?
on you right now? 举个例子,现场有多少人身上带了手机?
Great. Double-check. 很好,再检查一遍,
Make sure you still have them on you. 确保手机还在身上,
I was doing some shopping beforehand. 因为我刚才在场下转了转。
Now you've looked at them probably a few times today, 你今天估计已经看过好几次手机了,
but I'm going to ask you a question about them. 但我接下来要问你们一个问题。
Without looking at your cell phone directly yet, 不要看你的手机,
Bring them out, check, and see how accurate you were. 现在拿出手机,看一下,你猜对了吗?
How'd you do? Show of hands. Did we get it? 怎么样?猜对的请举手。
Now that you're done looking at those, close them down, 好了,请放下手机。
because every phone has something in common. 每一部手机都有一个共同点,
No matter how you organize the icons, 那就是无论你如何整理图标,
you still have a clock on the front. 你的首页都会显示时间。
So, without looking at your phone, what time was it? 那么,不看手机,现在几点了?
You just looked at your clock, right? 你们之前刚刚看了时间,不是吗?
It's an interesting idea. Now, I'll ask you to take that a step further with a game of trust. 非常有意思。接下来,我们把这个游戏更进一步。
Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。
I realize I'm asking you to do that while you just heard 我意识到我刚才告诉你们我是个小偷,
there's a pickpocket2 in the room, but close your eyes. 现在却要让你们闭眼睛,但还是请闭上。
Now, you've been watching me for about 30 seconds. 到目前为止,你们观察我已经至少有30秒了。
With your eyes closed, what am I wearing? 请告诉我,我穿的什么衣服?
Make your best guess. 尽力想。
What color is my shirt? What color is my tie? 我的衬衫是什么颜色?领带是什么颜色?
Now open your eyes. 现在请睁开眼睛。
By a show of hands, were you right? 如果你猜对了,请举手。
It's interesting, isn't it? Some of us are a little bit 很有趣对不对?有些人的感知能力比其他人
more perceptive3 than others. It seems that way. 要强一些,至少看起来是这样。
But I have a different theory about that, that model of attention. 关于这种注意力模式,我有另外一种解释。
They have fancy models of attention, Posner's trinity model of attention. 注意力模式的理论有很多, 比如波斯纳的三位一体注意力模式。
For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system. 我喜欢把它想得简单一点,就像一个监视系统。
It's kind of like you have all these fancy sensors, 就好像你有许许多多的感觉器官,
and inside your brain is a little security guard. 在你的大脑内有一个小小保安人员,
For me, I like to call him Frank. 我先暂且把它称作弗兰克。
So Frank is sitting at a desk. 弗兰克坐在桌子旁,
He's got all sorts of cool information in front of him, 他眼前有各种各样的信息,
he's got a little phone that he can pick up, listen to the ears, 还有能接听讯息的手机,
all these senses, all these perceptions. 各种感觉和知觉。
If you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it. 如果你不注意某个东西,你就不会察觉到它。
But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it. 有意思的是,你也会在自己不察觉的情况下注意到某个东西。
When you're in a party, you're having conversations with someone, 所谓鸡尾酒效应,是指当你在一个派对上专心与某人交谈时,
and yet you can recognize your name 却能立马听到你的名字,
and you didn't even realize you were listening to that. 而你都没有意识到自己在听那个另外的对话。
Now, for my job, I have to play with techniques to exploit this, 我的工作就是充分利用这个效应,
to play with your attention as a limited resource. 玩弄你们有限的注意力。
So if I could control how you spend your attention, 来看看我能不能控制你支配自己的注意力的方式,
if I could maybe steal your attention through a distraction8. 看看我能不能通过干扰来窃取你的注意力。
Now, instead of doing it like misdirection 现在,与其进行错误引导
and throwing it off to the side, 并将其转移到其他方面,
instead, what I choose to focus on is Frank, 我选择的是专注于弗兰克,
to be able to play with the Frank inside your head, 与你脑中的弗兰克,也就是那个小保安,游戏一场,
your little security guard, 与你脑中的弗兰克,也就是那个小保安,游戏一场,
and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses, 让你暂时不专注于外部感知,
just to go internal for a second. 而是专注于内部感知。
So if I ask you to access a memory, like, what is that? 如果我让你读取一段记忆,比如:这是什么?
What just happened? Do you have a wallet? 刚才发生了什么?你有钱包吗?
Do you have an American Express in your wallet? 你钱包里有运通卡(信用卡)吗?
And when I do that, your Frank turns around. 当我问这些问题的时候,弗兰克转过身去,
He accesses the file. He has to rewind the tape. 他去找资料,他必须倒带。
And what's interesting is, he can't rewind the tape 但有趣的是,他在处理新信息的时候
at the same time that he's trying to process new data. 不能进行倒带这一任务。
Now, I mean, this sounds like a good theory, 这听起来是个挺棒的理论,
but I could talk for a long time and tell you lots of things, 我可以讲很久,告诉你们很多东西,
and they may be true, a portion of them, 它们中有一些可能是真的,
but I think it's better if I tried to show that to you here live. 但是我认为当场演示效果会更好。
So if I come down, I'm going to do a little bit of shopping. 所以如果我走下台,我又要逛一下了。
Just hold still where you are. 请保持原地不动。
Hello, how are you? It's lovely to see you. 你好,见到你很高兴。
You did a wonderful job onstage. 你在台上的演讲很棒。
You have a lovely watch that doesn't come off very well. 你的手表不错,但有点不好取。
Do you have your ring as well? 你有戒指吗?
It's hard to tell where to start, there's so many great things. 不知道从儿哪开始啊,这么多好东西。
Hi, how are you? Good to see you. 你好,很高兴见到你。
Hi, sir, could you stand up for me, please? Just right where you are. 先生你好,能麻烦你站起来一下吗?站在原地就好。
Oh, you're married. You follow directions well. 哦,你结婚了,不错。
That's nice to meet you, sir. 很高兴见到你,先生。
You don't have a whole lot inside your pockets. Anything down by the pocket over here? 你的口袋里似乎没什么东西,下面口袋还有什么吗?
Hopefully so. Have a seat. There you go. You're doing well. 希望有吧,请坐。谢谢!
Hi, sir, how are you? 先生你好!
Good to see you, sir. You have a ring, a watch. 很高兴见到你,你戴了戒指,还有手表。
Do you have a wallet on you? Joe: I don't. 您身上有钱包吗? 乔:没有。
Apollo Robbins: Well, we'll find one for you. 罗宾:很好,待会儿我找一个给你。
Come on up this way, Joe. 请往这边走,乔。
Give Joe a round of applause. 请为乔鼓掌。
Come on up Joe. Let's play a game. 乔,请上台,让我们玩个游戏。
(Applause) (掌声)

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n.偶像,崇拜的对象,画像 | |
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n.扒手;v.扒窃 | |
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adj.知觉的,有洞察力的,感知的 | |
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adj.高科技的 | |
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n.阉公牛,肉用公牛( steer的名词复数 )v.驾驶( steer的第三人称单数 );操纵;控制;引导 | |
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n.大门口,出入口,途径,方法 | |
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n.鸡尾酒;餐前开胃小吃;混合物 | |
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n.精神涣散,精神不集中,消遣,娱乐 | |
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n.详细目录,存货清单 | |
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n.自助餐;饮食柜台;餐台 | |
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