This is from Triumph Of The Will brilliant editing to cut together things. 这个是来自电影意志的胜利剪辑的工作做的非常棒。
National Socialism is all about glamour. 纳粹主义和魔力紧紧相连。
It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world,and ridding it of anything unglamorous. 主要内容是赶走德国人,西方世界,乃至全世界,并且去掉任何单调乏味的东西。
So glamour can be dangerous. 因此魅力,也可能是危险的代名词。
I think glamour has a genuine appeal, has a genuine value. 我认为'魅力有一种真正的吸引力,真正的价值。
I'm not against glamour. 我并不反对魅力。
But there's a kind of wonder in the stuff that gets edited away in the cords of life. 不过一种疑惑就是是否在生活的繁琐之中有些东西被祛除掉了。
And there is both a way to avoid the dangers of glamour and a way to broaden your appreciation5 of it. 而且这两种情况下都有避免危险魅力的方法同时让你更加对其赞叹。
And that's to take Isaac Mizrahi's advice and confront the manipulation of it all,and sort of admit that manipulation is something that we enjoy,but also enjoy how it happens. 让我们接受Isaac Mizrahi的建议坦然面对所有的蓄意操作,可以这么说,承认我们享受这个过程吧,而且也享受它发生的方式。
And here's Hedy Lamarr. 这是Hedy Lamarr。
She's very glamorous4 but, you know, she invented spread-spectrum technology. 没错,她如此的迷人,不过你得知道,她发明了扩展频谱科技。
So she's even more glamorous if you know that she really wasn't stupid,even though she thought she could look stupid. 所以这使得她更加富有魅力了,因为她真的很聪明,即使她认为她可以看出去很傻的样子。
David Hockney talks about how the appreciation of this very glamorous painting is heightened if you think about the fact that it takes two weeks to paint this splash,which only took a fraction of a second to happen. 谈论过关于这个,我认为非常吸引人的绘画作品的欣赏,如果你意识到这样一个事实。虽然现实的水花四溅稍纵即逝,但是绘画这个效果花费了整整两周的时间,那么你就会更加珍视它。
There is a book out in the bookstore it's called Symphony In Steel,and it's about the stuff that's hidden under the skin of the Disney Center. 这是书店里的一本书叫做钢筋的交响乐。这讲述的是隐藏在迪斯尼中心靓丽外表下的水泥钢筋。
And that has a fascination6. 它如此的迷人。。
It's not necessarily glamorous, but unveiling the glamour has an appeal. 这并不是严格意义上的魅力,不过揭示魅力也算是一种魅力吧。
There's a wonderful book called Crowns that's all these glamour pictures of black women in their church hats. 有一本非常棒的书叫做王冠讲述的是黑人女性戴着教堂礼帽的那些迷人瞬间。
And there's a quote from one of these women, and she talks about,As a little girl, I'd admire women at church with beautiful hats. 引用其中一位女士的话,当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我非常羡慕那些在教堂戴着美丽礼帽的女士们。
They looked like beautiful dolls, like they'd just stepped out of a magazine. 她们看起来就像漂亮的洋娃娃,好似刚从杂志封面中走出。
But I also knew how hard they worked all week. 但是我也知道她们背后付出的艰辛努力。
Sometimes under those hats there's a lot of joy and a lot of sorrow. 有时候,那些帽子下隐藏的不仅仅是欢乐,还有忧伤。
And, actually, you get more appreciation for glamour when you realize what went into creating it. 而且实际上,当你发现创造魅力的代价是什么的时候你才会对其发出更加由衷的赞叹。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。

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n.魔力,魅力;vt.迷住 | |
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adj.美学的,审美的,有美感 | |
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n.意识形态,(政治或社会的)思想意识 | |
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adj.富有魅力的;美丽动人的;令人向往的 | |
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n.评价;欣赏;感谢;领会,理解;价格上涨 | |
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n.令人着迷的事物,魅力,迷恋 | |
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