Pause for about 10 seconds. 暂停了大约10 秒钟。
Can I play a game, Mommy? 我可以玩游戏了吗,妈妈?
And I thought, that's it? And so, you know, 而我想,这就完了?因为,你知道,
this is the Middle Passage, this is an incredibly significant event, and she's treating it like, basically some black people went on a cruise, is more or less how it sounds to her. 这是可是中央航路,这是一件难以置信的重大事件,但她看待它就像是一些黑人去参加一次乘船游览,她差不多就是这种感觉。
And so, to me, I wanted more value in this, so when she asked if she could play a game, I said,Yes. 对我来说,我希望其中有更多意义,所以当她问我是否可以玩游戏时,我说,可以。
And so I happened to have all of these little pieces. 碰巧我有很多这种小玩具。
I'm a game designer, so I have this stuff sitting around my house. 我是一个游戏设计师,所以我家到处都是这些东西。
So I said, Yeah, you can play a game, and I give her a bunch of these, and I tell her to paint them in different families. These are pictures of Maezza when she was — God, it still chokes me up seeing these. 于是我说,是啊,你可以玩游戏,之后我给了她一些这种小玩具,然后我让她给他们上色表示不同的家庭成员。这些照片都是 Maezza正在—上帝,现在我看到这些依然会哽咽。
So she's painting her little families. 她在画她的迷你家庭成员。
So then I grab a bunch of them and I put them on a boat. 于是我抓起其中的一部分,把它们放在一条小船上。
This was the boat. It was made quickly obviously. 这就是那条小船。很明显它是个速成品。
and she's like, Mommy, but you forgot the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy and you forgot all these other things. 而她不断地念叨:妈妈,您忘了拿粉红宝宝你忘了拿蓝爸爸你忘了拿这个那个等等。
And she says, They want to go. And I said, 她说,他们也想要去。我说:
Honey, no they don't want to go. This is the Middle Passage. 不,亲爱的,他们不想去。这是中央航路。
Nobody wants to go on the Middle Passage. 没人愿意走中央航路。
So she gave me a look that only a daughter of a game designer would give a mother, 然后她看了看我,只有游戏设计师的女儿才会用这样的表情看着她妈妈
and as we're going across the ocean, following these rules, 当我们准备横渡大洋,按照这些规则进行时,
she realizes that she's rolling pretty high, and she says to me, We're not going to make it. 她意识到这些要求太高了,她对我说我们做不到。
And she realizes, you know, we don't have enough food, 她意识到了,我们没有足够的粮食,
and so she asks what to do, and I say, 于是她问要怎么办,我回答道,
Well, we can either—Remember, she's seven We can either put some people in the water or we can hope that they don't get sick and we make it to the other side. 嗯,我们可以要么—请记住,她当时七岁,我们可以要么把一些人放到水中,要么我们只能希望他们一直不生病直到我们到达目的地。
And she -- just the look on her face came over and she said—now mind you this is after a month of this is Black History Month, right? 她又用之前的表情看了我一眼。后来有一天—请注意,这是经过一个月的(历史熏陶)之后那个月刚好是美国黑人历史月(二月)。

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n.要旨;梗概 | |
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