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  • 【英语趣味课堂】身体接触-Physical Contact

    Nick: You've lived in three different parts of the world, so is there any difference between each part in terms of physical contact? Cheryl: Yeah, I have lived in Hong Kong, Guam, and the U.S. Hong Kong is in Asia. Guam is in the middle of the Pacifi...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】体育课-P.E. Class

    Todd: So, Monica, you are actually a trained physical education teacher. Monica: Yes, that's right. Todd: So, we often hear about how kids today are not fit, and they don't exercise enough. Do you think that's true? Monica: I think it is true, yes. I...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】喝茶时间-Tea Time

    Tu: So, I heard that Iran is very famous for it's coffee? Amir: Well, not coffee actually, the tea. Tu: The tea? What is special about it? Amir: Well, we love tea. We have to drink tea. Some of the people, if they don't drink two or three glasses of...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】对皮肤好的食物-Food for Good Skin

    Mike: Hey, MJ, I heard that herbal tea is good for your complexion? MJ: Yes, I think so, cause recently I'm drinking lots of herbal tea, and then face getting more white and smooth I think. It really helps on your complexion. Mike, you should try som...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】蒙古的学校-School in Mongolia

    Todd: So Heidi, you are from Mongolia. Could you talk a little bit about what high school is like in Mongolia? Heidi: Oh sure. In Mongolia, we dont have elementary school, secondary school, or high school divided into three parts, but we have from 1s...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】去蒙古旅游-Travelling in Mongolia

    Todd: So Heidi, I was talking with my friend and he actually lives in Mongolia now and he says its a great place. He recommended that I go there. So if I go to Mongolia, what season is the best season to go? Heidi: Fall. Todd: In the fall? Heidi: Yes...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】对意大利的看法-Thoughts about Italy

    Todd: So Yuri, youre Italian. What do you think about all the mafia movies? What do real Italian people, people from Italy, think about all the mafia movies that are in American movies? Yuri: Well we usually watch them and enjoy them very much. They...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】意大利食物-Deliciously Italian

    Todd: What did you think about Italian food in America? Italian food is very popular in America., but is it similar to Italian food in Italy? Yuri: Oh, thats a good topic. I would say that if really...you want to try the best Italian food, you have t...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛-Trinidad and Tobago

    Todd: So CleAnn can you talk a little bit about your country? CleAnn: Sure. My country is called officially the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. For short, Trinidad and Tobago. And even shorter, Trinidad. However, it is best to just say Trinidad and...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】分散的岛屿-Islands Apart

    Todd: So what island do you live on? CleAnn: I live in Trinidad, on the island of Trinidad. Im happy that I live in Trinidad, Im very proud of it because Trinidad is beautiful. Although its not known for beaches, we have a lot of wetlands like swamps...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】多文化国家-Multicultural Country

    Todd: So CleAnn, youre from Trinidad and Tobago and you were saying that your country has a very diverse multicultural mix? CleAnn: Yes. Todd: Can you talk about that? CleAnn: Oh sure. Trinidad and Tobago mostly were made up of people from Africa (Af...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】异乡人-Ex Pats

    Doron: So, we are both expats. We both left our home countries. Are you going to go back, do you think? And live in Jamaica? Pernais: I will. I will, eventually. I think Jamaica is the only place that I could actually settle down in. Its the only pla...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】一位受欢迎的民族英雄-A Popular Folk Hero

    Shirley: Hi Jake, how are you today? Jake: Good. How are you Shirley? Shirley: Not too bad thanks. I thought we might talk about folk heroes today. I dont really know much about American folk heroes, are there any that you have a favorite or...? Jake...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】神秘的本质-The Nature of Myths

    Shirley: So you said Paul Bunyan is famous. How do people know about him. Is he in childrens story books or do you learn about him at school? Jake: Yes, both. At school I remember having maybe a Paul Bunyan day. Its not an actual national holiday but...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】夏威夷-Hawaii

    Mari: Hi, Im Mari. Im here with Ron. Ron is from Hawaii. So Ron, what is so special about Hawaii? Ron: Well, Hawaii is my home, but to people not from Hawaii, I think Hawaii is famous for its nice weather, its warm all year round, also its known for...
