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  • 【英语趣味课堂】她的圣诞节-Her Christmas

    Dai: So Christmas is coming around the corner. How do you feel about that? Sharron: I love Christmas. I love the time with the family, the time off work to relax and enjoy each other's company and just time at home with everyone. Dai: So, what do you...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】教室里的规定-Class Rules

    Todd: So, Marion, how are your classes? Marion: My classes are quite good at the moment. I'm enjoying them. I work in a junior high school and high school together, so my students range from twelve years old right up to eighteen. Todd: What do you te...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】中学-Middle School

    Dai: So Miss Naomi from...where is it you are from? Naomi: Wales. Dai: Wales, OK, and how old are you now? Naomi: Im eleven. Dai: Eleven. OK, so that means you are in...what would that be, junior school? secondary school? Naomi: Junior school. Dai: J...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】兄弟-Brothers

    Mari: Hi, Ron. I met your brother Michael and I learned that you're a triplet. So what is it like being a triplet? Ron: Yes, I am a triplet. It's a good thing. I'm very close with my brothers, both of them. One of my brother's name is Michael and the...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】形影不离的姐妹-Close Sisters

    Todd: So, Santi, we're talking about family this week and you have a sister, correct? Santi: Yes, a sister. Todd: Now, what's kind of unique about your sister is you both are similar in age and you go to university together, correct? Santi: Yes, only...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】空闲时间-Free Time

    Dai: So, Naomi, so you're from Wales and you're eleven. So what does an eleven-year-old girl do for fun in Wales? Naomi: I do music. I play the piano and and the violin. Dai: How long have you played the piano for? Naomi: Since I was about eight. Dai...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】落网球-Net Ball

    Dai: So Naomi, youre from Wales and youre eleven. So what does an eleven-year old girl do for fun in Wales? Naomi: I do music. I play the piano and the violin and I play sports: netball. Dai: Net ball? Whats that? Naomi: Yeah, its like a basketball a...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】钓鱼的诱惑-The Allure of Fishing

    Dai: So, I really don't see it. What's the allure of fishing. I mean, why ... what's the catch as it were? Darren: Well, I can understand that. It's something that looks as if it's not very interesting but it's that thrill and expectancy of just wait...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】渔民-The Fisherman

    Dai: So Darren, youre from southwest Wales. Darren: Yeah, Im from a place called Pembrookshire. Dai: OK and what can you do down there for fun. Darren: Well, most of what I do is, in my spare time, is in some way connected to sport. The last five or...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】海岸攀爬-Coasteering

    Dai: So, you mentioned coasteering. What is that? Sharron: Right. What it is, it's organized by some groups of people. It can be quite dangerous but it's very well-run in that you all go out in wetsuits, and you'll go out for a few hours around the c...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】威尔士的海岸线-The Welsh Coastline

    Dai: OK so, Sharron, youre from Wales. Sharron: Thats right. Dai: In a place called Pembrokeshire? Sharron: Yes. Dai: Tell me about what you do there. Sharron: I work for Pembrokeshire Coast National Authority which is an organization that helps land...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】非洲的野生生物-African Wildlife

    Shirley: David, so earlier, I was telling you I've always wanted to go to Africa and I'm just wondering, is that whole safari scene the cliche... David: It's not a cliche, but it's something real you have to experience when you get there on the safar...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】采伐森林-Deforestation

    Shirley: Hi, David. How are you? David: I'm fine, thank you, Shirley. Shirley: So, environmental issues ... we were talking about them earlier throughout the world, and you're from Kenya. David: Yes, I'm from Kenya. Shirley: So, what's happening over...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】是否应该学做饭-Whether Should be Taught Cooking

    Fred: Hi, this is Fred from Canada and I'm here with Tarta from Thailand. Some people think that cooking should be taught in school. I agree with that idea. I feel that definitely there should be some cooking classes in school. How do you feel about...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】关于教室位置的讨论-The Seat Debate

    Mari: Hi, I'm Mari, I'm here with Ron. Today, we're going to debate about if it's better to sit in the front of the class or in the back of the class, so I'm going to start. I always sat front-row-and-center in all of my classes all throughout my edu...
