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  • 【英语趣味课堂】斯里兰卡的食物-Sri Lankan Food

    Edwin: So, what about Sri Lankan food? What are some of the good dishes in Sri Lanka? Buddhi: What we eat every day, almost every day, is rice and curry, so lunch is usually rice and curry. Curry will be usually spicy, and we eat lots of veggies, so...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】商业贿赂-Bribes in Business

    Todd: So, Aiman, now you actually are a business student, correct? You study business? Aiman: Well, actually I studied business. I did my undergraduate in Global Business Management but now I'm doing my master's in International Material Flow Managam...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】行贿-Experiences with Bribery.

    Todd: When I was in Thailand I had experiences with bribery, and we don't really have it with government officials in the U.S., but I have to admit I thought it was really convenient, because let's say you are driving and you get a speeding ticket, o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】金钱的力量-Power of Money

    Todd: So, Aiman, we're talking about bribery. Now you've worked in a very modern country like Dubai in the business setting, so even in large business settings, do you have some type of bribery. Is that still like part of the culture? The System? Aim...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】新旧城市-Old and New Cities

    Todd: So, Aiman, you are from Syria, but you've actually lived all over the Middle East. What's interesting is that you've lived in a very old city, Damascus, and a very new city, Dubai, and they're actually not that far from each other. What's the d...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】她为什么选择住在那里-Why She Choose to Live There?

    Nabeel: So, Ginger, I hear you have a new apartment. Ginger: Yes, it's great. I just moved in last week. Nabeel: Nice. Where is it? Ginger: It's near Victory Monument. Do you know where that is? Nabeel: Yeah, I do. How do you get to work from there?...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】他的公寓-His Apartment

    Ginger: So, what about you? You're still in the same place right? Nabeel: Yeah, I'm still there. Ginger: Good. How's it going? Nabeel: Oh, it's great. I'm actually quite satisfied with it now. Ginger: Oh, good because I though you wanted to move at o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】茄子咖喱饭-Eggplant Curry

    Ginger: So, Nabeel, I really liked that eggplant curry you made the other night. What's in that? Nabeel: Oh, you did. Okay. It's actually really easy. There's eggplant, and you need some potatoes, some tomatoes, and onions. And a few spices. Ginger:...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】小吃-Snacks

    Nabeel: Actually, I remember that one time you had a party and you made that really nice pumpkin dip. Ginger: Oh, yeah, that's a popular one. Everyone loves that when I make it. Nabeel: What do you need for it? Ginger: It's really easy. All you need...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】意大利的移民-Immigration in Italy

    Todd: Hey, Yuri, I thought we would talk a little bit about immigration because you're from Italy, and I'm from the U.S. and both of our countries have issues with immigration. Can you talk a little bit about the immigration issues now in Italy? Yuri...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】美国的移民-Immigration in America

    Yuri: So, Todd, what about the situation with immigration in the United States? Is it similar to Italy or different? Todd: Actually, from what you're saying it sounds really similar. The U.S. has a lot of immigration, and it's very controversial now...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】苏格兰的城市-Scottish Cities

    Matt: So, Rachel, where are you from? Rachel: I'm from Scotland. Matt: Okay, Okay. Scotland like, what's the biggest city in Scotland would you say? Rachel: The capitol city is Edinburgh but the biggest city, size-wise and population-wise is Glasgow....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】去格拉斯哥旅游-Travelling in Glasgow

    Matt: If I were traveling to Scotland would it be very expensive for me to spend time in Glasgow? Rachel: I'd say there some of the hotels that are quite expensive, but you can usually find a nice bed-and-breakfast which would cost you maybe thirty p...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】报纸数量的减少-The Decline of Newspaper

    Matt: Hey, Rachel, so do you read the newspaper these days? Rachel: Actually, no. I used to get a newspaper delivered and I didn't read it at all, so I cancelled it cause I was worried about wasting trees, and wasting paper and therefore trees. Matt:...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】未来我们是否还会读报纸-If We will Have Newspapers in the Future

    Enam: Oh, Katia, you're from Mexico right? Katia: Right. Enam: I want to know about the Mexico City? Can you tell me about it? How is Mexico City in terms of real estate, landscape? Katia: Well, Mexico City is one of the biggest cities in the world a...
