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  • 【英语趣味课堂】午餐-Something about Lunch

    Todd: Now, Adrienne, we are both work in the same office. We are colleagues. Let's talk about lunch. We have different lunch tastes. Why don't you talk about what do you like to have for lunch? Adrienne: Ah, my favorite thing to do for lunch, when I'...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】她早餐吃什么-What She makes for Breakfast

    Todd: So, Adrienne, what did you have for breakfast today? Adrienne: This morning, I forgot to eat breakfast. Todd: Nothing! You had nothing? Adrienne: I had grapefruit juice. Todd: Grapefruit juice! That's not a very healthy breakfast. Adrienne: I k...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】传统婚礼-The Traditional Wedding

    Wendi: OK, so I have never in my life been to a Wiccan wedding, and I want to know exactly what goes down? Rachel: OK, a Wiccan wedding, unlike other weddings, it's about their religion but it's more about celebrating the love of the couple and then...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】婚礼的准备-Wedding Prep

    Wendi: So, yeah, I wanna talk about wedding experiences and one of the best wedding. Rachel: The best wedding I've ever gone to was probably my friend, well, OK, wait, hold on, pause it for a second. Wendi: No worries because Rachel: What is our scal...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】理想中的工作-Dream Job

    Todd: So, Jeff, we're talking about odd jobs. What's a job that you would like to have? What's a job that you think would be one of the coolest jobs to have? Jeff: Difficult question, Todd. I guess the job that I would like to do, it might not be the...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】稀奇古怪的工作-Odd Job

    Todd: OK, Jeff, we're talking about odd jobs. Good jobs, bad jobs, strange jobs we've done. What's an odd job you've had Jeff? Jeff: Todd, one of my oddest odd jobs might be was when I was backpacking through Europe after university, I ran out of mon...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】奇怪的工作-Odd Job

    Todd: OK, now Jeff, I've know you for along time. You are a very resourceful person. You always have these crazy jobs, and recently you had at a hospital, but you weren't a doctor. Could you please describe your job? Jeff: Todd, it was a pharmaceutic...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】怎样发行电影?-How to Pitch a Film?

    Todd: OK, now Jeff, you've been talking about your documentary. Can you talk about how do you actually pitch your documentary? How do you get it out there so people can see it on television? Jeff: Because like I said before, it's independent so we ha...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】制作电影的优缺点-Pros-Cons of Film Making

    Todd: OK, now Jeff, you were saying that you made a movie. Could you talk about what was the best best thing, or the highlight of making a movie? Jeff: Todd, documentary. We made a documentary, television documentary. The best thing about making the...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】制作一部电影-Making a Film

    Todd: OK, now Jeff, you made a movie recently. Can you talk a little about what your movie is about? Jeff: OK, Todd, I want to qualify that it is not a movie. It's a television documentary. Very big difference, but actually a movie and a documentary,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】最好看的美国电视剧-Best American TV Show

    Wendi: So. I wanna know why you think The Simpsons were so successful? Ken: They have a kind of humor that funny to people of all ages. It's funny to people from all different walks of life. So I guess it appeals to the masses more than any other sho...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】电视节目-TV Shows

    Wendi: OK, so the next thing was when I was young, I used to watch this TV program. It was called the Wonder Years. And I had such a crush on that kid Fred. Ken: Fred Savage was it? Wendi: Yeah, yeah, Fred Savage. What was his name in that show? Ken:...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】他最喜爱的电影-His Favorite Movie

    Wendi: So I want you to tell me about your favorite movie ever, and why it's your favorite movie? Ken: My favorite movie ever? OOh! Wendi: Titanic. Ken: Titanic. Yeah, no. No, it's not. Wendi: Come on, you can be honest. Ken: I did watch it twice. I...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】婚纱-The Wedding Dress

    Wendi: So you were saying that your sister looked really beautiful? James: Yeah. Wendi: Can you tell me a little about what she was wearing? James: Yeah, she was wearing my mother's original wedding dress that my mum made in like the 1960's so it was...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】婚礼那天-Wedding Day

    Wendi: Talk about the best wedding you've ever been to and if you can kind of think about what it was and and what the atmosphere was like when you walked in. James: OK, the actual wedding ceremony? Wendi: Yeah, sure. James: OK. Wendi: Tell me about...
