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  • 【英语趣味课堂】健康与训练-Health and Training

    Clare: So did you have a choice about what sort of job you were going to have in the military? Mike: No we don't. Once you enlist you have to go through a ... what do you call ... a health medical check up and you'll be given grade A to F. If you get...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】在军队里-In the Army

    Clare: Hello this is Clare from the United States and I am talking with Mike from Singapore about serving in the army. Mike I've heard that in Singapore it is required that all men serve in the army. Is that true? Mike: Yes that's true. We have to se...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】梦想清单-Dream List

    Todd: So, Rebecca, let's talk about things we wish could do that we can't do. What is something you wish you could do, that you can't do now? Rebecca: I think it would be definitely playing music, like playing a guitar. Some of my friends can just pu...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】暗礁的世界-Reef World

    Todd: So, Rebecca, in Australia you have the Great Barrier Reef. Now have you been to the Great Barrier Reef? Rebecca: Yes, I have once, probably about two years ago. There's the main part of the Great Barrier Reef and then there's a little island, a...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】对皮肤癌的关注-Concern of the Skin Cancer

    Todd: So, Rebecca, talking about your country, I hear that skin cancer is a serious problem in Australia? Rebecca: Yeah, it is. I think our environment is the cause of it in a way because we do have the beautiful beaches that you always want to go ou...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】关于水的担忧-Water Worries

    Todd: So, hey, Rebecca, speaking of environmental stuff, I was reading about a drought in Australia. You guys have a serious drought problem with water? Rebecca: Yeah, we do. We've had a drought for some time now and it seems to be getting worse and...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】领养一条狗-Raising a Dog

    Lindsay: So Jake, we are thinking of getting a dog. What do you think about that? Jake: Well, that could be a good idea. Dogs can make good companions. Lyndsay: Yeah, I think so. That's why we want to get one, but the problem is our apartment is real...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】动物园-Zoos

    Jake: Hey, Lindsay, would you like to go with me to the zoo this Saturday? Lindsay: The zoo. Jake: Yeah, it's gonna be lot's of fun. We're going to see lions and tigers and bears. Lindsay: Oh, my? Actually, I don't really like the zoo. Jake: Why not....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】打猎-Hunting

    Lindsay: So, Jake we were just talking about zoos. Now, I'm curious. What do you think about hunting? Do you like hunting? Jake: Not really. I know a lot of people who do hunt though. Lindsay: What do they hunt? Jake: Well, deer mostly and sometimes...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】短信-Text Messaging

    Jake: So, Lyndsay do you like to text message a lot on your cell phone ? Lindsay: Yeah, actually, I text message a lot. Jake: I don't do it so much. Sometimes I prefer to just call someone on the phone if I'm in a hurry. Lindsay: Yeah, I go both ways...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】对电子游戏的热爱-Love of Video Games

    Lindsay: So, since we are talking about technology, I have a question for you. Is there any gadget or technology that you're really addicted to? Jake: That would have to be video games. I have pretty much every video game console that was releases si...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】玩游戏的人-Gamers

    Lindsay: So if you buy a game, how long does it take you to beat the game? One year or fifteen hours or what? Jake: Well, maybe the shortest one are only about six hours but it all depends on how much you're playing it. If it's something I really lik...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】沙滩-Beaches

    Rebecca: Hey, Diego. Diego: Hey. Rebecca: What are you going to do for summer break? Diego: I'm thinking about going back home. Rebecca: To Mexico? Diego: Yeah. What about you? Rebecca: I will go back to Australia, and I'll probably go the beach of c...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】墨西哥食物-Mexican Food

    Rebecca: So, Diego, I hear that Mexico has some really great food and that you love to cook. What's your favorite food in Mexico? Diego: My favorite food in Mexico is chiles en nogada. Chiles means pepper and this is a very traditional Mexican dish b...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】经济-The Economy

    Fanny: Hey, Brian, you know, recently I heard that the Canadian dollar is very strong. Brian: It is. It's been amazingly strong in the last few months. Fanny: What happened? I mean, how come? Brian: It went up. The reasons behind why the Canadian dol...
