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  • 【英语趣味课堂】怎样才能不迷路-How Not To Get Lost

    Todd: So, Greg, you are quite the world traveler I hear. Greg: Um, yeah, I love traveling. I've been to probably around, I don't know, 20 different countries. I've lived in Thailand and South Korea and United Arab Emirates, and four different parts o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】喝茶的好处-The Benefits of Drinking Tea

    Adrienne: So, Lisa, what is that you're drinking? Lisa: Oolong tea. Iced oolong tea. Adrienne: Is it your favorite drink? Lisa: It's not really my favorite drink. My favorite drink is Diet Coke. I love Diet Coke, but a couple of years ago, I was drin...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】谈论香港-Talking about Hong Kong

    Todd: Adrienne, you said you mother lives in Hong Kong. Adrienne: That's right. Todd: Wow. Why is she in Hong Kong? Adrienne: She's there for work actually. Todd: Oh, yeah. What does she do? Adrienne: It's difficult to explain because I don't really...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】描述家庭成员-Describing Family Members

    Todd: Adrienne, we are talking about your family. Can describe the people in your family? Like, what's your mother like, and your father like and your sister? Adrienne: OK, well, let me start with my mother. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to this, tho...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】国际家庭-The Global Family

    Todd: OK, Adrienne we are going to talk about your family. How many people are in your family? Adrienne: In my immediate family, there are four of us: my mother, father and my younger sister and I. Todd: OK, and now do you see each other a lot. I mea...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】宝石-Jewels, Gems, and Stones

    Todd: So, Adrienne, you are really into jewelry. You fix jewelry. Do you know a lot about gems and stones and things like that? Adrienne: No, I don't know a lot, but I know what I like. Todd: So what kind of stuff do you like? Adrienne: Well, I'm act...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】自己做首饰-Making Jewelry

    Todd: Hello, Adrienne. Adrienne: Hi, Todd. Todd: You know Adrienne I must compliment you. You always have the nicest jewelry. Adrienne: Oh, thank you. That's a nice thing to say. Todd: Where do you get it? Adrienne: Various places. A lot of jewelry I...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】收集珠宝-Collecting Jewelry

    Todd: Adrienne you have such interesting jewelry. I mean, it's just amazing. Where did you get all this stuff? Adrienne: Well, all over actually. I like to travel. I tend to travel a lot as does most of my family, so whenever I travel somewhere I lik...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】告别单身派对-The Bachelorettte Party

    Wendi: I wanna know what goes on at the bachelorette party. Have you had to throw one - like having been a bridesmaid - have you ever thrown a bachelorette party for a girlfriend? Rachel: Yeah, but, I don't know if I want to talk about it. Wendi: I d...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】时尚-Fashion

    Wendi: OK, well one thing is that I think you have the most beautiful hair. Can you share your secret? Rina: I, honestly, I'm pretty anal when it comes to my hair. Professional product! Just good product, and it depends if I'm wearing my hair curly o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】美丽的奥秘-Beauty Secrets

    Wendi: So I want you to tell me a little bit about, kind of, your daily maintenance or whatever with regards to waxing and hair management. Rina: Well, with waxing, I don't do waxing. I do sugaring. Wendi: OK. Rina: And it's basically sugar and water...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】篮球爱好者-Basketball Fans

    Wendi: So I wanna know who your basketball team is? Ken: Who my basketball team is? Wendi: Yeah. Ken: Oh, my favorite pro team? Wendi: Now, like who's your team? Ken: Oh, OK. I'm from Atlanta so my favorite team is the Hawks, unfortunately. For the p...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】篮球明星-Basketball Superstars

    Wendi: OK, so I wanna ask you who you think is the best player of all time. Ken: All time? Wendi: Basketball player. Ken: Basketball player of all time? Well, that's a no-brainer. It's Michael Jordan. No one even comes close to what he's been doing,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】酷酷的喜剧演员-Cool Comedians

    Wendi: Alright, we've been watching some comedy lately. I wanna know who your favorite comic is? Ken: My favorite comic? It's a draw between Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. Wendi: Is Chris Rock really like, is he still doing something? Ken: No, he rea...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】晚餐-Something about Dinner

    Todd: So, Adrienne, we've been talking about food. It's late afternoon. What are you doing for dinner? What are you going to cook tonight? Adrienne: I don't think I'll cook tonight. Todd: No, no cooking? Adrienne: No, I feel lazy today. Todd: So you'...
