In short, I can admire you and comfortably go with you while playing a role I only partly understand; 一句话,我很佩服您,您可以毫无顾忌地扮演您的角色,那个我在某些方面了解的角色; but I still catch glimpses of...
But my companions and I would be willing to safeguard this manuscript, and if you give us back our freedom... 但我,我的同伴,我们随时准备着保护这本手稿,如果您让我们自由的话 Your freedom! Captain Nemo put in, standing...
Sir, I said coolly, I need to speak with you on a matter that simply can't wait. 先生,我冷静地说,我想和您谈一件不能再拖延下去的事情。 Whatever could that be, sir? he replied sarcastically. 什么事,先生?他嘲弄地回...
I'll confer with him, Ned. 我去问问他,尼德。 When? the Canadian asked insistently. 什么时候?加拿大人固执地问。 When I encounter him. 当我碰到他时。 Professor Aronnax, would you like me to go find him myself? 阿龙纳斯...
The Canadian was obviously at the end of his patience. 加拿大人显然忍耐到了最大的限度。 His vigorous nature couldn't adapt to this protracted imprisonment. 他刚烈的天性是不能适应这种遥遥无期的囚禁生活。 His faci...
We could hope to be picked up. 我们可以希望他们收留我们。 So it was a promising opportunity, despite the thirty miles that separated the Nautilus from these Union coasts. 所以,尽管鹦鹉螺号现在离美联邦海岸还有30海里,...
toadfish covered with a crosswise yellow band in the shape of a Greek t, 纹着一条条形如希腊字母t的黄绑带的两栖鱼; swarms of little freckled gobies stippled with brown spots, 身上长着许多小褐点的小虾虎鱼; lungfish...
Murky as well, and very rich in saline material, their pure indigo contrasts with the green waves surrounding them. 另外,它的水色偏暗而且含有丰富的盐,纯靛蓝色的水流和周围绿色的海水形成了鲜明的对比。 Moreove...
Leaving Old Bahama Channel, which is fourteen leagues wide by 350 meters deep, the Gulf Stream moves at the rate of eight kilometers per hour. 从巴哈马运河出来时,海湾暖流在14里宽、350米深的范围内以每小时8公里的速度流动...
As discovered by Commander Maury, the true source of the Gulf Stream, its starting point, if you prefer, is located in the Bay of Biscay. 如果你愿意知道的话,海湾暖流的真正源头,也就是说,它的出发点是莫里船长发现的...
This was just one more of those insoluble problems that kept welling up in my mind! 这仍是那些不断出现在我的脑海里的悬而未解的问题之一。 Captain Nemo reentered his stateroom, and I saw no more of him for a good while. 尼摩船...
Chapter 19 The Gulf Stream 第十九章 海湾暖流 This dreadful scene on April 20 none of us will ever be able to forget. 4月20日那可怕的一幕,我们任何人都永远忘不了。 I wrote it up in a state of intense excitement. 我心情澎...
What rage then drove us against these monsters! 于是我们对这些怪物愤怒至极! We lost all self-control. 我们再也忍无可忍。 Ten or twelve devilfish had overrun the Nautilus's platform and sides. 十几条章鱼侵入了鹦鹉螺号...
Captain Nemo gave a shout and leaped outside. We rushed after him. 尼摩船长大叫一声,往外面冲去。我们也急忙跟上他。 What a scene! 多么惊心动魄的场面啊! Seized by the tentacle and glued to its suckers, the unfortuna...
Yes, sir. Our propeller is jammed. 是的,先生。推进器不动了。 I think the horn-covered mandibles of one of these squid are entangled in the blades. That's why we aren't moving. 我想是一条枪乌贼的下颚骨绞进了轮叶中,使我...