And indeed, unless this reef had an engine in its belly, how could it move about with such prodigious speed? 理由是:除非这暗礁在腹部有一架机器,不然的话,它怎能这样快地一会儿到达这里一会儿又到那里呢? Also...
DURING THE PERIOD in which these developments were occurring, 这些事件发生的时候, I had returned from a scientific undertaking organized to explore the Nebraska badlands in the United States. 我正从美国内布拉斯加州的贫瘠地区做...
The engineers then proceeded to inspect the Scotia, which had been put in dry dock. 斯各脱亚号被架了起来,工程师们开始检查。 They couldn't believe their eyes. 他们眼睛所看见的情形连自己也不能相信。 Two and a hal...
The Scotia hadn't run afoul of something, it had been fouled, and by a cutting or perforating instrument rather than a blunt one. 斯各脱亚号不是撞上了什么,而是被什么撞上了。憧它的不是敲击的器械而是钻凿的器械。...
In twenty-six years Cunard ships have made 2,000 Atlantic crossings without so much as a voyage canceled, 二十六年来,苟纳尔公司的船在大西洋上航行了两千次,没有一次航行不达目的地, a delay recorded, a man, a craft...
No one is unaware of the name of that famous English shipowner, Cunard. 英国著名的船主苟纳尔的名字是没有一个人不知道。 In 1840 this shrewd industrialist founded a postal service between Liverpool and Halifax, 这位精明的企业...
Without the high quality of its hull, 毫无疑问,如果不是船身质地优良,特别坚固, the Moravian would surely have split open from this collision and gone down together with those 237 passengers it was bringing back from Canada. 摩拉...
Finally, in a much-feared satirical journal, an article by its most popular columnist finished off the monster for good, 最后,某一著名尖刻的讽刺报有一位最受欢迎的编辑先生草草了事地发表一篇文章,处理了这个怪物...
An interminable debate then broke out between believers and skeptics in the scholarly societies and scientific journals. 于是,在学术团体里和科学报刊中产生了相信者和怀疑者,这两派人无休止地争论着。 The monster qu...
One after another, reports arrived that would profoundly affect public opinion: new observations taken by the transatlantic liner Pereire, 接连不断地传来的消息,横渡大西洋的贝雷尔号所做的种种观察, the Inman line's Etna r...
Similar events were likewise observed in Pacific seas, on July 23 of the same year, by the Christopher Columbus from the West India amp; Pacific Steam Navigation Co. 同年7月23日,西印度-太平洋汽船公司的克利斯托巴尔哥郎号,在太...
If it was a cetacean, it exceeded in bulk any whale previously classified by science. 如果这东西是鲸鱼类动物,那么它的体积:是大大超过了生物学家曾经加以分类的鲸鱼。 No naturalist, neither Cuvier nor Lacpde, neit...
CHAPTER 1 A Runaway Reef 第一章 飞走的暗礁 THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. 人们一定还记得1866年海上发生的一件离奇的、神...