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  • 经济学人407:二战代价几何(2) Mr Hastings's technique is to mine the written record of those who took part both actively and passively. His witnesses range from the men whose decisions sent millions to their deaths to the ordinary soldiers who carried out their orders and the civ
  • 经济学人408:二战代价几何(3) The majority of the civilian soldiers of the Western democracies, by contrast, just wanted to survive and return to normal life as soon as possible. That also meant that American and British generals had to eschew the dashing aggression of their Russ
  • 经济学人409:二战代价几何(4) Mr Beevor is keener than Mr Hastings on detailing the horror. He is particularly vivid in describing the barbarities that became commonplace during the carnage on the Eastern front. Frozen German corpses littering the battlefield were frequently miss
  • 经济学人410:网络是如何运作 Books and Artts; Book review;How the internet works; 文艺;书评;互联网如何运作; Mapping the tubes; 绘制网路全景; Contrary to expectations, the internet has a heart of cable and steel 和预期不一样,互联网有一颗由电缆和
  • 经济学人411:当诺拉遇到乔治(1) Obituary;Nora Ephron and Lonesome George 讣告;诺拉艾芙伦与孤独乔治 Nora Ephron, observer of sexual behaviour, died on June 26th, aged 71. Lonesome George, habitual abstainer, died on June 24th, aged perhaps 100 性行为观察家诺拉艾
  • 经济学人412:上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century lion Books and Arts; Book Review;Harry Belafonte's autobiography; 文艺;书评;哈利贝拉方特自传; Twentieth-century lion; 上世纪的名流; My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte; 《我的歌:追忆艺术,
  • 经济学人413:阿富汗坎大哈市长遇刺身亡 Obituary; Ghulam Haider Hamidi; 讣告;胡拉姆海德尔哈米迪; Ghulam Haider Hamidi, mayor of Kandahar City, died on July 27th, aged 64; 阿富汗坎大哈市市长胡拉姆海德尔哈米迪7月27日遇刺身亡,终年64岁; Like most
  • 经济学人414:黑白的希望 The black white hope Books and Arts; Book Review;Racism in sport; 文艺;书评;运动场上的种族歧视; The black white hope; 黑白的希望; The Longest Fight: In the Ring with Joe Gans, Boxing's First African-American Champion. By William Gildea. 《最漫长的
  • 经济学人415:听君一席话 胜读十年书 Business books quarterly;Book Review; 商业书籍季刊;书评; Terry Leahy's management;One to ten; 特里利亚的管理之道;听君一席话,胜读十年书; Management in 10 Words. By Terry Leahy. 《管理真言》,作者:特里利
  • 经济学人416:路还长 Long life Roger Payne 罗杰佩恩 Roger Payne, alpinist and avalanche expert, died on July 12th, aged 55 罗杰佩恩,登山家,雪崩专家。7月13日遇难,年仅55岁。 MOST climbers simply chafe to reach the tops of mountains. Roger Payne was diff
  • 经济学人417:永无止境的欲望 Books and Arts; Book Review;Money and the markets 文艺;书评;货币与市场 Insatiable longing 永无止境的欲望 Two new books probe the limits of capitalism 两本新书带领我们探索资本主义的底线 How Much Is Enough? Money an
  • 经济学人418:只为重建信心 For those who have lost faith Books and Arts; Book Review;Rehabilitating capitalism 文艺;书评;振兴资本主义 For those who have lost faith 只为重建信心 Why Capitalism? By Allan Meltzer. 《为何是资本主义?》作者:Allan Meltzer A Capitalism for the Pe
  • 经济学人419:英国作家艾伦·西利托 Business 商业。 Yahoo 雅虎。 Googling a new boss 从谷歌来的新总裁。 Marissa Mayer takes on one of the toughest jobs in tech 玛丽莎梅耶尔接任技术界一份最艰巨的工作。 SHORTLY after news broke on July 16th of her appoi
  • 经济学人420:稀土与气候变化 陷入了危机? Science and Technology 科技 Rare earths and climate change 稀土与气候变化 In a hole? 陷入了危机? Demand for some rare-earth elements could rapidly outstrip supply 某些稀土元素可能很快会供不应求 MANY plans for reducing t
  • 经济学人421:日本服饰品牌优衣库正加速占领中国市场 Business 商业 Uniqlo Golden fleeces 日本服装品牌神话优衣库 Zara's Japanese rival gears itself to conquer China. 作为西班牙服装品牌Zara的竞争对手,日本本土服饰品牌Uniqlo优衣库正加速占领中国市场。 FASHIO