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  • 经济学人376:追求永生是如何影响文明 Immortality 永生 For ever and ever 追求永生 Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilisation. 《永生:对长命百岁的追求及这是如何影响文明》 IMMORTALITY is an age-old obsession. Plenty of literature deal
  • 经济学人377:手握乾坤,制表大师乔治·丹尼尔斯 George Daniels 手握乾坤:制表大师乔治丹尼尔斯 George Daniels, master watchmaker, died on October 21st, aged 85 近250年来最伟大的制表师乔治丹尼尔斯(George Daniels)于10月21日去世,享年85岁。 A SCHOOLBOY once
  • 经济学人378:民主阵营的兵工厂 American business in wartime 美国的战时经济 Democracy's arsenal 民主阵营的兵工厂 Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II. By Arthur Herman. 《铸就自由:美国工业如何赢得了二战》亚瑟赫尔
  • 经济学人379:法国艺术家罗曼·欧帕尔卡 Roman Opalka 罗曼欧帕尔卡 Roman Opalka, painter of infinity, died on August 6th, aged 79 罗曼欧帕尔卡,绘制无限的画家,于八月六日逝世,享年79岁 SLOWLY, though his heart was pounding like a runners, Roman Opalka approac
  • 经济学人380:土耳其的文化雄心(1) Turkeys cultural ambitions 土耳其的文化雄心 Of marbles and men 大理石和人 Turkey gets tough with foreign museums and launches a new culture war 土耳其对外国博物馆采取强硬态度,并发动一场新的文化战争 IN THE spri
  • 经济学人381:土耳其的文化雄心(2) Curators in other countries are alarmed at what they see as growing aggression. A leading museum director even described the campaign as blackmail. So what chance has Turkey of winning this new culture war? 其他国家的馆长将这些日益增长的
  • 经济学人382:土耳其的文化雄心(3) For most of the 20th century Turkish authorities were happy to lend their treasures for foreign exhibitions and ignored the provenance of most pieces in Western collections. Today, however, the government argues that any object without the correct pe
  • 经济学人383:土耳其的文化雄心(4) The BM says that the stele entered its collection in 1927, nine years after the collapse of the Ottoman empire, and it had been acquired in Syria, not in Turkey. The Turks were unimpressed. The British Museum has no sense of joint venture, says Ilber
  • 经济学人384:墨西哥一代大文豪卡洛斯·富恩特斯 Carlos Fuentes 卡洛斯富恩特斯 Carlos Fuentes, man of letters, died on May 15th, aged 83 学者卡洛斯富恩特斯于5月15日逝世,享年83岁 EVERY summer holiday when he was at school, Carlos Fuentes would stay with his grandmothers, on
  • 经济学人385:糖果店里的孩子 Books amp; Arts 图书与艺术 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会艺术博物馆 The Metropolitans new director gives his first interview 与大都会博物馆新管理人的初次面谈 I FEEL like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz; picked up by a
  • 经济学人386:古巴人权活动家劳拉·普兰 Laura Pollan 劳拉普兰 Laura Pollan Toledo, teacher and human-rights campaigner, died on October 14th, aged 63. 劳拉普兰托莱多 教师和人权活动家,于10月14日去世,享年63岁。 THE house at 963 Calle Neptuno, in the centre of
  • 经济学人387:都铎王朝那些事儿 books and arts 文艺 book review 书评 New fiction 新小说 Tudor prose 都铎王朝那些事儿 Bring Up the Bodies.By Hilary Mantel. 《死尸示众》拉里曼特尔著。 HILARY MANTEL'S Man Booker prize-winning novel, Wolf Hall, was a momento
  • 经济学人388:宝莱坞巨星山米·卡帕尔 Shammi Kapoor 山米卡帕尔 Shamsher Raj Kapoor, Bollywood superstar, died on August 14th, aged 79 山米什尔罗杰卡帕尔,宝莱坞巨星,于8月14日逝世,享年79岁 THE stately descent of an eyelid; the five-minute burning glance; te
  • 经济学人389:诗歌的力量 Books and arts;book review; 文艺;书评; James Fenton's poetry;Flower power; 詹姆士.芬顿的诗;诗歌的力量; A modern master goes from strength to strength; 一位逐渐成长起来的当代诗坛巨匠; Yellow Tulipspoem;by JAMES
  • 经济学人390:欧洲高尔夫球王 Obituary;Seve Ballesteros; 讣告;塞弗巴耶斯特罗斯; Severiano Ballesteros, Europe's greatest golfer, died on May 7th, aged 54. 欧洲高尔夫名将Severiano Ballesteros,5月7日辞世,享年54岁。 As he struck the ball, Seve Balles