A burglary is often described as being a violation. 入室行窃经常被形容为一种暴行, And it's a good word for it because it's not just about what is physically taken, it's about what is emotionally done to the person being robbed. 这个词...
These well-informed young people had a very modest interest in the print media. 这些见多识广的年轻人对纸质媒体兴致不高。 Unlike me, they didn't feel their day was incomplete without reading a newspaper. 我要是一天不看报纸就...
It's hard enough to describe the synergy between the idea of a soul and the material world. Talk of eternity is even more difficult. How does a person gain the whole world and lose his soul? And how does a soul die?Is the soul the phantom me, which f...
Perhaps it's only when we fully accept that we will die that we can fully accept how alive we are right now. 可能只有当我们全然接受人生必死的现实,才能意识到当下的人生是多么鲜活。 Death brings perspective, then. It...
Last Friday a distinguished Anglican clergyman, the Rev Paul Oestreicher, told us that in his opinion Jesus Christ was probably gay because of his affection for his beloved apostle St John. Next day, however, the former Tory MP and Times columnist Ma...
I'm spiritual but I'm not religious is now a commonplace among people in Britain, the majority of whose population live their lives without reference to organised religion. In my role as an Anglican priest, I meet significant numbers of people who ar...
More recent and disturbing history will be reviewed this week by a court in Oslo. While Anders Behring Breivik will present his own warped view of reality, victims and bereaved families will confront again the terror of what actually happened. To res...
The trouble about money is that it is often linked to power. Money well used can do great things which benefit many people, anything from funding the arts to bringing food and water to a starving nation. It has great pragmatic possibilities. But ther...
Living in harmony with nature is so essential to our well-being that it is the first lesson of scripture. The account of creation in the book of Genesis tells of the idyllic Garden of Eden where man lives amid beauty and new life. Rather than be cont...
For so long we have fought to be treated the same as men. And of course we have equal value in God's sight, and deserve equal pay, equal rights and opportunities. But we are not the same. That's the point. I will make a colleague and a companion meet...
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself. But how can we do that practically? Well, maybe there is an elderly person in your street who's got no family. Maybe you can help them with their shopping or simply spend some ti...
Whether we expand existing towns or build new cities it begs the question about how we build an environment that helps us live in harmony with each other and with the natural world, upon which we depend for our existence.The history of the earth told...
The road to peace and reconciliation is a complex and painful process, whether in national or indeed individual conflicts. It involves the conquering of fear, the dealing with bitterness and outrage, and the building of trust. It can be supported or...
Some time ago at a buffet lunch in a church hall - not quite a fine dining event - I recall a lively conversation between an unemployed man in early middle age and an older, wealthy industrialist. The younger man commented that unemployment was hard...
The Passover season is well and truly on us.We're preparing our homes for the festival of freedom, with its special foods and elaborate rituals, one of the oldest religious rituals in the world, and one of Judaism's most sacred moments. What's specia...