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生活大爆炸第八季 第48期:开始出汗

时间:2019-02-25 02:13来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 I'm sweating already. 我已经开始出汗了。

Yeah, as the person beneath you, allow me to say, I know. 我就在你下面,所以我感觉到了。
How hot is it? 这里有多热?
Uh, let's see. 704? No, wait, it's on "Clock." 我看看,704度?不对,我看的是时间。
No, the real answer isn't much better. 102 degrees. 真正的答案也好不到哪里去。102华氏度
Well, that's what we wanted. This is as hot as the mines will be. 这就是我们想要的,和矿井差不多热。
True. 没错。
Sheldon's Mine Simulation Log, entry one. 谢尔顿矿井模拟日志,第一条。
Koothrappali's restating of the obvious is already getting on my nerves. 库斯拉帕里老是重新叙述一些明摆的事情已经开始让我火大了。
Thanks again for having us. 谢谢邀请我们来你们家做客。
Oh, of course. What did you guys want to talk about? 别客气。你们俩想问什么事啊?
Well, you know, now that we're engaged, we had some questions about how you handle money as a couple. 你们也知道,我们已经订婚了,所以想咨询你们一下夫妻之间如何处理金钱。
I told you they weren't gonna ask us to swing with them. 看吧,就说他们不是来邀我们玩换妻游戏。
I didn't think they were going to. I just wanted to have a way to say no without hurting Leonard's feelings. 我本来就觉得不是啊。我只是怕伤莱纳德自尊,提前想好怎么拒绝而已。
Well...nailed it. 好吧,干得好。
So what did you want to know? 你们想知道什么?
Well, do you guys ever fight over money? 你们俩有曾经为钱吵过架吗?
Sure, sometimes. I mean, it can be a little awkward since I make so much more money than Howie. 当然,有时候会啊。怎么说呢,多少会有一点别扭吧,毕竟我现在挣钱比华仔多那么多。
You didn't have to say "so much more." 你也没必要说“多那么多”吧。
Well, I didn't have to, but for the sake of accuracy I felt that I should. 是没必要,但是为了准确起见,我觉得我应该这么说。
I brought a lot of significant assets into the relationship, too. 我也为这段婚姻购置了很多重大资产好吗。
Like what? Your incomplete set of Star Trek1 collector plates? 比如呢?你那套不完整的《星际迷航》收藏挂盘吗?
For your information, I just bought the last one I needed on eBay. 忘了告诉你,我刚在易趣上买了最后一个,现在一套齐了。
Without asking me? 不用跟老婆请示吗?
There were only three minutes left in the auction2 and it was a mint condition Scotty from a smoke-free home. 当时拍卖就剩三分钟了,而且那个史考特挂盘是全新的,而且卖家家里还不抽烟。
How much, Howie? 多少钱,华仔?
Not a lot. 不多啦。
How much? 到底多少?
Let's not talk about this in front of our friends. 我们别当着朋友的面说这个行吗。
Was it more or less than falconry school? 比去训鹰学校贵还是便宜?
For the tenth time, that was a Groupon. 我再说第十次,那是在团购网上团的。
Like I would swing with him. 鬼才愿意跟他换妻咧。


1 trek 9m8wi     
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
2 auction 3uVzy     
  • They've put the contents of their house up for auction.他们把房子里的东西全都拿去拍卖了。
  • They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。
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