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  • 听力文摘:杂草为何容易重生 Crabgrass,that ugly, obnoxious weed that is the scourge of theperfect lawn and its perfectionist gardener. 杂草丑陋而令人生厌。是整齐的草坪和崇尚完美主义园丁的祸害。 Along with being an eyesore, 除了难看之外, it's
  • 听力文摘:加班坏处知多少 The actual mental and physical consequences of working too much are less well known. 很少有人知晓过度劳作对人身心的真正影响。 According to a good amount of research, overworking, which is typically defined as working morethan fift
  • 听力文摘:超市的数字把戏 Have you ever gone to the store just for milk, but walked out with eight sale-priced cans ofsomething you'd never tasted and eight candy bars? 你是否亲身经历过下面的情况:走进超市时的你只是想买一瓶牛奶,但当你离开时,
  • 听力文摘:猫为何会有九条命 Humpty Dumpty may have sat on a wall and had a great fall,but Humpty Dumpty wasn't a cat. 矮胖子,坐墙头,一不小心栽跟斗,但要是只猫就不会这么惨。 How do we know this? 我们怎么知道猫猫摔不死? Because, unlike a
  • 听力文摘:从小行星手里拯救世界 Okay, so there's an asteroid heading toward the Earth. Whatdo we do? 我们来假设,有颗小行星要撞地球啦,我们怎么办呢? Does our future really rest in the hands of Hollywood, Bruce Willis and a ragtag team ofminers like in the m
  • 听力文摘:缓慢的生存 Silkworms have been bred over thousands of years to behave quite unlike their caterpillarcousins in the wild. 蚕这种动物已经被人类豢养了上千年,这使得它们的行为远远异于野外的毛毛虫同类们。 That's because people
  • 听力文摘:再给你个爱上泰国菜的理由 Have you ever wondered why some cuisines, like Indian and Thai, are so spicy and others, like English, are so bland? 你是否也曾好奇,为何印度菜和泰国菜辛辣无比,而英国菜却近乎清淡无味? Let's see,India and Thailand a
  • 听力文摘:有一种沸腾能冷却你的食物 When you think of something boiling, you probably picture a pot on the stove, 一提到沸腾的事物,你的脑海里可能就会浮现出水壶被放在炉子上的画面。 but there'sanother kitchen appliance that brings liquid to a boil, not t
  • 听力文摘:全球变暖对灰熊有益吗? You've probably heard that climate change is bad news formany animal species like polar bears. 你可能听说过,气候变化对很多诸如北极熊这样的物种都是不利的。 Warmer temperatures mean less sea ice in the Arctic region. 温度
  • 听力文摘:网络多样性 I'm so tired of hackers. 我讨厌黑客。 That's what happens when you have bunch of computersruning the same software. 如果所有的电脑都在运行同一个软件很容易被黑客攻击。 Because they share the same flaws,if you can hack in
  • 听力文摘:同情心研究 Part of being human is feeling sympathy, 人类的一大特点就是有同情心, but just howearly on in our lives we learn this is something that scientists would like to know. 可是科学们想知道的是同情心最早是什么时候进入我们
  • 听力文摘:寄生蝇的耳朵给人类的启示 Most flies don't havethe ability to hear. 大多数蝇类其实并没有听觉能力。 Certain parasitic flies have a hearing system that is so exact inpinpointing a sound's origin that it rivals the exceptional ears of owls and cats. 然而寄生蝇却
  • 听力文摘:蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑 Any list of the world's top ten most famous paintings will surely include da Vinci's Mona Lisa. 在任何世界名画前十名的列表中,一定都会有达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎。 Part of the painting's appeal is its mystery. 其吸引力部分来自
  • 听力文摘:眼睛 绿色的门 Here's a simple demonstration you can do with cool implications. 告诉你一个很简单的论证:通过它你可以得出很酷的答案。 Find a large object that isbrightly coloredlet's make it a green door. 找到一个大的颜色鲜艳的物件
  • 听力文摘:干旱 For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food andwater, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought. 对于我们这些足够幸运能够有充足的食物和充沛的水资源的人来说,干旱是无法想象的。 A drought occu