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Scene 272 加油

时间:2024-05-20 02:50来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 272 加油

❶ 我的车该加油了。My car needs some gas.

对话 A: My car needs some gas. 我的车该加油了。

B: Let's find a gas station. 我们找个加油站吧。

❷ 我们的车快没油了。We're running out of gas.

同类表达 The gas of our car is exhausted1.

The gas of our car is used up.

❸ 油箱里没油了。There isn't any gas in the tank.

对话 A: Oh, there isn't any gas in the tank. 哦,油箱里没油了。

B: Come on, there is no gas station nearby. What should we do? 天哪,这附近没有加油站。我们该怎么办?

❹ 我们汽车的汽油要用完了。Our car is running out of gas.

对话 A: Our car is running out of gas. 我们汽车的汽油要用完了。

B: In that case, we need to find a gas station. 那样的话,我们得找一个加油站。

❺ 那边有家自助加油站。There is a self-service gas station over there.

对话 A: Our car will run out of gas at once. 咱们的车马上就要没油了。

B: There is a self-service gas station over there. 那边有家自助加油站。

❻ 请加满无铅汽油。Fill it up with unleaded gas, please.

对话 A: How can I help you? 你需要什么服务?

B: Fill it up with unleaded gas, please. 请加满无铅汽油。

❼ 我的车加普通汽油。My car takes regular gas.

对话 A: What kind of gas do you want to fill up the gas tank? 你需要加哪种汽油?

B: My car takes regular gas. 我的车加普通汽油。

❽ 请选择你要的那种油。Please select the gas you'd like.

对话 A: How can I have gas selections2? 我怎样才能看到油的种类呢?

B: Swipe the card through the machine, and then please select the gas you'd like. 先在机器上刷卡,然后请选择你要的那种油。

❾ 将油枪嘴插入车子的油箱。Insert the nozzle into the tank of your car.

对话 A: I don't know how to fill up my gas tank in the self-service gas station. 在自助加油站,我不知道如何加满油箱。

B: Insert the nozzle into the tank of your car. 将油枪嘴插入车子的油箱。

❿ 油一加满,机器会自动停止加油。When the tank is full, the fuel will stop pumping.


1 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
2 selections a9e59e65ba7615f08f0b5ca19740addf     
n.选择,挑选( selection的名词复数 );被挑选的人[事物];选萃,选集;可供选择的东西
  • These are selections from ten thousand. 这些是从一万个里挑选出来的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The band played selections. 乐队演奏一些选曲。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
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