Scene 349 签约
❶ 租约期是多久?How long will the lease be?
同类表达 How long is the lease going to be? 租约期是多久?
❷ 我必须要签一年的租约吗?Do I have to sign for a one-year term?
同类表达 Do I have to sign for an entire year?
Do I have to sign a twelve-month lease?
❸ 你必须要先付押金。You must pay a deposit.
同类表达 You must deposit $500 as well as the first month's rent. 你必须交500美元押金和第一个月的租金。
We ask that you leave one month's rent as a deposit. 我们要求你付一个月的租金作为押金。
❹ 如果你损坏了这里的任何设备我们都不退你的押金。We will not refund your deposit if you destroy any equipment here.
❺ 我需要一些时间仔细看看这份合约。I need some time to look over the lease.
同类表达 Do I have to sign a lease? 我必须要签租约吗?
Can I sign it tomorrow? 我明天再签可以吗?
❻ 房租不迟于每月六号付清。The rent is due no later than the sixth of each month.
对话 A: When should I pay the rent? 我什么时候要给你房租?
B: The rent is due no later than the sixth of each month. 房租不迟于每月六号付清。
❼ 我们能谈一下价钱吗?Can we negotiate the price?
这样回答 This is the price we agreed on. 这是我们之前谈好的价钱。
❽ 如果我毁约的话会怎样?What will happen if I break the contract?
对话 A: What will happen if I break the contract? 如果我毁约的话会怎样?
B: We will not return your deposit. 我们不会退你的押金。
❾ 租约到期可以续约。Your lease can be renewed once it's up.
同类表达 The lease will begin next Monday. 租约下周一开始生效。
❿ 押金在你租约期满后归还。The deposit will be returned to you at the end of your lease.
同类表达 When can I get the deposit? 我什么时候能拿回押金?
When should I pay the deposit? 我应该什么时候支付押金?