有时候,货物在运输的过程中会造成一定的损毁。这个时候买卖双方就应该合力调查清楚损毁原因和责任,以便向责任方提出赔偿、协调解决问题。听上去是不是极端复杂?其实用几句简单的英语也可以搞定哦! A-bargainer B-buyer C-inquirer A: Yes, may I help you? 有什么事吗? B: We got a damaged shipment from you. 你们送来的货有损坏。 A: Was the damage extensive? 坏得很多、很严重吗? B: I'd say about half of the shipment is unusable. 我看大概有一半的货不能用了。 A: We'll send someone right away to look at it. 我们会马上派个人去查看。 B: Good, we'll be expecting him. 好,我们等着他。 … A: How bad was the damage? 损坏情况如何? C: One packing case was crushed. 有一个箱子全压坏了。 A: Was all the material in that case destroyed? 箱里的东西都毁了吗? C: I don't think any of it can be used. 我看都不能用了。 … B: Just whose fault is this damage? 这次的损坏究竟是谁的责任呢? A: The order was in good shape when it left our factory. 货离开工厂时都是完好无缺的啊。 B: It certainly didn't arrive here that way. 送到这儿时可不是那样! A: We'll make it right with you, of course. 当然,我们会帮你调查清楚的。