Queensland launched the 'Best Job in the World' campaign on Jan 12,calling for video applications from people interested in a $100,000contract to relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef1 for six months while writing a blog to promote the island。
男人梦想的职业:啤酒品尝师男人梦想的职业:啤酒品尝师Helen Moores, chief buyer of world and speciality2 beers at Tesco,has a job that most men could only dream of. Ms Moores tastes beer.Often as early as 9.30am and is employed to drink – and swallow –beers from around the world. "Sometimes I sample more than 20 beers in a session – so I have to watch it. My boyfriend is very jealous of my job."海伦·莫尔斯是英国超市乐购的全球采购员也是啤酒专家。她的工作是大多数男人梦寐以求的——品尝啤酒。她通常从早晨9:30开始工作,品尝来自世界各地的啤酒。她说自己有时候一次要品尝20多种啤酒。她男朋友非常嫉妒她。
最“寒”的工作:南极电工最“寒”的工作:南极电工Tony McLaughlan would argue that his role as an electrician3 in Antarctica for the British Antarctic Survey is the best. The -50Ctemperatures and the fact that Mr McLaughlan is 9,000 miles from home in an almost uninhabitable wilderness4 mean that demand for an electrician will be low. However, the ?23,000 salary, free food andpaid rent meant that thousands of people jammed phone lines whether job was first advertised on the BBC。
最清凉的工作:水上滑梯测试员最清凉的工作:水上滑梯测试员For those who prefer warmer climes, then work as a waterslide tester might be more appealing. Tommy Lynch spends his working daystouring his holiday firm's "splash5 resorts" to monitor quality control. For some of these he has to struggle to locations inCyprus, the Algarve, Egypt and Mallorca. "I do have the best job inthe world," said Mr Lynch, "but no one believes me when I tell them what it is."对于那些更喜欢暖和天气的人来说,做一个水上滑梯测试员就很有吸引力了。TommyLynch的工作就是测试各地水上乐园的滑梯质量。
最适合懒人的工作:酒店床铺测试员最适合懒人的工作:酒店床铺测试员Leigh McCarron is paid to take a night's rest at a Travelodge threeor four times a week to ensure that the beds are up to standard.The position of director of sleep pays a salary of ?60,000 ayear。
最养眼的工作:人体彩绘师最养眼的工作:人体彩绘师perhaps the job that really takes the biscuit when it comes to "job satisfaction" belongs to Betto Almedia, during the Rio de Janeirocarnival. The Brazilian goes to work at 11am each day and spendshis time painting the bodies of some of the carnival's most beautiful women。
It takes about two hours to paint each living artwork, and most days he will have two blank canvases6 to turn into masterpieces, forwhich he charges ?660 a day. "You wouldn't believe how many applications I get for an assistant," Mr Almedia said. "But it'shard work, man, I take my job seriously."说起最让人满意的工作,恐怕非贝托·阿米尼亚的工作莫属了。贝托在巴黎狂欢节前,每天11点开始工作,他的任务就是在最美的女人身上画画。

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n.礁,礁石,暗礁 | |
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n.专业,专长,名产,特产 | |
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n.电工,电气技师 | |
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n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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v.溅,泼;n.溅泼声,溅出的水等,斑点 | |
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n.帆布( canvas的名词复数 );油画(布) | |
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