The newest poll results in the US indicated that 75% of Internet users believed that the Internet heightens and increases human intelligence, and that this would make people smarter in the next ten years。 In addition, two-thirds felt that the Inter...
A brand new store has just opened that sells Husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascen...
US marriages last longer than unions where couples live together outside matrimony, the Centers for Disease Control reported on Tuesday。 About 78 percent of marriages lasted five years or more, compared with less than 30 percent of what the CDC cal...
A fridge that talks to your washing machine and a television that instructs your dishwasher. It's all possible at CeBIT, the world's top high-tech fair。 But the question is: what's the point? Well, for example, you could be sitting on your sofa in...
Ugly-but-virtuous woman:大家都知道ugly是丑陋的意思,virtuous意思是:品德高尚的,有美德的。这个短语字面意思就丑陋但有美德的女子。 那么它和无盐有什么联系呢? 大家一起看下面的解释:...
Seat这个词,我们再熟悉不过了,它的中文意思是座位。我们的生活中有各种各样的座位,比如汽车上的驾驶座、看台上的观摩座等等。这些座位在不同的语境里会表示不同的意思。 1. I am ver...
新的一学期就要开始了。寒假的过度自由让不少刚返校的学生都患上了节后综合症(post-holiday syndrome):很多学生出现食不知味、夜不能寐、上课打哈欠等症状。对此,专家们给出了怎样的建议呢...
春天到了,夏天还会远吗?看着商场里琳琅满目的衣服,相信不少MM都暗下了减肥的决心。近期,美研究人员发现,睡眠时间关乎腹围,睡眠过少或过多,都会导致腹部脂肪(abdominal fat)明显增加...
Britons are allowing their manners to slip as chivalry becomes a dying art, researchers claim。 More that eight out of 10 passengers refuse to give up their seats on the bus, train or Tube, a survey by health care provider Simplyhealth said。 Aroun...
1.As a child, the little boy very poor family, food, rice is often not enough to eat, his mother took the bowl of rice to the children to eat. Said the mother, children, eat fast, I hungry! - Scatter his mothers first lie 儿时,小男孩家很穷,...
Men enjoy half an hour more of leisure time each day than women, a report claims。 The international survey found that men spent longer watching television, meeting friends, playing sport or pursuing hobbies than the fairer sex。 The Organization o...