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   《大家说英语》以其对话简洁、重点突出、语言地道、设计系统、语境 典型、录音纯正等众多特点受到了读者的欢迎。从出版到现在,短短的五年里服务读者数以十万计,而且也已经成为很多作者研究、模仿的对象。




  • 【大家说英语】 第380期:乘船旅游(2)

    I hear you like kayaking, Alex. 阿莱克斯,我听说你喜欢划皮艇。 Yes, I do. A friend and I are going kayaking on the Old Mill River this weekend. 是的。这周末我要和一个朋友去Old Mill河划皮艇。 Will you camp? 你们会去...

  • 【大家说英语】 第379期:乘船旅游(1)

    So, Alex, do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? 阿莱克斯,你这周末有什么刺激有趣的计划吗? I do, Ben. A friend invited me to go kayaking with him. 有啊,本。我一个朋友邀请我和他一起划皮艇。 Kayaking...

  • 【大家说英语】 第378期:天气晴朗(2)

    Rob, what a hot day! 罗布,今天天气太热了! Hi, Alex. What were you doing outside? 嗨,阿莱克斯。你刚刚在户外在做什么? I was playing basketball. It was a lot of fun. 我刚刚在打篮球。很有意思。 You must be pr...

  • 【大家说英语】 第377期:天气晴朗(1)

    Linda, what a beautiful day! 琳达,今天天气真好啊! Yes. The sun is really bright. 是啊。阳光真得很灿烂啊。 Let's go to the park. 我们一起去公园吧。 I don't know, Susie. It's very hot in the sun. 我不知道耶,苏西...

  • 【大家说英语】 第376期:移民到新的国家

    Where are you from? Were you born where you live or did you move there? 你来自哪里?你的出生地是你现在居住的地方,还是你搬过去的地方? People have always moved from country to country. 人们总是会从一个国家搬到...

  • 【大家说英语】 第375期:舒适的客厅(2)

    So, Susie, what happened to your sofa? 苏西,你的沙发怎么了? I was taking care of my neighbor's dog. I left the dog alone for a couple of hours and... 我当时在照顾我邻居的狗。我把那只狗独自留在家里几个小时,结果...

  • 【大家说英语】 第374期:舒适的客厅(1)

    Hi, Taylor. What do you know about furniture? 嗨,泰勒。你对家具有什么了解吗? Not much. But I like comfortable furniture. I know that! 不太多。但是我喜欢舒适的家具。我对这个有了解! I need a new sofa. 我需要一...

  • 【大家说英语】 第373期:与我同行(2)

    Do you like musicals, Susie? 苏西,你喜欢音乐剧吗? Sure. Musicals are fun to watch. Why do you ask? 当然。音乐剧看起来很有意思。为什么你这么问? I saw an advertisement for the musical Motown-- The Musical in the news...

  • 【大家说英语】 第372期:与我同行(1)

    How often do you watch movies, Alex? 阿莱克斯,你多久看一次电影? I watch a lot of movies. 我看了很多电影。 Good. Let's go see a movie. 好的。我们一起去看场电影吧。 Sure! What movie do you want to see? 没问题!你...

  • 【大家说英语】 第371期:夏季服装(2)

    I need some new shorts. Most of mine have holes in them. 我需要一些新短裤。我大部分短裤都破了洞。 Go to Macy's department store at the mall. They have cool shorts. 去购物中心的梅西百货吧。那里有很酷的短裤。 Gr...

  • 【大家说英语】 第370期:夏季服装(1)

    Hey, Taylor, where do you shop for summer clothes? 嗨,泰勒,你在哪里买夏季的服装呢? I shop at the mall. I also shop at stores downtown. 我在商场里买。另外我也会去市区的商店买。 I need some new summer clothes. 我需...

  • 【大家说英语】 第369期:邮局二三事

    Hi, Taylor. I'm on my way to the post office. Do you need anything? 嗨,泰勒。我在去邮局的路上。你需要什么东西吗? No thanks. Why are you going to the post office? 不,谢谢。为什么你要去邮局呢? I have some lette...

  • 【大家说英语】 第368期:网上购物

    Good morning, Ben. 本,早上好。 Hi, Alex. How was your weekend? 嗨,阿莱克斯。周末过得怎么样? It was great! What about yours? 很棒!你呢? My weekend was good, too. I found the perfect birthday gift for my dad! 我的周末也...

  • 【大家说英语】 第367期:夏日童趣(2)

    I love summer, don't you, Ben? 我喜爱夏天,你不也是吗,本? I loved summer when I was a kid. Because I didn't have to work. I had three months of vacation! 在我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢夏天。因为我没必要工作。我有...

  • 【大家说英语】 第366期:夏日童趣(1)

    Hello, Cora Camp. Welcome to the program! 你好,科拉坎普。欢迎来到我们的节目! Thank you, Rob. I love summer! 谢谢,罗布。我喜欢夏天! Let's talk about summer, Cora. What do you do? 科拉,让我们谈谈夏天吧。你从...
