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   《大家说英语》以其对话简洁、重点突出、语言地道、设计系统、语境 典型、录音纯正等众多特点受到了读者的欢迎。从出版到现在,短短的五年里服务读者数以十万计,而且也已经成为很多作者研究、模仿的对象。




  • 【大家说英语】 第336期:这么多鸟儿啊!(1)

    Do you like birds, Ben? 本,你喜欢鸟类吗? Sure! I see them around my house. They like my trees. 当然!我在我家附近看到过。它们喜欢我的树。 I like birds, too. Birds are very interesting. And there are so many different t...

  • 【大家说英语】 第335期:去巴黎旅行(2)

    Rob, have you been to Paris? 罗布,你去过巴黎吗? Yes I have, but it was many years ago. 是的,我去过,但是那是多年以前了。 The French people have some interesting customs, don't they? 法国人有些有趣的习俗,是这样...

  • 【大家说英语】 第334期:去巴黎旅行

    Wow, I can't believe it! 哇,我简直不能相信! What can't you believe? 你不相信什么? My sister is getting married. 我的姐姐要结婚了。 Why is that hard to believe? 这有什么不能相信的? Oh, that isn't hard to believe...

  • 【大家说英语】 第333期:珍惜水资源

    Water is important. We all need water. 水很重要。我们都需要水。 Most people drink about two liters every day. 大多数人每天要喝约两升的水。 Water helps us stay clean, cook and grow food. 谁能够帮助我们保持洁净、做饭...

  • 【大家说英语】 第332期:洗手间大小事(2)

    Hi, Susie. Sorry I'm late. 嗨,苏西。很抱歉我迟到了。 That's OK. Did something happen? 没关系。出了什么事儿吗? Yes. I took a shower this morning. But I wasn't careful with the shower curtain. 是的。我今早冲了个澡。但...

  • 【大家说英语】 第331期:洗手间大小事(1)

    Who cleans the bathrooms here? 这里的洗手间由谁来打扫? The janitor cleans them. Why? 是由看门人负责打扫的。怎么了? The bathroom is dirty. And there aren't any paper towels. 这间洗手间很脏。而且里面都没有纸巾...

  • 【大家说英语】 第330期:有什么好的建议?(2)

    How was your dinner at Ming's Chinese Palace? 你在明记皇厨的饭怎么样? It was great! All of the food was delicious. My friends loved it. 太棒了!所有的食物都很美味。我的朋友都很喜欢。 What did you have? 你们吃了什...

  • 【大家说英语】 第329期:有什么好的建议?(1)

    How are you today, Ben? 本,你今天过得怎么样? Pretty good. But I need some advice. 非常好。但是我需要一些建议。 About what? 关于什么的? My friends are visiting. Where can I take them for dinner? 我的朋友要来了。...

  • 【大家说英语】 第328期:琳达受伤进了医院(2)

    Linda! How are you? We were all so worried about you. 琳达!你怎么样了?我们都很担心你。 I'm OK. But my face still hurts. 我很好。但是我的脸受伤了。 What happened? 发生什么事了? I was careless. I drove the motorc...

  • 【大家说英语】 第327期:琳达受伤进了医院

    Linda is at the hospital? 琳达现在在医院? Yes. She's in the emergency room. 是的。她在急诊室。 Why aren't you with her? 为什么你没和她在一起? I'm picking up some things for her. 我给她带些东西。 How did she get t...

  • 【大家说英语】 第326期:学习骑摩托车(2)

    OK, Linda. Are you ready for your first lesson? 好的,琳达。你为你的第一节课做好准备了吗? Yes! I'm so excited. Let's go! 是的!我非常激动。让我们开始吧! Whoa. Slow down. First, we need to check the motorcycle. 哇...

  • 【大家说英语】第325期:学习骑摩托车

    Hey, Alex. Can I ask you a question? 嗨,阿莱克斯。我能问你一个问题吗? Sure. What is it? 当然。什么问题? Do you have a motorcycle? 你有摩托车吗? Yes, I do. But I don't drive it very often. 是的,我有。但是我不...

  • 【大家说英语】 第324期:打造美丽花园(2)

    Hi, Susie. Susie? 嗨,苏西。苏西? Oh, sorry. Good morning, Taylor. 哦,抱歉。早上好,泰勒。 What are you doing? 你在做什么呢? I'm reading about plants and gardens. I'm learning interesting things. 我在都有关植物和花...

  • 【大家说英语】 第323期:打造美丽花园

    Good morning, Linda! 早上好,琳达! Hi, Susie. What are you doing? 嗨,苏西。你在做什么? I'm looking at pictures of flowers. 我在看花的照片。 Why? Do you need them for a news report? 为什么?你需要这些花来制作一...

  • 【大家说英语】 第322期:飞行之梦

    Before there were airplanes, people dreamed of flying. 在飞机出现之前,人们就已经梦想着飞行了。 They told stories about flying people. 他们讲述有关飞翔的人的故事。 One old story is about a young man named Icarus. 有一...
