He stayed until I was out of sight, then turned and trotted north along the river and into the woods. 一直待到我看不见为止,然后转身沿河向北小跑,进了树林。 If the rest of his life was a mystery, when we were together we be...
When I'd shot ducks over the river before, I had to wait for the current to bring the bodies to shore. 以前我在河上射鸭子时,不得不等待水流把鸭子带到岸上。 This time was different. With the smell of the powder still in the a...
Not arf or ruff or a growl, but woof. 不是狗吠声、鸟叫声,抑或是咆哮声,而是低吠声。 For half a second, I froze. Then I let go of the shrub I had been clinging to and fell back down the incline. 我僵住了有半秒钟,然后,...
Much of my childhood in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, was excruciatingly lonely. 在明尼苏达州的锡夫里弗福尔斯,我童年的大部分时光都是极度孤独的。 Family troubles, devastating shyness, and a complete lack of social skil...
Overnight, we went from taking out children's eyes to not taking out children's eyes. 一夜之间,孩子的眼睛得以保留。 OAC is now performed in 45 countries, where it allows doctors to save 95 percent of eyes afflicted with retinoblastoma...
In any given week, about four dozen toddlers visit Dr. David Abramson's preschool-like clinic 在任意一个特定的时间里,大约有40多名蹒跚学步的孩子去参观 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. 纽约市纪念...
I don't want my money back. 我不想要回钱。 Still, the encounter produced its own kind of rewards. 尽管如此,这次遭遇还是有意义的。 For Fortune, it was a lesson in cultural awareness amid the sometimes bitter national debate abo...
To celebrate his girlfriend's birthday, Luke Fortune drove from a small town in Central Oregon to Portland, 为了庆祝女友的生日,卢克福琼从俄勒冈州中部的一个小镇开车前往波特兰。 where he parked his car in a paid garag...