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  • 灵感发源地-图书馆和书店

    the power of location 灵感发源地 Libraries and Bookstores 图书馆和书店 If you're a writer or artist, you understand the power of location when it comes to creativity and finding inspiration. Looking for a place that will get your juices fl...

  • 自信修炼术-每天练习感恩

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Practice gratitude daily. 每天练习感恩。 In a recent study of how successful people spend the first hour of each day, the No. 1 response was investing time in thinking about the things for which they are mo...

  • 自信修炼术-注意你的肢体语言

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Watch your body language. 注意你的肢体语言。 Your posture and overall appearance affect both your mental state and how others perceive (and thus respond) to you. If you want to be a leader, you have to dr...

  • 自信修炼术-做好准备功课

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Do your homework. 做好准备功课。 Keep up-to-date on the news in your industry, and know your company and department inside and out. If you have a challenging task ahead, prepare and practice in your mind. N...

  • 自信修炼术-将消极者从你的社交网络中清除

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Eliminate negative people from your network. You absolutely need to invite and be receptive to constructive criticism if you want to grow as a professional and as an individual. But recognize that some people will...

  • 自信修炼术-同自我对话时,保持积极态度

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Keep self-talk positive. It's hard to feel confident if someone puts you down all the time. It's impossible if that naysayer is you. Watch how you talk to yourself. Is it how you would talk to a friend? If not, th...

  • 自信修炼术-结交良师益友

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Cultivate mentors. 结交良师益友。 Their advice and connections are invaluable, plus you will make better decisions about opportunities thanks to their objective assessments of the pros and cons. And you wil...

  • 自信修炼术-多关心他人

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Put the focus on others. 多关心他人。 Choose to be conscious of others instead of self-conscious. Ask people questions. Turn conversations into a game where you try to find a connection with the other person...

  • 自信修炼术-每天做一些超越自己舒适区的事情

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 Do something outside your comfort zone each day。 If we don't stretch our comfort zones,they shrink. Constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things-and you will establis...

  • 自信修炼术-犹豫不决时,放手去做

    How to be confident. 自信修炼术 When in doubt,act. 犹豫不决时,手去做。 It's the difference between running and stagnant water. When you're stagnant, doubt and insecurities breed like mosquitoes. Dale Carnegie wrote that inaction breed...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-让你们的友情与众不同

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Make it special. 让你们的友情与众不同。 We are all special cases.Albert Camus The greatest friendships have quirks and qualities that are exclusive to them. Search for a special activity,...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-说实话,哪怕有点伤人

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Speak the truth (even if it hurts). 说实话(哪怕有点伤人)。 The truth is rarely pure and never simple.Oscar Wilde Have you ever watched a friend damage her self-esteem by staying in an...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-小心嫉妒之心

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Watch out for jealousy. 小心嫉妒之心。 The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. Bette Midler Your friend landed his dream job and you feel stuck in a rut. You...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-原谅过往

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Forgive the past. 原谅过往。 Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.Buddha Have you ever hurled an insult at a person when you were feeling stressed an...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-敞开心扉

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Be vulnerable. 敞开心扉。 I found that the more truthful and vulnerable I was, the more empowering it was for me. Alanis Morissette Hiding your flaws might be appropriate in a job interview, bu...
