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  • 如何做个真正的朋友-刺激他们去成长

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Challenge them to grow. 刺激他们去成长。 Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.Helen Keller If a friend tells you they plan to drop 10 lbs, tell them, 10 lbs? Please. I bet you...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-完全接受他们

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Accept them as they are. 完全接受他们。 Happiness can exist only in acceptance. George Orwell If you can't accept a person as they are, you will never know the feeling of true friendship. Fi...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-鼓励别人

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Offer your encouragement. 鼓励别人。 Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. Ralph Waldo Emerson The four most inspiring words you can speak to another per...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-学着安静

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Know when to hush. 学着安静。 When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen. Ernest Hemingway The act of vocally expressing our troubles to a trusted friend can offer instant st...

  • 如何做个真正的朋友-荣辱与共

    How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Life can be a lonely thing without companionship. Acquaintances are easy to come by but true friends are a whole other story. The best way to develop meaningful connections with true friends we can...

  • 每日一问题-我能怎样让这个世界有所不同

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 How am I making a difference in this world? 我能怎样让这个世界有所不同? We all want to make a difference in this world. Whether it be big or small. Life is about helping others live a better life. Take...

  • 每日一问题-什么让我快乐

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 What makes me happy? 什么让我快乐? This is a very simple question but worth talking about. Take a moment to reflect upon what truly makes you happy. I'm not talking about materialistic possessions or superfic...

  • 每日一问题-我现在在何处、我又想要去哪里

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 Where am I now in comparison to where I want to be? It's important for you to always reflect upon where you currently are and where you want to be in life. Being consciously aware that you are working towards your go...

  • 每日一问题-我总是和积极乐观的人相处吗

    Everyday Question Am I surrounding myself with positive people? 我总是和积极乐观的人相处吗? When it comes to your happiness, the people with which you surround yourself will influence you. We are more likely to conform when we are in a...

  • 每日一问题-我能给这个世界留下什么

    Everyday Question What is my legacy? 我能给这个世界留下什么? Take a moment and reflect upon this question. It's important for you to think long term. What do you want to be remembered by? When you're able to be clear with your legacy, yo...

  • 每日一问题-现在的我发自内心感受快乐吗

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 Am I experiencing happiness from within? 现在的我发自内心感受快乐吗? A lot of us fall into the trap of finding happiness from the outside world. Whether it be materialistic possessions or from other pe...

  • 每日一问题-我为什么要每天去上班

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 Why do I go to work every day? 我为什么要每天去上班? Do you know why you go to work every single day? Does it seem like you are constantly stuck in a draining routine? In order for you to be happy, you ne...

  • 每日一问题-今天我该如何满足我的需求

    Everyday Question 每日一问题 What can I do today to fulfill my human needs? 今天我该如何满足我的需求? There are 6 human needs that we experience. These 6 human needs consist of certainty, variety, significance, connection ,love, gr...

  • 每日一问题-我应该如何遵从我的价值观和信念

    Everyday Question How can I live in alignment with my values and beliefs in life today? 今天我应该如何遵从我的价值观和信念? Living in alignment with your deepest values and beliefs will ultimately make you happy. Human beings are m...

  • 做个好的倾听者-表示感谢

    how to be a good listener 做个好的倾听者 Thank Them 表示感谢 After a conversation, say Thank you for talking to me. You don't have to provide an answer or magical solution. Often, the other person just wants to be heard and acknowledged. B...
