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  • 生活必备技能-自律

    Self-discipline. 自律 Self-discipline is a skill. 自律是一种能力 It is the ability to focus and overcome distractions. It involves acting according to what you think instead of how you feel in the moment. It often requires sacrificing the pl...

  • 生活必备技能-积极向上

    Positivity. 积极向上 Research shows that although we think that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. A great attitude always leads to great experiences. People who think optimistically see the world...

  • 生活必备技能-关系网

    Relationship networking. 关系网 In a world dominated by constant innovation and information exchange, relationship networking creates the channel through which ideas and information flow, and in which new ideas are shared, discussed and perfected....

  • 生活必备技能-善于写作、做笔记

    Proficient writing and note-taking. The written word isn't going away; it is used in every walk of life. Learning to write proficiently so that others can understand you is critical. Also, using your writing skills to take useful notes is one of the...

  • 生活必备技能-放松

    Stress leads to poor health, poor decision-making,poor thinking, and poor socialization. So be attentive to your stress level and take short breaks when you need to. Slow down. Breathe. Give yourself permission to pause, regroup and move forward with...

  • 生活必备技能-有效沟通和磋商

    Effective communication and negotiating. Give the people in your life the information they need rather than expecting them to know the unknowable. Don't try to read other people's minds, and don't make other people try to read yours. Most problems, b...

  • 生活必备技能-基础会计和理财

    Basic accounting and money management. It's a simple fact that our modern society is governed by the constant exchange of money. Money allows you to maintain a roof over your head and put food on the table each night. Knowing how to properly manage y...

  • 生活必备技能-批判性思维和信息分析

    Critical thinking and information analysis. We are living in the information age where, on adaily basis, we are constantly exposed to an ever growing and rapidly changing pool of information. Being able to evaluate this information, sort the valuable...

  • 生活必备技能-保持空间清洁有序

    Keeping a clean, organized space. Successful people have systems in place to help them find what they need when they need it they can quickly locate the information required to support their activities. When you're disorganized, that extra time spent...

  • 生活必备技能-目标优选和时间管理

    Prioritizing and time management. If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most,when it is needed most. This is the ability to separate the important from the unimporta...

  • 减压减压-简化

    Simplify. 简化 Organize, don't agonize. Keep your space ordered and your schedule under-booked. Create a foundation with a soft place to land, a wide margin of error, and room to think and breathe So you have the flexibility to explore the possibil...

  • 减压减压-每天为自己做一件好事

    Do one nice thing for yourself every day. Put yourself at the top of your priority list. There is no person on earth who deserves your kindness and attention more than you.When you love yourself first, everything else falls into place. So treat yours...

  • 减压减压-好好对待自己的身体

    Be kind to your body. A good workout is the best stress reducer, and a fit , healthy body is the best fashion statement. The pursuit of optimal fitness is a journey, a constant struggle, a lifestyle. It's a gradual process where intensity during each...

  • 减压减压-期待一些压力,接受,或放手

    Expect some stress, accept it, and let go of it. The most important journeys that lead to the most wonderful places are usually the challenging ones you must endure the hard way. Stress is but a wall between two peaceful gardens the garden where you...

  • 减压减压-清除不真实的想法

    Purge untrue thoughts. Behind every stressful feeling is an untrue thought. Before the thought you weren't suffering, but after the thought you began to suffer. When you recognize that the thought isn't true, once again there is no suffering. When yo...
