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  • 自信法则-回忆你已经做到的事情

    Remember What You've Already Accomplished 回忆那些你已经做到的事情 You've managed to achieve lots of amazing things already. Perhaps you've made direct progress towards your goal: you've lost10lbs, so you know you can go on and lose anoth...

  • 爱生活-设定每日目标

    Set Daily Goals 设定每日目标 In the morning, before you start your day, create a list of 3 goals that you find fulfilling and meaningful. 早上,别着急展开一天的生活,先列出你认为最有意义的三项目标。 Make sure they...

  • 爱生活-让生活更简单

    爱生活-简化生活 Simplify Your Life 让生活更简单 By simplifying your life, you'll have more time to do what fulfills you and gives your life meaning. 让生活更简单,你将有更多的时间能够投入让生活更有意义的事情中...

  • 爱生活-懂得回报

    爱生活-懂得回报 Find a Way to Give Back 懂得回报 Do something that both honors your beliefs and passions, while giving something back to the world. 做自己所相信的、所爱的,又能回报世界的事。 By giving something back, w...

  • 爱生活-生活需要同情心

    爱生活-生活需要同情心 Live With Compassion 生活需要同情心 Both for yourself, and others. Keep in mind the following quote: 对于自己和他人,请牢记以下的名言: One must be compassionate to one's self before external co...

  • 爱生活-人比物更重要

    People More Than Things 人比物更重要 Often, we are faced with wanting to buy material goods. 犯购物欲的时候。 I recommend you consider carefully what you purchase, and think more about spending your money on experiences with friends and...

  • 爱生活-专注

    Focus 专注 Rather than chasing 3 or 4 goals and making very little progress on them, place all of your energy on one thing. 与其同时追求3、4个目标又没有进步,不如把所有的精力放到一件事情上。 Focus. Not only will you...

  • 爱生活-增强自我意识

    爱自己 Be Self-Aware 增强自我意识 Be aware of yourself and your actions. 增强自我意识。 Remain mindful of what you do at all times, and make sure you are living life according to your principles, your life's purpose, and what you are...

  • 爱生活-发现人生的目标

    爱自己 Discover Your Life's Purpose 发现人生的目标 If you had to give yourself a reason to live, what would it be? 如果存在是有理由的,那会是什么呢? What would you stand for? 你是为什么而生活? What principles do...

  • 爱生活-追逐你的热情

    爱自己 Pursue Your Passion 追逐你的热情 I believe everyone should pursue their passion in life. 我相信每个人都应该有所追求。 It's what makes life worth living, and gives our lives true meaning and purpose. 这让人生更有价值...

  • 爱生活-知道什么是重要的

    爱生活 Know What's Important 知道什么是重要的 Know what's important for you. 知道什么对自己是重要的。 Write down your top 5 things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live life. 写下你认为人生中最重要的...

  • 爱自己-为自己做点什么

    爱自己-为自己做点什么 Do something just for you. Do something just for you. 为自己做点什么。 Take time for yourself and just relax. 给自己留点时间,放松下。 Rest both your mind and your body. 让你的身心都能好好休...

  • 爱自己-原谅自己

    爱自己-原谅自己 Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. Guilt is a weird thing. 原谅你自己。内疚是件很奇怪的事情。 All guilt does is hold us in the past reliving something we wish we could change. Not going to happen I'm afraid. 内...

  • 爱自己-分享你的才华

    爱自己-分享你的才华 Share your talent. If you've got a talent share it with the world. 如果你天赋异禀,记得跟全世界分享。 If you can write write, if you can dance dance,if you can organize well you get the picture. 如果你文...

  • 爱自己-你是独一无二的

    爱自己-你是独一无二的 Get excited about who you are. 很开心,我是这样的人。 Celebrate your uniqueness. 庆祝你的独一无二。 Maybe you're a very caring individual, efficient, oradept to solving problems. 也许你富有爱心...
