今天我们选读一篇《The Secret 秘密》中关于感恩的章节。这个章节中,讲述的是当人时刻在满怀感恩的状态下,心灵上产生的巨大变化。本书的作者还说道,如果在运用《秘密》这本书中所讲授的知识中,你只想做一件事,那么就是感恩,今天我们就来一起感受下这段文字吧!
《The Secret 秘密》是一本心灵励志书。本书作者朗达·拜恩是澳大利亚电视工作者,有一年,父亲突然去世、工作遭遇瓶颈、家庭关系也陷入僵局,就在人生跌至谷底、生活即将崩溃时处,意外发现了隐藏在百年古书中的秘密。这些秘密亘古以来存在于各种口述的历史、文学、宗教与哲学之中,更藏在人与世界的各个互动层面,每个人自身都存在着自己所不知道的能量。作者还发现,许多当今的佼佼者早已了解并运用此秘密。因此,作者不禁疑问:“为什么不是每个人都知道呢?”于是,作者决心组织一个团队揭露这个只有1%才知道的惊天大秘密。她发现,洞悉这个秘密的人都是各行各业的佼佼者,他们现身说法告诉你:幸福、快乐、健康、金钱、人际关系,这个秘密都能给你!了解这个秘密,就没有做不到的事;不论你是谁,你想要什么,这个秘密都能给你!
New Words:
Stumble vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;
fundamental adj. 基本的,根本的
avatar n. (印度教,佛教)神的化身;(某种思想或品质)化身;
The day we filmed James Ray sharing his powerful exercise of gratitude1 is one I will never forget. From that day on, I made James' process my life. Every morning, I do not get out bed until I have felt the feelings of gratitude for this brand new day and all I am grateful for in my life. Then as I get out of bed, when one foot touches the ground I say, "Thank," and "you" as my second foot touches the ground. With each step I take on my way to the bathroom, I say "Thank you." I continue to say and feel "Thank you" as I am showering and getting ready. By the time I am ready for the day, I have said "Thank you" hundreds of times.
我永远忘不了我们拍摄詹姆士.雷分享他的“强效感恩练习”的那天。从那一天开始,我就把詹姆士的方法用在我的生活中。每天早上,除非 我感受到了感恩的感觉——对这崭新的一天,以及对生命中我所感激的一切——否则我不会起床。然后当我下床,一只脚碰到地面的时候,我会说“谢谢”;换另一只脚碰到地面时,则说“您”。走到盥洗室的每一步,我会说“谢谢您”;在我淋浴和整装的时候,我持续地说着、并去感觉“谢谢您”。当我准备好迎接这一天时,我已经说“谢谢您”上百次了。
As I do this, I am powerfully creating my day and all that it will contain. I am setting my frequency for the day and intentionally2 declaring the way I want my day to go, rather than stumbling out of bed and letting the day take control of me. There is no more powerful way to begin your day than this. You are the creator of your life, so begin by intentionally creating your day!
Gratitude was a fundamental part of the teachings of all the great avatars throughout history. In the book that changed my life, The Science of Getting Rich, written by Wallace Wattles in 1910, gratitude is its longest chapter. Every teacher featured in The Secret uses gratitude as part of his or her day. Most of them begin their day with thoughts and feelings of gratitude.
历史上所有伟大人物的基本教诲之一,就是“感恩”。华勒思.华特斯在1910年写下那本改变我一生的书《致富的科学》(The Science of Getting Rich),该书最长的篇章,就是<感恩>那一章。所有在《秘密》里担任主角的导师,全都把“感恩”当作他们生活的一部分;他们大多数是以“感恩”的思想和感觉,作为一天开始。<感恩>
Joe Sugarman, a wonderful man and successful entrepreneur, watched the film The Secret and contacted me. He told me his favorite part was the gratitude process, and that his use of gratitude had contributed to all he had achieved in his life. With all the success Joe has attracted to himself, he continues to use gratitude every day, even for the smallest things. When he gets a parking space he always says and feels, "Thank you." Joe knows the power of gratitude and all it has brought to him, and so gratitude is his way of life.
一位很杰出、成功的企业家乔. 史格曼,在看过《秘密》影片之后与我联系。他告诉我,“感恩的方法”是影片中他最喜欢的部分;而且他一生的功成名就,全都归功于运用感恩的方法,即使最小的事物也不例外。当他有车位可停,他总是会说出、并且去感觉“谢谢您”。他知道感恩的力量与其所带来的一切,于是感恩就成了他的生活方式。
With all that I have read and with all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you only do one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.

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adj.感激,感谢 | |
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ad.故意地,有意地 | |
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