Is Soy healthy?
Since those carnivorous days in the 1970s, soy foods have gone from a niche1 product for the vegetarian-environmentalist crowd to a four-billion-dollar-a-year food industry. Soy is now on nearly every sushi bar menu and is used as a vegetable oil, as a meat and dairy substitute,and as an inexpensive additive2 to increase the volume and improve the texture3 of many processed foods. The legume is so ubiquitous that it has found its way into everything from peanut butter to canned tuna. Many studies have shown the possible health benefits of eating soy, so most people consider it a “health food”. After all, it,s high in protein and has zero cholesterol—wbat could be wrong with that?
Plenty, some say. Recent research has shown that soy may contain dangerous levels of isoflavones, natural chemicals that are similar to human estrogen. Isoflavones can affect fertility in men and may increase the incidence of breast cancer in at-risk women. Because of these concerns, the Israeli Ministry4 of Health has had a warning in effect since 2005. According to reports, the ministry suggests that adults moderate their soy consumption, that infants be given soy formula only when breast milk or cow's milk is not an option, and that parents limit the amount of soy their children eat. Health officials in France and Great Britain are concerned, too. French food manufacturers have been asked to reduce the isoflavones in soy formula, and are required to put warning labels on soy foods. The British Dietetic Association has warned parents against using soy formula during the first six months of a baby's life.
Not surprisingly, the Soyfoods Association of North America doesn’t necessarily agree with these concerns. Nancy Chapman, the group’s executive director, says that the Israeli Ministry of Health’s warning was largely based on research that used rats, whose hormonal5 makeup6 and reproductive system don’t accurately7 predict what may happen in the human body.
“Every time a study comes out that the soy industry doesn’t like, they respond in one of two ways: It’s poorly designed, or it’s old” says Kaayla T. Daniel, Ph.D., a nutritionist and author of The Whole Soy Story. “Israel had a committee of more than a dozen distinguished8 nutritionists, researchers, pediatricians, and toxicologists who looked at the body of evidence, and concluded there was a risk.”
营养学家、《大豆全传》的作者Kaayla T. Daniel博士说广每次有大豆制品行业不喜欢的研究公布时,他们回应的方式都是那两种:要么是设计不当,要么就是用的大豆是陈的。以色列的卫生委员会有十几位杰出的营养师、研究人员、儿科医生以及毒物学家,他们对人体进行研究,然后得出了大豆可能存在危险的结论。”
Daaiel is one of an increasingly vocal9 group of nutritionists and scientists who are concerned about the possible risks of consuming too much soy. “The soy industry can never prove safety,” she tells me. “They’ll trot10 out studies showing a benefit, and act as if all the others indicating a risk are not a problem.”
Muddying the waters further are scientific studies that have reached very different conclusions. Soy can reduce the risk of breast cancer {Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2006); it has no effect (Cancer,2007); it can actually increase the risk (Cancer Research, 2001); soy can help memory in postmenopausal women {Menopause, 2003); no, it can’t (Journal of the American Medical Asso-ciation, 2004).
更让人迷惑的是科学研究的结果都各不相同。大豆可降低患乳腺癌的风险(《美国国立癌症研 究院杂志》,2006年),它对乳腺癌没有任何影响(《癌症》,2007年),它实际上会提高乳腺癌的患病率(《癌症研究》,2001年),大豆可帮助提高绝经后女性的记忆力(《更年期》,2003年大豆不可能提高绝经后女性的记忆力(《美国医学协会杂志》,2004年)。
What is clear today, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, is that when it comes to soy and health, “some of the claims...go far beyond the available evidence.” The AHA still says that it’s perfectly11 fine to eat soy as part of a varied12 diet, and Van Horn continues to recommend soy to some of her patients, and to eat it herself.
哈佛大学公共卫生学院称,现在唯一可以确定的就是每当涉及到大豆和保健时,“一些声 明……远远超出了能够得到的实际结果的范围”。美国心脏学会表示,将黄豆作为众多饮食中的一种是很好的,范霍恩也继续建议她的一些患者们吃黄豆,她本人也吃黄豆。
So what’s the bottom line? If you’re a woman who has been diagnosed with or has a family history of breast cancer, it’s probably safest to avoid soy. Men hoping to father children should probably limit the amount of soy they eat, and parents would be advised to follow the Israeli guidelines in serving soy foods to their kids, especially infants and toddlers.

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n.壁龛;合适的职务(环境、位置等) | |
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adj.附加的;n.添加剂 | |
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n.(织物)质地;(材料)构造;结构;肌理 | |
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n.(政府的)部;牧师 | |
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adj.激素的 | |
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n.组织;性格;化装品 | |
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adv.准确地,精确地 | |
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adj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的 | |
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adj.直言不讳的;嗓音的;n.[pl.]声乐节目 | |
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n.疾走,慢跑;n.老太婆;现成译本;(复数)trots:腹泻(与the 连用);v.小跑,快步走,赶紧 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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adj.多样的,多变化的 | |
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