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环球英语 — 318:Self Harming

时间:2011-09-17 07:34来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Thank you for joining us for today’s Spotlight1 program. I’m Ryan Geertsma.
Voice 2
And I’m Ruby2 Jones. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
How do you deal with life? Do you feel stress or pressure from work or family? How do you react3? What do you do to manage strong emotions?
Voice 2
Courtney Schutt, one of our Spotlight producers, runs to manage her stress.
Voice 3
“When I feel like I am under a lot of pressure in my life, I go running. Running is exercise. So it is healthy for my body. But it also helps me calm my emotions. Some times strong emotions can create lots of energy. Running lets me use that energy. When I finish, I can think clearly again.”
Voice 1
Each person finds his or her own way to deal with emotions and stress. These are things we do to cope4, to meet our needs each day. Doctors encourage people to find healthy ways to cope. They suggest doing things like exercise and talking with friends.
Voice 2
But some people react to stress and strong emotion in ways that are harmful. They hurt their bodies. They cause harm by cutting or burning their skin. Some people pull out their hair. These kinds of behaviour are called Self-Harm or Self-Injury.
Voice 1
Tracy Ewert writes for an internet magazine called Girl Speak. In one story she describes a person who cuts her body to cope with her feelings. Liz Waid reads the beginning of this story, called Self-Injury.
Voice 4
“I move the shaking finger over the edge5 of the knife. I make sure it is sharp. I have to do it. I will not be able to think of anything else. Just one quick cut. I press the knife against the skin near my waist6. I finally feel like me. I am letting go. A wave of heat, relief, release7, comes as the first drops of blood develop.
It is my blood, my skin, my waist, and my cut. I am real. My large shirt falls. It hides the wound8. And I go to sleep.”
Voice 2
It is difficult to understand self-harming behaviour. Why do people purposely hurt their own bodies? How can causing physical pain release emotional9 pain and stress? But it is important to understand why a person self-harms. This is the first step to helping10 someone stop.
Voice 1
Self-harm is not suicide11. Usually, the person does not want to die. Some people harm their bodies to get other people to notice them. They want or need attention. But many say that they do not want people to know. The physical harm to their body helps them cope with strong emotions. And it helps them deal with stress.
Voice 2
Tor is 24. She had a good family. She went to good schools. But Tor began cutting her body when she was fifteen [15] years old. She was feeling a lot of pressure to do well in school. The pressure became too much for her. She says cutting gave her a feeling of release.
Voice 5
“It is like when you hold your breath12. You just feel like you are going to blow up. Self-harm is like when you breathe again.”
Voice 1
But Tor did more than cutting. She would hit walls until her fingers bled13. She would use cigarettes to burn her skin. But she was always careful to hide the marks. She only injured14 her body in places other people would not see.
Voice 5
“Self-harm is not popular. It is not seeking attention ... it is very secret. Self-harm is a very secret thing.”
Voice 2
Tor began to harm her body every day. She stopped going to school when she was 20 years old. And she did not have a place to live. So she lived on the streets. Her self-harm became very bad. One year, she was in the hospital more than 30 times.
Voice 1
Often people who self-harm feel very alone. They do not feel that they can talk to another person. They do not think another person will understand their strong emotions. They may not know a better way to deal with strong emotions. Self-harm gives them a feeling of control over life and their emotions.
Voice 2
Self-harm is an addiction15. A person who self-harms begins to depend on the feeling the behaviour provides. But an addiction to self-harming is like an addiction to drugs. The more a person does it, the more they need to do it to get the same feeling. This can be very dangerous. A person could cause more harm than they planned to. This threatens their health. It could even lead to accidental16 death.
Voice 1
Self-harm is not restricted17 to one age group. It is not limited to people from one part of the world. And it is not limited to rich people or poor people. Even Princess Diana admitted to hurting her body to deal with the stress in her life. Two years before her death she was interviewed on Panorama18, a news program. The Princess of Wales19 told the world about her self-harm.
Voice 6
“I did cause harm to my body. I did not like me. I felt shame because I could not cope. I could not deal with the pressures of being a wife, a mother, and the Princess of Wales.”
Voice 2
More women than men harm their bodies. And it is more common for younger adults. But it is not possible to know exact numbers. This is because many people do not get help from doctors or trained mental health workers.
Voice 1
It can be difficult for family and friends to learn that a person self-harms. But it is important to be patient. Getting angry can make a person who self-harms feel worse. And then they do the only thing that will make them feel better. They continue to self-harm. It is better to try to understand why a person self-harms. Where is the stress and pressure coming from? It may take time to learn and understand. But it will be possible to help the person find new ways to deal with their feelings.
Voice 2
It is also important to show love to a person who suffers from self-harm. Listen to them. Encourage them. The Christian20 Bible21 says that God created each person to be an image of him. Each person’s body, mind, and heart is an image of God’s. Each person should be treated that way. Each person should be loved that way. A person who self-harms is still an image of God. They just need help believing it.
Voice 1
Listen for an upcoming program on treatment ideas. This program will give you more valuable information about self-harming, and how to help people who self-harm.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 ruby iXixS     
  • She is wearing a small ruby earring.她戴着一枚红宝石小耳环。
  • On the handle of his sword sat the biggest ruby in the world.他的剑柄上镶有一颗世上最大的红宝石。
3 react zTSxI     
  • She didn't look up or react in any way.她既不抬头,也没有任何反应。
  • How did he react to your suggestion?他如何对待你的建议?
4 cope aZhyU     
  • He had a lot of work,but he was able to cope.他的活虽多,但还能应付得来。
  • They have to cope with a mountain of problems.他们得应付成堆的问题。
5 edge xqoxx     
  • Sight along the edge to see if it's straight.顺着边目测,看看直不直。
  • She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.她住在森林的最边缘。
6 waist ph8wR     
  • The coat is a bit tight at the waist.这件上衣腰身瘦了点。
  • The sound is from the waist of a violin.声音是从小提琴的中间部分发出的。
7 release iVhxh     
  • After my examination I had a feeling of release.考完试后我有如释重负之感。
  • This medicine will give you release from pain.这药吃后会解除你的疼痛。
8 wound 3erzJ5     
  • There was a gush of blood from the wound.血从伤口流出。
  • The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound.护士轻轻地抹去伤口上的血。
9 emotional 3pDxl     
  • Emotional people don't stop to calculate.感情容易冲动的人做事往往不加考虑。
  • This is an emotional scene in the play.这是剧中动人的一幕。
10 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
11 suicide ssAwA     
  • The number of suicide has increased.自杀案件的数量增加了。
  • The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills.该死亡事件被判定为服用安眠药自杀。
12 breath 9SCyv     
  • I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气。
  • While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。
13 bled b4bc95cf36649327b69007bec56e8dc1     
v.流血( bleed的过去式和过去分词 );勒索,敲诈;散开;给(某人)放血
  • She slowly bled to death . 她慢慢地失血死去。
  • We should thank those who bled for the revolution. 我们应该感谢那些为革命而牺牲的人们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 injured fqIzAN     
  • Our best defender is injured and won't be able to play today.我们最佳的防守员受伤了,今天不能参加比赛。
  • The injured men have been dug out of the snow.受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来。
15 addiction JyEzS     
  • He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。
  • Areas of drug dealing are hellholes of addiction,poverty and murder.贩卖毒品的地区往往是吸毒上瘾、贫困和发生谋杀的地方。
16 accidental LJzyw     
  • It was an accidental meeting.这完全是一次偶然的相会。
  • Our meeting in New York was quite accidental.我们在纽约的会见完全是偶然的。
17 restricted njezzw     
  • Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。
  • a restricted range of foods 有限的食物种类
18 panorama D4wzE     
  • A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.山谷的广阔全景展现在我们面前。
  • A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes.一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们的眼前。
19 Wales jeczml     
  • The company are opening up a new factory in Wales.公司将在威尔士开一家新工厂。
  • She teaches English at the University of Wales.她在威尔士大学教英语。
20 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
21 bible ZQzyQ     
  • According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。
  • This dictionary should be your Bible when studying English.学习英语时,这本字典应是你的主要参考书。
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