[00:01.40]Of course you are. You’re your mother’s daughter. 你肯定是. 你和你妈一样.
[00:04.07]It’s a classic Electra complex. 标准的恋父情结.
[00:06.80]I don’t blame you. I mean... 我不是责备你. 而是说...
[00:08.77]...who wouldn’t want to murder your mother? ...谁不曾有过轼母的想法?
[00:11.11]-Hey. How’s the Harvard sweetheart? -Divine. -嘿. 哈佛甜心怎么样啦? -可爱极了.
[00:14.48]Got an extra ciggie? 来根上等烟?
[00:16.75]-Did you do his homework? -Of course. -你帮他做功课么? -当然了.
[00:18.75]-Want to do mine? -No. -也帮帮我怎么样? -别想.
[00:24.32]This isn’t what I think it is. Is it? 这可不是烟盒. 对不?
[00:31.09]Where’d you get it? 你从哪儿弄到的?
[00:34.87]From the school nurse. 从驻校护士那儿.
[00:37.43]-It’s against the law. -Oh, honey. It’s a girl’s best friend. -这是违规的. -哦,亲爱的. 它可是女孩的密友.
[00:42.34]-A certain kind of girl. -Meet the last virgin1 bride. -某类女孩才那样呢. -看看最后一位誓作贞节新娘的姑娘吧.
[00:48.18]-Spencer is a gentleman. -And even gentlemen have dicks. - 斯宾塞 是位绅士. -绅士也是有阴茎的.
[00:56.49]-Maybe I’ll get one. -What? A dick? -或许我也该弄一个. -什么? 阴茎么?
[00:59.66]Don’t be stupid, Connie. 别蠢了, 康尼.
[01:04.76]Someone, somewhere, someday might be interested. 会有这么一个人, 在某处, 某个时刻,说不定会有兴趣……
[01:09.03]Just in case. Just in case, I’ll be prepared. 以防万一. 我会准备着以防万一的.
[01:16.54]Was that necessary? 你非这样说不可么?
[01:18.71]I was taught it’s best to speak honestly. 我认为如实说出来为妙.
[01:21.14]Okay. You’re a bitch. 很好. 你这个混蛋.
[01:31.05]We recently learned that Amanda Armstrong... 我们最近获知阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗...
[01:33.89]...our nurse, has been distributing contraception to Wellesley girls. ...学校的护士, 在韦尔斯利学院 的女生们中间分发避孕套.
[01:39.03]This revelation is disturbing to an institution... 一个向来以行为规范为荣的机构...
[01:41.97]... that prides itself on propriety2. ...对此感到十分震怒.
[01:55.48]Go, go, go! Go, go! It’s been going on since the late ’80s. 快, 快, 快! 快跑, 快! 这项活动从上个世纪80年代后期就有了
[02:00.82]-Whoever wins is first to marry! -Do the girls take it literally3? -获胜的会第一个嫁出去! -这些女孩是当真的?
[02:04.72]Only the girl with the winning hoop4. Oh, look, it’s Phyllis Nayor! 只有获胜的女孩才信. 嗨, 瞧, 是菲丽丝 诺尔!
[02:12.03]Good for her. It gets me every time. 她棒极了. 每次我都很激动.
[02:16.80]-Why the buggies? -They’ve got their man. -为何如此疯狂? -她们找到了如意郎君.
[02:19.57]They’re wishing for their babies. 她们在憧憬未来的宝宝.
[02:26.08]Have you seen this? 你读过了么?
[02:29.35]What is it? 是什么?
[02:31.55]It’s a front-page attack on Amanda Armstrong. Betty Warren wrote it. 头版抨击了阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗. 是贝蒂 沃伦写的.
[02:42.86]"By providing contraception on demand, our school nurse... "通过向学生提供避孕套, 我们学校的护士...
[02:46.00]...is little more than a cheerleader for promiscuity5." Wow. ...就好像是为性交喝彩的啦啦队长." 哇.
[02:49.23]Oh, they’re not going to dump her in a lake! 啊,她们该不会把她抛到湖里吧!
[02:54.74]-I’m coming, Phyllis! -Have you seen this? -我来救你了, 菲丽丝! -你读过了?
[02:57.11]I wouldn’t worry. Betty’s just a young girl flexing6 her muscles. 我并不担心. 贝蒂只不过是个 闲不住的小女孩而已.
[03:00.48]So was Lizzie Borden, and her mother wasn’t president... 莉兹 伯登以前也这样...
[03:03.45]-...of the alumnae7 association. -Would somebody get that girl a towel! -她的母亲又不是校董会的主席么. -给这姑娘拿条毛巾来!
[03:07.38]-That’s her mother? -Apple, tree. -那是她母亲? -就像苹果和树.
[03:10.65]Is Amanda going to get into trouble? 阿曼达会遇到麻烦吗?
[03:12.99]Amanda needs to start minding her p’s and q’s. 阿曼达需要开始注意礼貌了.
[03:16.03]The trick to surviving Wellesley is never getting noticed. 在韦尔斯利学院生存的技巧就是别被人注意到.
[03:19.13]Ciao, Mona Lisa. 再会,蒙娜丽莎.
[03:21.90]The big war hero. 战争英雄.
[03:24.47]He thinks he’s something special. 以为自己有多了不起.
[03:28.14]He sleeps with his students. 他和学生睡觉.
[03:33.18]The gold is fine. The napkin rings are vulgar. 金器还不错. 餐巾圈太简陋.
[03:35.71]The glassware should be trimmed with gold. 玻璃器皿需由黄金装饰.
[03:38.18]The little sugar boxes, gold and white, filled with chocolate. No candlesticks. 金色和白色的小糖匣, 盛放巧克力. 不要用烛台.
[03:42.82]-Freesia instead of daisies. -Wise choice, madam. -用小苍兰而不是雏菊. -明智的选择,夫人.
[03:47.02]No baby’s breath. 不许用石竹花.
[03:53.73]-You already had your fitting? -We’re on our way. -你试装了吗? -我们这就去.
[03:57.23]Here’s the seating chart and Spencer’s list of groomsmen. 这是座位表和斯宾塞家的佣人名单.
[04:00.97]Oh, I almost forgot. 哦,差点儿忘了.
[04:03.41]I spoke8 to him about reading the poem. He’d rather not. I said all right. 我让他朗读诗歌,他不情愿. 我说好吧.
[04:09.38]Excuse us for a second, Joan. 失陪一下, 琼.
[04:17.19]A good wife lets her husband think that everything’s his idea... 一位好的妻子应该让她的丈夫 觉得每件事都出自他的想法...
[04:20.69]-...even when it’s not. -I don’t care if he reads it. -...甚至当不是的时候. -我才不在乎他是否朗诵.
[04:23.53]You will in retrospect9. 你会后悔的.
[04:26.90]Now, why don’t you see if you can’t nudge the idea into his head. 那么,为何让我们不看看 你是否能把这个念头灌输给他.
[04:37.57]I’ve been here now for 21 years, Jocelyn. 我已经在这里21年了,乔斯林.
[04:41.61]-I remember you as a student. -Twenty-four, if you count that. -我还记得你上学时的样子. -是24年,如果你要计算的话.
[04:44.92]So why the theatrics? 那么为何要把事情搞大?
[04:47.38]We cannot appear to promote sexual promiscuity. 我们不能表现出对乱交无所谓的样子.
[04:51.72]Okay. It’s about appearances, then? No. 好吧. 那么只是事关表面? 不会再发生了.
[04:55.26]All right, all right. 可以的, 可以的.
[04:57.69]All right. Well, I promise not to appear to be sympathetic, progressive... 没问题. 我可以保证不再显得 赞同她们和激进的...

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n.处女,未婚女子;adj.未经使用的;未经开发的 | |
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n.正当行为;正当;适当 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.(篮球)篮圈,篮 | |
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n.混杂,混乱;(男女的)乱交 | |
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n.挠曲,可挠性v.屈曲( flex的现在分词 );弯曲;(为准备大干而)显示实力;摩拳擦掌 | |
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n.女毕业生,女校友;女校友( alumna的名词复数 ) | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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n.回顾,追溯;v.回顾,回想,追溯 | |
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