[00:50.60]Your pants are too big for me. 你的裤子我穿起来太大了
[00:58.72]Where are they? 他们是谁?
[01:07.08]Thank you. 他们都去那了
[01:10.08]Where is everybody?
[01:11.24]They're gone. 不见了
[01:14.72]Something's wrong. 出事了
[01:30.48]You can't do that. 不能那样
[01:32.56]I don't understand. We've tried for two days. 我不明白
[01:33.12]What's the matter? 怎么了?
[01:37.12]They won't eat. They won't perform. 我们试了两天,他们不肯吃东西
[01:41.52]It's since we got the new one.
[01:47.44]It's finished for today. 今天完了
[01:49.44]She's the new one. 她是新来的
[01:54.12]How can you tell it's a female1? 你怎么看的出她是母的?
[01:56.92]The way she moves. 看她移动的样子
[02:30.32]Help! 救命!
[02:35.48]Jacques, help me. 杰克,救我
[02:51.76]Help me up. Help me...
[03:39.68]Don't be sad. I only took back what was mine.
[03:43.64]Here. A present. 给你,礼物
[03:44.92]Tonight we're having a little party among ourselves. 今晚在圣马哥利饭店开个舞会
[03:47.84]8:00 in my suite2. 8点来我套房
[03:50.20]Mr. Roberto, tell your brother to be reasonable. 罗贝托先生,叫你哥明理点
[03:54.20]Everybody's waiting for him upstairs. 大家都在楼下等他
[03:56.20]He can't. He's indisposed. 他不行了,他病了
[03:59.24]- Shall we call a doctor? - She's trying something. 要叫医生吗?
[04:07.00]Oh, Mr. Mayol, help us. 帮帮忙
[04:10.32]He refuses to receive his medal, and everybody's waiting for him. 他拒绝接受奖牌,人人都在等
[04:16.96]- I'll do my best. - That's very kind of you. 我尽力吧谢谢你
[04:21.92]- It's Jacques. - Jacques! 我是杰克杰克!
[04:24.40]My friend, come on in. 我的朋友,进来
[04:27.88]Mr. Molinari, allow me to impress upon you... 莫利那里先生,我要催催你
[04:30.36]the importance of your attending the award ceremony for the press. 你到典礼上见记者是很重要的
[04:35.44]I think my brother told you I was indisposed. 我弟弟告诉过你我病了
[04:38.92]That should do it, no? I am allowed to be indisposed. 够了吗?我总可以生病吧
[04:41.20]Right? So you just go tell the press that the big Enzo Molinari... 你去告诉记者,恩佐病了
[04:46.16]oveewhelmed by his inspiring descent3 of 324 feet... 潜到324英尺使他不堪负荷
[04:53.92]will not be able to receive his trinket because he is... 他不能接受奖牌了
[04:56.92]- Hmm? - He is... 什么?因为他…
[05:00.00]- Indisposed. - Brava. 病了对

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adj.雌的,女(性)的;n.雌性的动物,女子 | |
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n.一套(家具);套房;随从人员 | |
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n.下降,下倾,斜坡,坡道,血统,世系 | |
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