[00:00.88]Do it! 加油
[00:06.12]You got him! You got him! 你能打败他!你能打败他!
[00:21.80]I only ever met one man I wouldn 't wanna fight. 我只遇见过一个我不想和他争斗的人
[00:24.24]I can't stop that. 我止不了血
[00:26.00]Get out of here, you useless tit. 滚开吧,你个没有的东西
[00:27.20]When I met him, he was already the best cut man in the business. 我遇见他的时候 他已经是拳击界最好的伤口护理师
[00:30.76]Can you stop it? 你能止住吗?
[00:33.36]Started training and managing in the '60s, but he never lost his gift. 从60年代起就开始做训练师和经理人 一直保持着高昂的热情
[00:35.64]No. 不行
[00:45.36]Let me have a Iook at him. 我来看看他
[00:47.88]He's fine. He's fine. 他没事,他没事
[00:49.48]He ain't if you don't stop this bleeding. 如果你止不了血的话就不是没事
[00:50.24]I'II give you one more round. 我再给你一个回合
[00:53.92]-Seconds out. Let's go. -What do we do? Tell me what to do. - 时间到了,来吧 - 我们怎么办?告诉我怎么办
[00:58.88]You Iet him hit you. 你让他打你
[01:03.48]Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. 有时你就是无能为力
[01:05.56]Cut's too wide, too close to the bone. 伤口太深, 离骨头太近
[01:09.16]Maybe you got a severed1 vein2... 也许是断了一条血管...
[01:12.12]...or you just can 't get the coagulant3 deep enough. ...或者你就是无法让止血药深入里面
[01:15.48]-Come on! -Break. Break. - 加油! - 分开,分开
[01:19.00]There are all kinds of combinations you come up against... 在肌肉的不同层次
[01:21.36]...down in the different layers of meat... 你会遇到各种不同的问题组合
[01:24.96]...and Frankie knew how to work every one. 而弗兰基全都知道如何解决
[01:36.36]-That' s it! Come on! -What are you doing? - 对!加油! - 你在做什么?
[01:41.32]Knock him out, Willie! 打倒他,威利!
[01:53.40]People love violence. 人们热爱暴力
[01:54.96]They'll slow down at a car wreck4 to check for bodies. 他们会在车祸现场 减慢车速查看死尸
[01:57.16]Same people claim to love boxing. 就是这些人宣称他们热爱拳击
[02:00.92]They got no idea what it is. 他们根本不了解拳击是什么
[02:03.52]Boxing is about respect. 拳击是有关尊严
[02:05.08]Getting it for yourself... 赢得你自己的...
[02:07.60]...and taking it away from the other guy. ...同时剥夺对手的
[02:13.84]I'II warm up the car. 我先去发动车
[02:17.12]Mr. Dunn? 邓先生?
[02:17.32]I owe you money? 我欠你钱?
[02:20.20]No, sir. 没有,先生
[02:22.92]I know your mama? 我认识你妈妈?
[02:23.88]Don't rightly know, sir. 这个我确实不知道,先生
[02:26.80]-Then what is it you want? -I was on the undercard. - 那你想干什么? - 我参加了垫场赛
[02:28.36]I won my fight too. Maggie Fitzgerald. 而且我也赢了 我是麦琪 菲斯杰拉德
[02:30.44]Well, Maggie Fitzgerald, what's up? 那么,麦琪 菲斯杰拉德,有什么事吗?
[02:33.72]-Did you happen to see it? -Nope. - 你有没有正好看了我的比赛? - 没有
[02:36.52]I did pretty good. 我干的不错
[02:36.92]Thought you might be interested in training me. 我想你也许有兴趣训练我
[02:41.60]I don't train girls. 我不训练女孩子
[02:43.20]Maybe you should. People see me fight say I'm pretty tough. 也许你应该试试 看我打过的人都说我很凶狠
[02:47.76]Girlie, tough ain't enough. 小姐, 光是凶狠并不够
[03:02.44]It's a mistake. 这是个错误
[03:11.32]Car should be able to back up, Frankie. 车应该能向后退的,弗兰基
[03:12.08]Just push, will you? 帮我推一下,行不?
[03:14.40]-What did Hogan want? -Offered us a title shot. - 霍根有什么事? - 邀请我们参加头衔战
[03:20.36]I turned him down flat. 我直接把他拒绝了
[03:23.04]Two or three more fights, you'II be ready. 再多打两三场比赛 你就准备充分了
[03:31.52]Been two or three more fights for a Iong time now, Frankie. 好久以前就说是两三场比赛了,弗兰基
[03:35.00]Look, Willie, you get one shot at the title. 听着,威利 你只有一次机会赢得冠军
[03:35.48]You Iose it, it may not come around again. 输掉的话 可能就再没有机会了
[03:40.16]Now, two or three more fights and we'II be ready. 再多打两三场比赛 我们就准备充分了
[03:44.60]Whatever you say, Frankie. 都听你的,弗兰基
[03:46.48]Frankie liked to say that boxing is an unnatural5 act... 弗兰基总喜欢说 拳击是一种不自然的运动
[03:50.20]...that everything in boxing is backwards6. 因为拳击中的每样东西都是逆向的
[03:56.64]Sometimes... 有时...
[03:57.72]...best way to deliver a punch is step back. ...打出一记重拳 的最好方法是退后一步
[04:08.48]Well, do your best, Lord... 我的主啊,请尽力...
[04:12.44]...protect Katy. ...保护凯蒂
[04:16.84]Annie too. 还有安妮
[04:18.92]Other than that... 至于其他的...
[04:20.92]...you know what I want, there's no use me repeating myself. ...你知道我想要什么 所以我再重复也没有什么用
[04:25.76]But step back too far, you ain 't fighting at all. 但是退后太多 你就已经退出比赛了

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v.切断,断绝( sever的过去式和过去分词 );断,裂 | |
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n.血管,静脉;叶脉,纹理;情绪;vt.使成脉络 | |
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n.凝结剂;凝血剂 | |
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n.失事,遇难;沉船;vt.(船等)失事,遇难 | |
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adj.不自然的;反常的 | |
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adv.往回地,向原处,倒,相反,前后倒置地 | |
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