[00:02.90]Only I can't remember. I think I'll ring our Ron. He'll know. 可是我不记得了。我去打给Ron。他会知道的。
[00:19.10]Hello, son. All right? Beryl and the baby? 嗨,儿子。Beryl和宝宝都还好吗?
[00:21.62]Good. Er... Iook, I'm building this governmental inner core or refuge, 那就好。呃...你看,我正在按照政府指导建一个核心隐蔽处,
[00:25.50]and it says, "Place it at an angle of 60 degrees." 书上说,“将它设置在60度角方向。”
[00:31.70]Well, what's that mean, exactly? 那么,它准确的意思是什么?
[00:32.66]It's not cobblers, son. 这不是p话,儿子。
[00:36.58]It's in the governmental directive. 它是政府发行的指导手册。
[00:38.66]You mean you're not constructing an inner core or refuge? 你是说你没有建造一个隐蔽处?
[00:44.18]I gave you the leaflets especially! 我还特地给你资料了!
[00:46.06]But what about baby Jim? 那Jim宝贝怎么办?
[00:50.18]Don't start singing! 别唱歌!
[00:50.90]What do you mean, "We'll all go together when we go"? It's not funny. 你说“该走的时候我们都将一起走”是什么意思?这一点也不好玩。
[00:53.98]No, but it's our duty to carry out governmental instructions in time of war, son. 不,在战争来临前,及时按照政府的建议办事是我们的责任,孩子。
[01:00.98]Stop laughing, will you? I'm surprised at you. 别笑了,行吗?我对你的行为感到诧异。
[01:04.10]You're supposed to be a responsible father now. 你现在是个需要对家庭负责的父亲了。
[01:08.58]A protractor? The angle at the bottom? 量角器?角度在它的底部?
[01:13.22]Er... yes, yes, I see. 呃...好的,好的,我明白了。
[01:15.38]OK, son. Thanks. 行了,儿子,谢啦。
[01:15.94]Now, listen. 现在,听我说。
[01:18.70]Just you start that inner core or refuge. It's your bounden duty, son. 你必须开始建设隐蔽处,这是你应该挑起的责任,儿子。
[01:23.22]Cheerio, son. 加油,孩子。
[01:24.10]Now, remember what I said. 现在,记着我说的。
[01:26.26]I am your father. I do know a bit about war. 我是你的老爸。我知道一些关于战争的事情。
[01:30.90]Love to Beryl and baby Jim. Ta-ta. 向Beryl和小Jim问好。
[01:35.38]Yes er... Ron says I need a protractor. He says I can get one at Willis's. 嗯...Ron说我得拿一个量角器。他说能在Willis's买到。
[01:39.74]He was killing1 himself laughing, and he was singing songs! 他在自嘲,甚至在唱歌!
[01:43.38]I can't understand it. I think it's nerves. 我不能理解他。依我看这是很严重的事。
[01:44.14]He's gone a bit hysterical2. 他有点歇斯底里了。
[01:46.46]- He can't be drunk at this time of day. - Our Ron doesn't drink. -他不能从白天就开始喝酒。 -我们的Ron从不喝酒。
[01:50.42]Oh, no, no, no. No, no, of course not, dear. 哦,不,不...不,当然不是,亲爱的。
[01:54.14]Ron is not going to make an inner core or refuge. Ron没准备造一个隐蔽处。
[01:57.94]I remonstrated3 with him, but he was adamant4. 我劝过他了,但是他很顽固。
[01:59.50]He says if London cops it, he'll cop it. And not to worry, Dad. 他说如果伦敦在意这事,他就在意。如果不是就不用担心。
[02:03.30]It's an irresponsible attitude. 这种态度太不负责了。
[02:05.46]I'm a bit disappointed in him, adopting that attitude. 他的态度让我对他感到失望。
[02:09.10]He was always a very responsible boy when he was in the Cubs5. 他在童子军里时,曾是个非常负责任的孩子。
[02:12.98]It was going to that art college that spoiled him. 是艺术学院的经历改变了他。
[02:18.74]He met some dreadful people there. 他在那儿遇到了一些糟糕的家伙。
[02:20.90]Huh! Blessed beatniks! 呼!上帝保佑垮掉的一代!
[02:24.10]I don't suppose it'll make a terrific amount of difference, the exact angle. 我认为精确角度带来的差别并不会很大。
[02:28.50]It'll probably all fall down anyway. What with the bomb, an' that. 也许无论如何,它都会倒掉。不论是炸弹或者是别的什么。
[02:35.34]If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well, James. 一份工作值得去做,那么它就值得我们好好做,James。
[02:36.14]Yes, dear. But it is only temporary. 是这样,亲爱的。但这只是个临时建筑物。
[02:39.94]After all, it'll all be over in a flash. 不管怎样,一切都会在瞬间结束。
[02:46.86](Indistinct radio communication in Russian) (收音机里传来听不清楚的俄文)
[02:50.98]Funny to think they were on our side in the war. 以为他们会在战争里站在我们这一边真是可笑的想法。
[02:54.26]- Who, dear? - The Russkies. -谁这么想亲爱的? -亲俄派。
[02:56.42]- With old Joe Stalin. - Yes, he was a nice chap. -和老斯大林一起。 -是的,他是个有意思的家伙。
[03:01.70]I liked him. 我曾经喜欢他。
[03:03.86]Like an uncle, he was. 他以前看上去像个叔叔。
[03:06.02]I liked his moustache and his pipe. 我喜欢他的胡子和烟斗。
[03:06.46]Yeah. Roosevelt was nice, too. 是啊,罗斯福也不错。
[03:11.06]There was three of them. 有这么三个人。
[03:11.46]Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. 丘吉尔,罗斯福和斯大林。
[03:15.62]All good blokes. 都是好家伙。
[03:17.78]With old Hitler, Goering and Musso, and all that lot, on the other side. 还有希特勒,戈尔和墨索里尼,还有那些另一阵营的人们。
[03:26.66]You somehow knew where you were then. 有时你知道自己身处何处。
[03:29.98]I don't even know who the people are these days. 当时我根本不知道这些人是谁。
[03:33.26]I expect it's all done by committees, dear. 我希望他们都被委员会搞定,亲爱的。
[03:35.94]Yes, and meetings. I expect they have loads and loads of meetings, 是的,还有会议。我希望他们不停的开会,
[03:39.94]and thus arrive at decisions. 最后做出决定。
[03:41.66]Commuters, too. 还有工人们。
[03:44.58]They all use commuters these days. 他们一直在利用工友。
[03:46.74]It's got very impersonal6. 这与个人魅力无关。
[03:50.18]Churchill with his cigar, old Stalin with his moustache - 丘吉尔叼着雪茄,斯拉林和他的胡子-
[03:52.94]you knew where you stood. 你知道你站在哪边。
[03:55.10]Do you think they'll invade? 你估计他们会侵入吗?
[03:57.42]Oh, no, no. Won't need to. 哦,不,不,不需要这样。
[04:00.50]Long er... range. 长...射程。
[04:01.34]It'll all be done by missiles. 导弹就可以完成了。
[04:02.66]Then they'll instil7 commuters to take charge of us. 那么他们会灌输思想,促使工友们来接管我们。
[04:05.82]It's funny to think there's no shelters this time. 要是这次没有掩体,就真的很可笑了。
[04:11.10]We had an old Anderson in the garden. 我们有个老Anderson在花园里。
[04:13.26]I can see it now. 我现在都能看到它。
[04:14.62]We had nasturtiums growing all over it. 旱金莲现在都把它盖住了。
[04:19.18]And we painted the front green. 我们还给它的前面涂上了绿色的。
[04:20.78]Painted, it looked quite pretty. 涂上颜色后,它看上去漂亮极了。
[04:22.66]Next door grew cabbages on theirs. 隔壁邻居在他们的Anderson上面种卷心菜。
[04:25.14]Yes. We had a Morrison.
[04:27.30]Hm, I used to sleep in it. 嗯,我曾经在里面睡觉。
[04:29.50]I stuck pin-up girls all over the inside. 我在里面贴满了美女的图片。
[04:33.42]Betty Grable, Anne Shelton, Patricia Roc. Betty Grable, Anne Shelton, Patricia Roc.
[04:37.38]The roof got all smoky, cos I used to read in bed with a candle. 屋顶上漂满了烟雾,因为我点着烟躺在床上看书。
[04:40.62]Yes, it was nice in the war, really. 是啊,那真是战时的美好记忆。
[04:44.90]The shelters, the blackouts, cups of tea... 掩体,管制期,和下午茶...
[04:49.70]JIM: The ARP, the evacuees8. 被遣散的人。
[04:51.90]London kids seeing cows for the first time. 伦敦的孩子们第一次看到奶牛。
[04:55.22]HILDA: Old Churchill on the wireless9. 丘吉尔通过无线电发表讲话。
[04:56.46]The nine o'clock news. 九点整点新闻。
[04:57.50]- Vera Lynn singing away. JIM: Worker's Playtime. Vera Lynn 正在唱歌。是工人们的休息时间。

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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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adj.情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的 | |
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v.抗议( remonstrate的过去式和过去分词 );告诫 | |
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adj.坚硬的,固执的 | |
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n.幼小的兽,不懂规矩的年轻人( cub的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.无个人感情的,与个人无关的,非人称的 | |
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v.逐渐灌输 | |
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n.被疏散者( evacuee的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.无线的;n.无线电 | |
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