[00:01.84]What if I told you that I wasn’t getting older... 要是我说我没有变老
[00:05.36]...but I was getting younger than everybody else? 而是比别人变得更年轻呢?
[00:09.84]Well... 那
[00:10.68]...I’d feel sorry for you... 那我就会替你难过
[00:13.88]...to have to see everybody you love die before you do 因为你爱的每个人会比你早死
[00:16.20]It’s an awful responsibility 这是很残酷的事实
[00:18.36]BENJAMIN; I’d never thought about life or death that way before 我从来没这么想过生或死
[00:24.32]Benjamin, we’re meant to lose the people we love 我们注定要失去我们爱的人
[00:27.60]How else would we know how important they are to us? 否则怎么知道他们有多重要?
[00:35.48]And one fall day, a familiar visitor came knocking on our door 秋天的某日 一位熟悉的访客来敲我们的门
[00:39.20]You wanna go with me to the drugstore? 你想跟我去药局吗?
[00:52.24]She taught me how to play the piano... 她教我弹钢琴
[00:55.56]PEOPLE (IN UNISON) ; Amen 阿门
[00:58.44]...and she taught me what it meant to miss somebody 也教我失去挚爱的意义
[01:05.68]Let’s go 走吧
[01:06.04]I had gone to a brothel 我去过妓院
[01:08.84]I’d had my first drink 喝过第一杯酒
[01:12.16]Said goodbye to one friend... 向一位朋友道别
[01:15.12]...and buried another 看另一位朋友下葬
[01:16.04]In 1 936, when I was coming to the end of the 1 7th year of my life... 1936年,我就要满18岁
[01:21.36]...I packed my bag, I said goodbye 于是我收拾行囊向大家道别
[01:23.84]-Bye, Benjamin. BENJAMIN; Goodbye - 再见,班哲明 - 再见
[01:27.16]I knew, life being what it was, I’d probably never see them again 我知道人生无常 很可能再也见不到他们
[01:33.52]WOMAN; Bye, Mr. Benjamin 再见,班哲明先生
[01:35.80]-Good Iuck to you, son. -Thank you - 祝好运,孩子 - 谢谢你
[01:41.48]-I love you, Mama. -Oh, I love you too, baby - 我爱你,妈妈 - 我也爱你,宝贝
[01:44.84]I want you to say your prayers every night, hear? 你每晚都要祷告,听到没?
[01:54.36]Be safe, hear? 好好保重
[02:08.88]DAISY; Benjamin! 班哲明!
[02:11.76]Where you going? 你要去哪里?
[02:14.36]Oh, to sea 云游四海
[02:15.88]I’ll send you a postcard 我会寄明信片给你
[02:19.12]From everywhere 不管到哪里都要寄
[02:21.80]Write me a postcard from everywhere 每到一个地方都要寄
[02:39.64]DAISY; Can you imagine? 你能想像吗?
[02:43.68]He sent me a postcard... 他去每一个地方
[02:47.36]...from everywhere he went 都寄一张明信片给我
[02:50.92]Every place he worked 他工作过的每一个地方
[02:55.12]Newfoundland. Baffin Bay 纽芬兰、巴芬湾
[02:57.68]Glasgow. Liverpool. Narvik 格拉斯哥、利物浦、纳维克
[03:00.88]He had gone with that Captain Mike 他都是跟米高船长一起去的
[03:07.36]BENJAMIN; Captain Mike had contracted for three years... ...with Moran Brothers Tug1 and Salvage2 他和摩兰兄弟拖船公司 签了三年的合约
[03:13.92]The old ship had been refitted with a diesel3 engine and a new sea winch 那艘破船加装了柴油引擎 和一具深海绞机
[03:18.60]We went around Florida and up the Atlantic seaboard 我们绕过佛州一直到大西洋岸
[03:20.96]We were a crew of seven now: Captain Mike and me, the Cookie... 船上有七名船员:我和船长
[03:23.96]...Prentiss Mayes from Wilmington, Delaware... 来自德拉瓦州的厨子小潘
[03:28.92]...the Brody twins, Rick and Vic... 布氏双胞胎,瑞克和维克
[03:30.92]...who got along fine at sea, but for some reason... 他们在海上相处得很好
[03:32.32]...once they were on dry land, couldn’t stand the sight of each other 但是一上岸就彼此看不顺眼
[03:36.96]You know, one in every eight boats never returns 八艘有一艘出海后不会再回来
[03:38.28]There was John Grimm, who sure fit his name... 还有尊格连,他超悲观
[03:42.04]All hands lost at sea 船上的人都葬身大海
[03:43.12]...from Belvedere, South Dakota 他来自南达科达州
[03:47.12]And Pleasant Curtis from Asheville, Notch4 和来自北卡罗莱纳州的小柯
[03:48.52]Never said a word to anyone, except himself 他不跟人说话,只会自言自语
[03:56.48]I wrote him constantly 我写信给他写得很勤
[04:00.64]DAISY; I told him I had been invited to audition5 in New York City... 我跟他说我被邀请到纽约市
[04:04.80]...for the School of American Ballet 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试
[04:08.36]Thank you. Thank you 谢谢你 谢谢你
[04:13.32]You can stay 你可以留下来
[04:18.44]But I was relegated6 to the corps7 不过我被迫加入舞团
[04:19.92]Another dancing gypsy 到处巡回表演
[04:28.88]MIKE; Benjamin! 班哲明!
[04:30.64]How is it when you showed up... 我第一次看到你
[04:32.04]...you were no bigger than a bollard with one foot in the grave? 你是个快进棺材的小老头
[04:36.04]Now, either I drink a hell of a lot more than I think I do... 现在我不是喝酒喝得太凶
[04:42.40]...or you sprouted8 不然就是你变年轻了
[04:44.08]What’s your secret? 你有什么秘密?
[04:48.04]Well, captain... 船长
[04:49.52]...you do drink a lot 你酒真的喝得太凶了
[04:57.80]BENJAMIN; We stayed in a small hotel with a grand name, the Winter Palace 我们待的小酒店叫“冬宫”
[05:00.04]MIKE; You have no idea what you’re talking about 你们根本就不懂

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v.用力拖(或拉);苦干;n.拖;苦干;拖船 | |
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v.救助,营救,援救;n.救助,营救 | |
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n.柴油发动机,内燃机 | |
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n.(V字形)槽口,缺口,等级 | |
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n.(对志愿艺人等的)面试(指试读、试唱等) | |
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v.使降级( relegate的过去式和过去分词 );使降职;转移;把…归类 | |
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n.(通信等兵种的)部队;(同类作的)一组 | |
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v.发芽( sprout的过去式和过去分词 );抽芽;出现;(使)涌现出 | |
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