[01:32.26]I know I should know this, darling, but are you mad at me? 我知道我应该清楚是怎么回事,亲爱的 你是不是生气了?
[01:40.02](SIGHS) 我做了什么? 我做错了什么?
[01:42.22]I did something, right? I did something bad, right?
[01:46.38]Should I know what it is? 能告诉我什么事吗?
[01:49.46]Or is it something maybe you just think I did? 或者只是一些你认为我做了的事?
[01:54.22]No, no. I did it. I did it. 不,不,我做了,我做了
[01:59.42]It was a bad, bad thing I did, and I’m so sorry, luv. 我做了一件很坏、很坏的事 我很抱歉,亲爱的
[02:02.02]Holly, come on, will you? Holly,别这样,行吗?
[02:04.98]Holly, wait. Baby... Holly,等等,宝贝...
[02:07.98]...you have to let me in on it. ...你得让我明白是怎么回事
[02:12.74]Or are you waiting until we’re in the apartment before you talk to me? 还是等我们进去了你才肯说?
[02:15.02](SIGHS) 你又想让我睡浴缸里吗?
[02:16.70]Are you gonna make me sleep in the bathtub again?
[02:22.94]GERRY: Oh, no, I don’t know what I said. 哦,不,我不知道我说了什么
[02:24.54]- You said it. You know you said it. - No, I don’t know what I said... - 你说了,你知道你说了 - 不,我不知道说了什么...
[02:28.74]...but I didn’t mean it. - You mean everything you say. - 但我不是故意的 - 你全是故意说的
[02:30.70]Sometimes I mean nothing when I say something. 有时我说话的时候是无心的
[02:33.78]Something is never nothing. It’s always something. 事情从来都不是没有意思的 它总有些含义
[02:37.50]Most of what I say is nothing. Just something to say. 我说的大部分都是无意的 只是随便说说罢了
[02:38.90]Men say it’s just something to say to get away with saying something... 男人说话总是想逃避一些事情...
[02:43.78]...but they know they’re saying something. - Say what? What did I say? - 但其实他们就是那个意思 - 说什么?我到底说什么了?
[02:45.42]You said at my mother’s, you would have a baby but I’m not ready. 你在我母亲家说,要不是我没准备好 你已经有孩子了
[02:49.50]To my mother! You might as well have said I’m a lesbian. 对我妈妈说! 你还不如说我是同性恋
[02:51.58]Well, I am the only man you ever had. 那好,我是你惟一拥有过的男人
[02:54.50]Oh, I dated Timmy Harrison for four months before I met you. 我和Timmy Harrison约会了四个月才认识你
[02:56.54]- Isn’t he a woman now? - Aah! - 他现在不是变性了吗? - 啊!
[03:00.02]You told my mother I didn’t want children! 你告诉我母亲我不想要孩子!
[03:02.66]- I did not. I didn’t say that. - Yes, you did. - 我没有,我没那么说 - 不,你说了
[03:05.74]- Yes, you did. You said exactly that. - I did not. - 不,你说了,你就是那么说的 - 我没有
[03:07.02]I didn’t say that you weren’t ready to have a baby. I said that you wanted to wait. 我没说你没准备好要孩子 我是说你想再等等
[03:10.70]Which means I don’t want one right now. 那就是说我现在不想要一个
[03:13.14]- Right. - Thank you. - 对 - 谢谢
[03:17.18]Wait a minute. I’m confused. Can I get a ruling on this? 等一下,我糊涂了 能解释一下吗?
[03:19.14]No, you’re not confused. You’re just wrong. 不,你不糊涂 你就是说错话了
[03:19.50]"Holly doesn’t wanna have a baby." We had a plan, Gerry. “Holly不想要孩子” 我们有计划的,Gerry
[03:22.62]To wait to have children until we could buy an apartment... 等到我们买了房再要孩子...
[03:28.10]...put 25 percent of each paycheck into a separate joint2 account... 每个月薪水都拿出25%存入单独的共用账户...
[03:29.06]...with a 6.25 interest for 5 years. Why didn’t you tell my mother that? 按6.25的利率存五年 你为什么不告诉我母亲这个呢?
[03:32.74]Ha-ha-ha. Each paycheck? 哈哈哈,每个月的薪水?
[03:37.26]Darling, you only just started getting regular paychecks. 亲爱的,你才刚刚开始有正常的收入
[03:40.14]- You quit five jobs in two years, remember? - Well, I can’t work for idiots3. - 你两年里换了五份工作,记得吗? - 没错,我才不给白痴工作
[03:42.10]- They can’t all be idiots. - Yes, they can. - 他们不全是白痴 - 不,他们是的
[03:44.58]They can all be idiots. And why didn’t you tell my mother... 他们全是白痴 还有你为什么不告诉我妈妈...
[03:48.66]...about the business loan you and John took out without asking me? ...你擅自和John申请商业贷款的事呢? 你根本就没和我商量
[03:52.46]Oh... Aha!
[03:53.02]You see, you... You finally said it. 你... 你终于还是说出来了
[03:57.30]- I knew that’s why you’re angry. - That’s not the reason. - 我就知道你为什么会生气 - 那不是原因
[03:59.22]It is not the reason. 这不是原因
[04:00.90]- It is the reason. - We should have waited. - 就是这个原因 - 我们应该等等
[04:03.18]Waited for what? What? I’ve been driving limos for four years, Holly. 等什么?什么? 我已经开车4年了,Holly
[04:05.94]So John and me, we wanna start a business. We buy a few cars, we get a few clients. John和我想自立门户 买几辆车,自己找一些客户
[04:13.42]That’s a career right there. What is your problem?! 这就是事业所在 你怎么了?!
[04:14.42]What if it doesn’t work? What if we always have to live here? 要是行不通怎么办? 要是我们得一直住在这里呢?
[04:17.46]And what about what I want, huh? 还有我想要的怎么办?
[04:20.06]You think I wanna be a real estate agent... 你以为我想当房地产经纪人吗?
[04:23.26]...showing apartments to buy that I can never live in? 推销那些我自己永远不会入住的公寓?
[04:25.22]There may be other things I wanna do with my life. 我的生活里还有其他我想做的事
[04:29.22]- Okay. Like what? - I don’t know. Other things. - 好吧,比如什么? - 我不知道,反正有
[04:32.70]Then quit, all right? The job makes you cranky at home every bloody4 day anyway. 那辞职吧,行吗? 反正这个工作让你每天回到家都如此暴躁
[04:35.78]- You wanna have a baby? Let’s do it. - See? - 你想要个孩子?我们干吧 - 看到了吧?
[04:39.66]- I hate when you do that. - Hah. Do what? - 我最讨厌你这么说 - 我们做什么?
[04:40.82]"Let’s have a baby." La-la-la! “让我们生孩子啊”
[04:44.34]In a five-floor walkup we can barely5 move in. I’d change diapers on the windowsill. 住在五楼的临时住宅里 我得在窗台上给孩子换尿布
[04:47.22]You have to have a plan. You can’t act like everything’s just gonna work out by itself. 你得有一个计划 不能总指望一切都顺其自然
[04:52.18]Why do I have to be the responsible grownup who worries? 为什么我得做一个有责任心的成年人? 什么都要操心
[04:55.98]Why can’t I be the cute, carefree Irish guy who sings all the time? 为什么我不能做一个无忧无虑的爱尔兰人 总是哼着小曲
[04:59.74]Because you can’t sing without making dogs bark. 因为你一唱歌连狗都要乱叫
[05:01.90](HOLLY GRUNTS)
[05:03.90]Look, Holly, people have babies with no money all the time. 听着,Holly 没钱的人要孩子很常见
[05:07.70]If you’re so worried about it, why don’t you stop buying designer clothes? 如果你真的为这个烦心 那你为什么不停止买名牌服装?
[05:10.78]I buy everything on eBay. 我的东西都是在eBay上买的
[05:12.54]It doesn’t count when you’re wearing Marc Jacobs from Minneapolis. 这和你从明尼阿波利斯买的Marc Jacobs 比起来算不了什么
[05:19.02](DOOR OPENS)
[05:20.18]Do you want to have a baby? 你真的想要孩子吗?
[05:25.06]- Do you? - Yes, I do. - 你呢? - 是的,我想
[05:27.54]- See? - See what? - 看到了吧? - 看到什么?
[05:29.82]I know what you’re really saying even when you don’t say it. 就算你不说 我也知道你到底想说什么
[05:32.54]You mean the two conversations thing. 你说的是两个谈话
[05:34.14]The one we’re having and the one you think we’re having. 一个是我们正在说的 还有一个你以为正在进行的
[05:39.22]You said that to my mother because you’re mad at me for not wanting children yet... 你对我妈妈那么说 因为你对我不想要孩子很生气...
[05:43.38]...and because I’m no fun anymore and we don’t have enough hot, nasty6 sex... 也因为我不再可爱了,我们再也不会疯狂做爱了
[05:48.14]...because I’m always bitching about bills. Why don’t you just be honest and say it? ...因为我总是对账单喋喋不休 你为什么不老实点直说呢?
[05:53.50]Say what you mean. 说你想说的
[05:56.90]All right. 好吧
[05:57.86]I wish we had more hot, nasty sex. 我希望我们疯狂地做爱
[06:03.54]Or the other kind is fine. 再扔另一只也无妨
[06:05.02]What you’re really saying is this isn’t the life you wanted, is it? 你是说你不想要现在的生活?
[06:08.74]Well, that’s not what I’m saying. Is that what you’re saying? 这不是我的意思 这是你想说的吗?
[06:13.38]And what if this is it, Gerry? What if this is all there is to our life? 如果是呢,Gerry? 如果我们的生活就是这样了呢?
[06:18.18]- What do you mean? - It means this is it. - 你什么意思? - 我就是这个意思
[06:20.74]We’re a married couple who own a limo company... 我们是一对已婚夫妻 拥有一家房车租赁公司...
[06:21.22]...who may or may not have children, end of story. ...可能要孩子,也可能不要孩子 故事结束
[06:26.14]- Well, what other story do you want? - I don’t know. L... - 好吧,你还想要其他什么样的故事? - 我不知道...
[06:27.98]What do you want, Hol? What? 你到底要什么,Holly,什么?
[06:30.38]Because I’m tired of trying to figure it out. 我已经厌倦了猜测
[06:31.26]You want a bigger apartment? I’ll take a second job. 你想要一个大点的公寓 好吧,我去做兼职
[06:34.94]You want a child, you don’t want a child. What? 你想要孩子,你不想要孩子 到底是什么?
[06:37.62]I know what I want because I have it in my hands right now. 我知道我想要什么是因为我现在就有条件
[06:44.14]Do you? Do you know what you want? 你呢? 你知道你想要什么吗?
[06:46.98]Because you better tell me now if I’m not it. 你最好现在就告诉我,以免我不明白
[06:50.98]Or what? You gonna leave? 否则怎么样?你就要走吗?
[06:52.66]- You want me to leave? - Lf you wanna leave. - 你想让我走吗? - 如果你自己想走就走吧
[06:55.22]- Don’t use me as an excuse. - I’ll leave if you want me to. - 不要用我来当借口 - 你让我走我就会走
[06:57.54]Then leave if you wanna go. 如果你想走就走吧
[07:00.70]- Don’t push me. - You wanna leave, just say goodbye. - 不要逼我 - 你想走的话就说再见吧
[07:01.70]Oh, that’s me bollocks! 噢,胡说八道
[07:08.14]Kiss mine in English! 你用英语亲我的吧!
[07:12.66](DOOR SLAMS)
[07:15.50](DOOR CREAKS OPEN)
[07:31.10]Are we finished now, luv? Can I come back? 我们现在吵完了吗,亲爱的? 我能回来了吗?
[07:34.70]Yeah. 当然
[07:37.26]I’m sorry. I’m sorry. 我很抱歉,我很抱歉
[07:46.14]- I’m sorry, luv. Ahhh. - I’m sorry. - 我很抱歉,亲爱的,啊 - 对不起
[07:50.54]I’m sorry I said the wrong thing to your mother. 对不起,我对你妈妈说错话了
[07:55.70]God, I still get nervous around her. 上帝啊,我现在在她面前还是很紧张
[07:57.54]I still think after nine years, she doesn’t like me. 我还在想九年之后她也不会喜欢我
[08:01.62]No, you’re not being stupid, baby. She doesn’t like you. 不,你一点也不蠢 她确实不喜欢你
[08:01.74]I know I’m being stupid. 我知道我表现的很愚蠢
[08:08.22]Really? And I thought deep down, she really loved me. 真的吗?我还以为她喜欢我呢
[08:10.38]No, she doesn’t. I was 19 when we got married. 不,她才不会呢 我19岁时我们就结婚了
[08:19.46]...and the longer it takes you to make your fortune, the less sexy and charming you are. 你花在赚钱上的时间多了 就变得不那么性感迷人了
[08:24.30]What? What are you looking for? 什么?你在找什么?
[08:24.70]Hmm. 嗯
[08:29.38]Me balls. They were hanging there a minute ago. 我的鸟蛋,他们刚才还在那挂着
[08:31.58]My mother said it was a mistake marrying you because I loved you too much. 我母亲说当时嫁给你是个错误 因为我当时太爱你了
[08:39.42]"It won’t last." “这婚姻不会长久”
[08:40.74]I don’t wanna make any mistakes, Gerry. 我不想出任何差错,Gerry
[08:48.26](MO ANING)
[08:52.94]My baby. 我的宝贝
[08:54.34]We’re not a mistake just because we don’t have any money. 我们没有犯错 只是因为我们没钱
[09:00.82]And we are gonna last. 我们会白头偕老的
[09:03.58]You know how I know? 你知道我怎么知道的吗?
[09:07.34]Because I still wake up every morning... 因为我每天早晨依然醒来...
[09:08.82]...and the first thing I want to do is see your face. ...而第一件我想做的事 就是看见你的脸
[09:16.02]Oh, I’m sorry. 噢,对不起
[09:18.86]I see people buying bigger apartments and having babies. 我看见那些有大公寓、有孩子的人
[09:25.66]I get so afraid sometimes our life’s never gonna start. 有时候我好担心我们的生活永远过不下去
[09:28.10]No, baby. 不,宝贝
[09:33.70]We’re already in our life. 我们已经在享受我们的生活了
[09:35.90]It’s already started. This is it. 它已经开始了,这就是生活
[09:37.74]You have to stop waiting, baby. 你得停止等待,宝贝
[09:42.14]And Hol, you can’t keep eating me head off, telling me to leave. Holly,你不能跟我过不去 让我离开
[09:46.34]I’m not going anywhere. 我哪儿也不去
[09:53.66]I’m not your dad. 我不是你父亲
[09:59.06]Or don’t you know that yet? 你还不知道这个吗?

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n.[植]冬青属灌木 | |
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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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傻子,笨蛋( idiot的名词复数 ); 白痴 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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adv.仅仅,几乎没有,几乎不 | |
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adj.令人讨厌的,困难的,恶劣的,下流的 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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(使)败坏( corrupt的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)腐化; 引起(计算机文件等的)错误; 破坏 | |
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vt.使着迷,使陶醉;n.招人喜欢之处,魅力 | |
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n.物种,种群 | |
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