[00:03.92]- Horrible. - Point it up! - 太糟糕了 - 把它立起来
[00:05.44]Shut up, let me work! 闭嘴 让我专心工作
[00:06.68]I don’t want a fancy satellite. I don’t want any satellite. 我不想要什么高档的卫星 我不需要任何卫星
[00:10.08]It’s not a satellite, genius! It’s a satellite dish! 他不是卫星 天才 这是卫星天线
[00:14.44]Okay. 好吧
[00:15.68]- Pull the thing and... - Get off my roof! - 拔掉那个东西... - 从我的房顶上下来
[00:19.24]Pull the damn thing! 拔掉这烂东西
[00:34.52]It’s too much. 用劲太大了吧
[00:35.52]Whatever you’re doing, stop it right now! 不管你在干嘛 都立马停下来!
[00:38.32]- Leave my TV alone! - I’m fine! - 别搞我的电视了! - 我能弄好!
[00:42.92]She stopped crying. 她不哭了
[00:45.20]I did it! 我成功了
[00:46.20]You idiot! Stop it! 蠢货! 住手!
[00:49.72]- This is all right. - Leave my TV alone! - 没问题 - 别动我的电视了!
[00:53.44]I’m fine. 我能搞定
[00:57.52]Okay, I’m coming up. 好 我要上来了
[01:20.84]Give me back my baby! 把孩子还给我!
[01:25.12]Mistletoe. 槲寄生
[01:30.52]Mistletoe. 槲寄生
[01:37.76]I can’t believe I nailed that baby’s head. 难以置信 我把孩子的头磕门上了
[01:40.32]I feel kind of bad. 我很内疚
[01:41.36]That’s my brother’s kid. You couldn’t possibly avoid it. It’s fine. 那是我哥哥的孩子 难免的 没事儿
[01:44.92]But I did get her to stop crying for a second. 但是有一会 她确实不哭了
[01:47.48]I think she’s kind of like me. 我想她有点喜欢我
[01:49.68]Yeah. 是的
[01:50.68]Oh, my God. You know what happens to your nipples after your breast feed? 哦 天呐 你知道喂母乳之后乳头会怎样吗?
[01:55.08]I don’t wanna know. 我不想知道
[01:56.48]No, I don’t think you do. It’s violent. 我想也是 很暴力的
[01:59.24]- They crack up like tire rubber. - Okay. - 它们会像轮胎橡胶一样开裂 - 够了
[02:13.28]This is different. 不一样了
[02:17.64]Maybe she has a new boyfriend. 她可能交了新男朋友
[02:25.96]Merry Christmas, Mom. 圣诞快乐 妈妈
[02:27.24]Merry Christmas, Kate. Come on in. 圣诞快乐 Kate 快进来
[02:29.44]Merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐
[02:34.52]Give me a hug, Kate. 来抱一下 Kate
[02:36.12]Oh, okay. 哦 好啊
[02:38.52]Good to see you. 很高兴见到你
[02:39.48]And you must be Brad. 你就是Brad吧
[02:40.88]Mrs. Kincaid. Kincaid太太
[02:42.48]Call me Marilyn and get over here... 叫我Marilyn就好 过来...
[02:44.48]and give me a hug, you big, fat, purple teddy bear. 抱一下 你这个大个肥嘟嘟的紫泰迪熊
[02:47.64]Bring it! 快来!
[02:48.92]- Yes, yes! - Hey, Merry Christmas. - 好 好! - 嘿 圣诞快乐
[02:52.52]Shit, that feels good. 妈的 感觉真不错
[02:55.20]You’re so tall and firm like a giant oak. 你真是又高又壮 像棵大橡树
[02:58.40]He’s tall. 他真高
[03:02.36]- Brad, this is my aunt Sarah. - Hi. - Brad 这是我姨妈Sarah - 嗨
[03:04.32]- This is my aunt Donna. - Hi. - 这是我姨妈Donna - 嗨
[03:06.12]- Genuine leather. - Nice to meet you, ladies. - 真皮耶 - 很高兴认识你们 女士们
[03:12.28]I’m sorry, Gram-Gram. But that’s my belt. That’s attached to me. 很抱歉 外婆 但是这是我的皮带 是贴身的
[03:18.44]I get it. 知道了
[03:21.44]This is the den. Well, everyone’s in here. 这就是小客厅啦 大家都在这儿
[03:26.04]I can’t believe you came. 不敢相信 你居然来了
[03:28.08]- Hi, Courtney. - Hi, sweetie. - 嗨 Courtney - 嗨 甜心
[03:30.08]Hi, listen. I can’t get up. Jackson is very gassy... 嘿 我不能站起里 Jackson很容易胀气...
[03:32.40]and I gotta keep bouncing him. 我得一直晃着他
[03:34.36]Okay. 好吧
[03:35.36]- Well, this is Brad. - Hi. - 这是Brad - 嗨
[03:38.24]Hi. 嗨
[03:39.52]I’m Courtney. 我是Courtney
[03:41.40]- Brad. Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - 我叫Brad 圣诞快乐 - 圣诞快乐
[03:44.60]And that’s Granddad. 那是我外公
[03:46.48]And this is Courtney’s husband, Jim. 这是Courtney的老公 Jim
[03:48.88]- Take Jackson. - All right. - 抱着Jackson - 好的
[03:51.16]He’s so good with kids. Yeah. 他照顾孩子很有一套 真的
[03:53.76]- We’re gonna try again. - Well... - 我们打算再要一个 - 好吧...
[03:56.16]Oh, I forgot you’re too cool for kids. It cramps4 your independence. 哦 我差点忘了你根本不爱小孩 他们碍手碍脚的
[03:59.20]I never said I was too cool for kids. 我从来没说过不爱小孩
[04:01.40]I know you didn’t say it. But you don’t have any. 你是没说 但是你到现在也没生
[04:04.36]And you have really strong concrate ideas about not having them. 而且你打定主意不要孩子
[04:08.36]Well, that’s actually not... 呃 事实上并不是...
[04:10.56]You know I’d rather just not get into it. 我不想讨论此事
[04:13.12]Where’s Kasi? Kasi在哪儿?
[04:14.24]She’s outside in the jump-jump with the rest of the kids. 她跟其他孩子们在外面玩跳跳屋
[04:17.72]There’s a jump-jump? 这儿有跳跳屋?
[04:21.76]Kate hated the jump-jump. Kate恨跳跳屋
[04:23.40]In the 5th grade, a bunch of kids trapped her inside of the jump-jump. 小学5年级的时候 一群孩子把她困在了跳跳屋里
[04:27.32]- She never got over it. - I got over it. - 她有阴影 - 我已经走出来了
[04:29.36]They tortured her for about an hour. 他们折磨了她快一个小时
[04:31.92]Why would they trapped her in? 他们为什么要把她困在里面?
[04:34.80]Because she was... 因为她是...
[04:36.96]"Cootie Kate". "虱子Kate"
[04:37.96]Courtney. Courtney
[04:39.68]Who’s Cootie Kate? 谁是虱子Kate?
[04:40.96]- She didn’t tell you about "Cootie Kate"? - Mon, I don’t think it is necessary. - 她没告诉你关于"虱子Kate"的事吗? - 妈妈 我想没这个必要
[04:44.36]All the kids pretended that Kate had cooties... 所有的孩子都假装Kate身上有虱子...
[04:46.84]and no one talked to her. 没人跟她说话
[04:48.44]If Kate even touched you, you’d have to wipe it off... 如果Kate摸了你 你就得擦一下...
[04:51.52]and spray with disinfectant to get off the cooties. 然后喷上杀虫剂来祛虱
[04:57.16]Not long. I don’t remember, but it wasn’t long. 没多久 我忘了 反正不长
[04:58.88]Seven years. Until 6th. 7年 直到6年级
[04:60.44]That was a long time ago. 那是很早以前了
[05:01.92]I’m sure you don’t have cooties now. 现在你身上肯定没有虱子了
[05:04.32]Let’s test it. 来试一下
[05:05.40]Cooties! 虱子!
[05:15.36]with the commercial trappings of the holidays. 过商业化的节日
[05:17.96]- Pastor Phil? - Mom’s new beau. - Pastor Phil是谁? - 妈妈的新情人
[05:19.56]It’s a whole new thing. 绝对不同以往
[05:23.40]what I had in mind was that... 我想...
[05:25.60]we’d go around the room and each of us... 大家可以围着房间走 并且每个人...
[05:28.48]would speak to the spiritual gifts that we might give. 都说出想要送出的心灵礼物
[05:32.36]A verbal gift giving of sorts. 类似于口头礼物
[05:35.92]Wait. There’s really no presents. 等下 那是等于没有礼物了
[05:38.20]Kasi. Kasi
[05:39.64]None that you can see. 没有看得见的礼物
[05:42.08]Okay, I’ll go first. 好了 我先来
[05:44.20]I’d like give more of myself to my church... 我希望更多的献身于教会...
[05:47.08]and to Pastor Phil. 和Pastor Phil
[05:56.72]I could increase the frequency with which... 我希望能更频繁的...
[05:60.40]I pleasure Milton with my hand and with my mouth. 用我的手和嘴来取悦Milton
[06:06.44]Did she just say that? 她刚才是指那档事儿?
[06:10.44]Brad, why don’t you go next? Brad 下一个你来 怎么样?
[06:13.68]I’m follow Gram-Gram with that... 我接着外婆...
[06:16.80]hand stuff and what she does with her... Yeah, okay? 说的手的事和她要... 好 行啊?
[06:20.56]I’d like to... 我希望...
[06:23.48]with Kate... 和Kate...
[06:25.84]would be too... 可以...
[06:28.44]vacationing more frequently and do in it with Kate in the vacation. 有更多的假期 并旅行中和Kate做爱
[06:33.40]That is lovely, Brad. 真贴心 Brad
[06:35.28]- He’s so well spoken. - Thank you. Thank you. - 嘴真甜 - 谢谢 谢谢
[06:39.04]Courtney, what would you give? Courtney 你呢?
[06:40.76]Well, I’d like to give myself a gift. 哦 我想给自己一份礼物
[06:42.92]And that is the gift of being pregnant. 那就是再次受孕
[06:46.52]I know that comes with its own challenges for 9 months... 我知道那9个月中会充满挑战...
[06:50.08]like getting fat and having people stare at you funny... 比如发胖 偷偷抽烟的时候...
[06:54.96]But I’d like to give myself another gift. 我还要给自己另一个礼物
[06:57.12]And that is a scheduled a C-section. 就是预定一次剖腹产
[07:05.12]Yeah, those women who haven’t done it before. 是啊 没生过的都那样想
[07:07.40]Right. 没错
[07:10.48]You just come here. 来这里
[07:13.52]Auntie Kate, will you please hold him like it is supposed to be? Kate阿姨 能不能好好抱他一下?
[07:15.64]What do I do? 我要怎么做?
[07:16.92]You gotta hold him. Okay, got him? 要抱稳了 好了 抱好了吗?
[07:18.80]I’ll fix myself here. There we go. 我要打理一下自己 就这样
[07:22.40]- What should I do with him? - See if he made a stinky. - 我该干什么? - 看他是不是便便了
[07:24.96]How do I do that? 怎么看?
[07:26.20]Just lift up his diaper and see if he made one. 就把尿布掀起来 看看是不是拉在里面了
[07:31.96]Oh, oh, yeah. There’s something in here. 哦 哦 是啊 里面有点东西
[07:34.40]It’s a really disgusting... 真恶心...
[07:36.88]Jackson... Jackson...
[07:39.60]You project it on auntie Kate. 你吐在Kate阿姨身上了
[07:46.44]Get him some water. 给他点水
[07:48.44]- I’m about to throw up. - Oh, God. - 我要吐出来了 - 哦 天呐
[07:51.52]I’ll get sick. I can’t be here. 我直犯恶心 不能呆在这儿了
[07:54.08]What do I do? 我该怎么办?
[07:55.48]Take it away from me. I’m sorry. I love you. 麻烦走远点 对不起 我爱你
[07:57.40]You gotta get out here. I can’t breathe. 你得出去 我快窒息了
[08:02.28]- Kate! - What? - Kate! - 什么?
[08:09.44]Are you joking me? These are the only clothes we have the entire house? 开玩笑吧 家里就只有这些衣服?
[08:13.08]How’s that even possible? 怎么可能?
[08:14.68]It’s not like you have ever come around. You haven’t been here like... Forever. 你又不常来这里 你已经很久... 几乎没有回来过
[08:18.08]Ok, I can not believe you told him about "Cootie Kate". 好吧 很难相信你竟然把"虱子Kate"的事告诉他
[08:20.72]How’s I supposed to know you hadn’t told him? 我怎么知道你没告诉他?
[08:22.84]Like you’d tell Jim you’re "Cootie Courtney". 好像你会告诉Jim你是"虱子Courtney"似的
[08:25.24]Jim and I knows everything there is to know about each other. Jim和我知道彼此的所有事情
[08:27.52]He knows I slept with the entire water polo team. 他知道我睡遍了整个水球队
[08:29.88]Just like I know he experimented with men. 我也知道他和男人试过
[08:36.28]I’d think that you and Brad... 你和Brad...
[08:37.92]would know a little more about each other about what you do 应该更加了解彼此
[08:40.80]How can you really appreciate someone for who they are... 在真正了解一个人之前...
[08:43.92]until you really know them? 你又怎能全心全意爱他?
[08:52.08]Thank you. 谢谢
[08:53.72]I kind of feel like a Saudi prince in here. 我觉得自己像沙特王子
[08:56.84]We’re just so glad that Kate has a boyfriend. 我们很高兴Kate有了男朋友
[08:59.52]You’re the longest relationship she’s ever had with a man. 你是和她交往过时间最长的男人
[09:06.16]With a man? 的男人?
[09:35.12]What’s this? 这是什么?
[09:54.20]Oh, my God. 哦 天呐

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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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n.美洲狮;美洲豹 | |
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n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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n. 抽筋, 腹部绞痛, 铁箍 adj. 狭窄的, 难解的 v. 使...抽筋, 以铁箍扣紧, 束缚 | |
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n.牧师,牧人 | |
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vt.分配,分发;配(药),发(药);实施 | |
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vt.潜行(隐藏,填石缝);偷偷摸摸做;n.潜行;adj.暗中进行 | |
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v.呕吐,作呕;n.呕吐物,吐出物 | |
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