[00:02.80]We’re here. It’s time. 时间到了,就是这里
[00:13.16]Marshal Wheeler will take good care of you. 魏警员会照顾好你们的
[00:15.84]You’re not coming? 你不来吗
[00:16.52]I’m going back to find this guy. Good luck. 我得回去抓凶手,一路顺风
[00:23.20]Goodbye. 再见
[00:24.36]Thank you. 谢谢
[00:24.52]Yeah, thank you, Marshal. 谢了,警员
[00:28.88]Thank you, Marshal. Thank you. 谢谢,警员
[01:09.56]Is that him? 那就是他?
[01:15.08]If it is, I feel safer already. 如果是的话,我还真感到放心
[01:26.28]Oh, my God. 天啊
[01:29.64]What? 干嘛
[01:35.16]You’re gonna love this. 你会开心得不得了的
[01:43.84]Well, should we be writing this down? 我们是不是该抄下来
[01:45.52]Don’t worry, they’re all over town. The posters, not the bears. 别担心,那到处都是 我指的是海报而不是熊
[01:49.36]Hi, are you... 你┅
[01:52.40]Glad to see you? You bet. 很高兴见到你们?当然
[01:55.72]- Take your bag? - Thank you. -要帮你拿吗 -谢谢
[01:58.76]- Thanks. - Come with me. -谢谢 -跟我来
[01:59.24]Try to stay awake there, Tom. 汤姆,清醒一点
[02:05.92]Welcome to Wyoming. I’m U. S. Marshal Clay Wheeler. 欢迎来到怀俄明州,我是魏警长
[02:10.80]Thank you, hello. 谢谢,你好
[02:11.64]Hello. I’m Meryl Morgan. 你好,我是梅莉摩根
[02:13.16]No, I don’t think so, ma’am. 你确定你是吗
[02:18.16]You mean I’ve been wrong all these years? 你在怀疑我吗
[02:18.48]You’re Meryl Foster. 你是梅莉福斯特吧
[02:22.68]I’m your cousin. 我是你的亲戚
[02:25.84]You cold? 你很冷吗
[02:29.52]We were just only allowed to bring one bag, 因为他们规定只能带一袋行李
[02:31.88]so I just packed a ton of underwear and a strapless gown. 所以我只带了一堆内衣,和一件无袖礼服
[02:33.40]Same here. 我也是
[02:39.08]Temperature really drops around here at night. 在这里一到晚上会变得很冷
[02:41.44]Let’s see about getting you something warm. 你们得添购些衣服
[02:45.28]Thank you. I mean, if there’s, you know, any place that’s open. 谢谢,不过现在应该没有店还在营业吧
[02:49.76]Sure, there’s a Bargain Barn. 当然还有,别忘了家乐福
[02:51.44]I’ve gotta swing by there anyway. 反正我也得绕过去
[02:52.64]I’ve never been to a Bargain Barn. 我从来没去过家乐福
[02:55.96]Are you pulling my leg? 你在开玩笑吗
[02:57.48]They don’t have them in New York. 因为纽约没有啊
[03:01.16]What’s that got to do with anything? 那又如何
[03:03.84]Well, that’s why I’ve never been to one. 所以我才没去过
[03:07.84]I’m still not following you. 我还是不懂
[03:14.88]They don’t have Bargain Barns in New York, 因为纽约没有家乐福
[03:19.88]so that’s why I’ve never been to one. 所以我不曾去过
[03:22.24]We’ve also never been to one in Chicago, which is where we’re from. 而且在我们的家乡,芝加哥,也没有半家
[03:25.60]- I see. - Oh, jeez. -原来如此 -好啦
[03:32.96]It’s huge. 超大哦
[03:35.48]- I had no idea. - Astonishing. -我真傻眼了 -太吓人了
[03:41.16]It’s all about bulk. 所有东西都是以量取胜
[03:45.68]This can’t be right. 这是真的吗
[03:47.00]A sweater for $9. 99? 一件针织衫只要9. 99美金?
[03:50.68]It’s not right. Look, it’s two for one. 不对,是两件的价格
[03:52.88]Come on. 天啊
[03:56.56]Where is menswear? 男装部在哪
[03:58.40]Wait a minute. 等等
[04:19.48]Okay, look, you see that woman? 你看到那个女人了没
[04:20.00]See that woman? Guess what’s in those bags? 看到了吗?你猜那袋子里装的是什么
[04:26.84]- French bread? - Guns. Big guns. -法国面包? -是枪,好大一支枪
[04:30.52]- Oh, Lord, she’s coming. - Oh, my God, it’s Sarah Palin. -天啊,他朝这里走过来了 -天啊 她是裴琳吧
[04:33.04]Actually, the name’s Emma, Emma Wheeler, but you can call me Deputy Wheeler. 其实我叫做魏艾玛,你可以叫我副警长
[04:39.88]- So... So you’re married. - Oh, yeah. -你结婚了? -对
[04:43.24]Just what you needed, hon. A couple more guns. 你需要的是,更多的枪
[04:47.08]I love them. Do you hunt, Meryl? 我喜欢,你平常打猎吗,梅莉
[04:50.28]Just for bargains. Actually, I’m a member of PETA. 杀价的时候例外. 其实我是动物委员会的会员
[04:54.80]"People for the Ethical1 Treatment of Animals." 动物道德伦理委员会
[04:57.12]So am I. Except mine’s "People for Eating Tasty Animals." 我也是啊, 我是动物山珍海味委员会

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adj.伦理的,道德的,合乎道德的 | |
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