Microsoft's new games console, the Xbox One, sold more than one million consoles within 24 hours of its release. It has sold out in most of the 13 countries that were selling it. Many people waited outside stores overnight to buy it. Company executives said it was an exciting product and the best console they have ever made. Microsoft spokesman Yusuf Mehdi said: "Seeing thousands of excited fans lined up to get their Xbox One, and their love for gaming, was truly a special moment for everyone on the Xbox team." He added: "We are working hard to create more Xbox One consoles and look forward to fulfilling holiday gift wishes this season."
微软最新电子游戏机“Xbox One”在推出24小时内销售数量超过了100万套。在13个售卖国家中,绝大部分国家的“Xbox One”已经售卖一空。为了购买到它,许多人在店门外等候一个晚上。公司总经理称这款游戏机是我们生产的最好的电子游戏机。微软发言人尤素夫·梅赫蒂称:“看见这么多排队购买“Xbox One”的人,以及他们对游戏的热爱,这对于Xbox团队成员来说真是特殊的一刻。”他还说:“我们正在努力争取制作出更多的“Xbox One”游戏机,并期待能够填补上这一季度的节日礼物心愿。”
Many Xbox One customers were disappointed after buying the console. They saw error messages soon after they switched the machine on and uploaded an update. The update caused the machine to "brick". This is a gaming word, which means to become useless. Microsoft explained to Britain's Sky News what users needed to do. It said: "If a user is experiencing a stall for more than 10 minutes…they should contact Xbox customer support and we will work with them to troubleshoot and get them up and running." Microsoft needs to act quickly because its big rival Sony also has a new console – the PlayStation 4. It is $80 cheaper than the Xbox One and gamers are calling it a "pure gaming machine".
许多“Xbox One”顾客在购买以后大为失望。开机之后,或是上传更新之后都会看到错误信息。更新让机器崩溃。这是一个游戏术语,意思是没有用。微软向英国天空新闻台说明了用户在遇到这种情况后该如何做。称:“如果用户等待的时间超过了10分钟,那么就应该联系Xbox客户服务部,我们将寻找毛病,并保证它运转正常。”微软需要立即行动起来,因为其竞争对手索尼又公布了新的游戏机“PlayStation 4”。它比“Xbox One”便宜了80美金,玩家称这是“纯粹的游戏机”。