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  • 英国新闻听力 俄被指蓄意加剧叙难民危机 The challengers for the US presidency have been addressing large rallies as they try to maximize their support on Super Tuesday. Eleven US states are choosing Democratic and Republican Party candidates for November's election.The Republican Donald Tr
  • 英国新闻听力 美国共和党参选人本·卡森暗示退选 The United Nations' Security Council has approved some of the harshest sanctions it's ever imposed in response to North Korea's recent nuclear test and rocket launch. The US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power described the new measures as the toughe
  • 英国新闻听力 欧洲理事会主席访问希腊和土耳其 North Korea has fired several short-range missiles into the sea off its eastern coast. It's an apparent response to tough new sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council following a North Korean nuclear test in January. 朝鲜在东部海域向海上发
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜随时准备使用核武器 The Republican Party candidates for the last two US presidential elections Mitt Romney and John McCain have denounced the front-runner for this year's nomination Donald Trump. Mr. Romney described him as a bully and a conman who was unfit to lead the
  • 英国新闻听力 特朗普遭共和党候选人围攻 美国科技巨头联合声援苹果 There have been heated exchanges during the latest televised debate between the main US Republican presidential hopefuls. It was dominated by attacks on the front runner Donald Trump by his two biggest rivals. Senator Ted Cruz questioned Mr. Trump's
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜对美韩军演放狠话 Efforts to stem the flow of migrants to Europe are gathering momentum. NATO is expanding its mission in the Aegean Sea to try to help stop the smuggling of people from Turkey to Greece. The alliance's secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said more ship
  • 英国新闻听力 莎拉波娃承认服用禁药 European Union leaders say they have agreed at a summit with Turkey the outlines that are planned for coping with the massive influx of migrants across the Aegean Sea. The details of an agreement with Turkey will be moved to a further meeting of EU l
  • 英国新闻听力 多国齐齐关闭入欧边境 Slovenia is the latest European Union member to have closed its border to migrants. 欧盟成员国斯洛文尼亚关闭边境。 The Slovenian government said restrictions came into effect from midnight local time. 斯政府表示从零时开始,政
  • 英国新闻听力 慈善救助精神病患者 In the African state of Benin, mental illness is still often associated with witch craft and evil spirits. For over 30 years with his charity, a 65-year old mechanic has helped thousands of West Africans affected by mental illness. This report from B
  • 英国新闻听力 加拿大总理对美国进行国事访问 The US military has reportedly captured a chemical weapons expert who once worked for Saddam Hussein but now belongs to the militant Islamic State Group. 美国军方报道称逮捕了一名曾为萨达姆侯赛因效力、如今在伊斯兰国武装组
  • 英国新闻听力 伯尼·桑德斯与希拉里·克林顿进行激烈辩论 China is imposing a ban on North Korean ships entering its ports. 中国禁止朝鲜船只进入本国海港, Chinese media quoted the foreign ministry as saying that Beijing was applying the terms of latest United Nations resolution. Robin Brant r
  • 英国新闻听力 本·卡森力挺特朗普入主白宫 The US Defense Department has confirmed that the American special forces have captured the Islamic State chemical weapons expert in Iraq. 经美国防部证实,特种部队在伊抓获伊斯兰国化学武器专家。 The Pentagon said Sulayman Daw
  • 英国新闻听力 日举行大地震五周年纪念仪式 The remaining four candidates for the Republican nomination for the US presidency have faced each other in a televised debate in Florida. The front-runner Donald Trump came under fire for saying that Muslims hate America. He was asked if he thought t
  • 英国新闻听力 安卡拉半年遭遇三起恐袭 President Erdogan of Turkey has promised a relentless fight against terrorism after a car bomb killed at least 34 people in the center of Ankara. 安卡拉市中心发生汽车爆炸,造成至少34人死亡,土耳其总理埃尔多安表示,将不
  • 英国新闻听力 俄罗斯开始从叙利亚撤军 President Putin of Russia says he has ordered his military to start withdrawing most of its forces from Syria. The Russia Defense Ministry said the air campaign had helped Syrian government forces recapture more than 400 towns and villages. Sara Rain