模仿句子: This was one of those films I thought rather than going to a critics screening and sort of sitting down in the middle of the day, I would wait till it came out and go and see it with Powell, sort of Friday night with popcorn. 翻译:这...
模仿句子: While travelling on the boat, she gets a painful splinter in her finger. A good-looking teacher removes it and they fall in love. 翻译:旅途中,在一艘船上,她的手指戳进了一根刺,疼痛难忍。一位长相俊俏的...
模仿句子:The former general was effectively sacked from his post in the army after criticising his masters in Washington in a Rolling Stone magazine interview. 翻译:这位前任将军因接受滚石杂志参访时批判他在华盛顿的长官...
模仿句子: There's talk of municipal neglect and extortion and of how corrupt business and property deals have ruined many beautiful neighbourhoods. 有传闻直指市政府的不作为和敲诈勒索,并描述许多美丽的街区是如何被商...
模仿句子: Well, Novak Djokovic said a member of his team was approached early in his career about throwing a match. But he says his team immediately threw out the request and he doesn't know of any players throwing matches. 诺瓦克德约科维奇...
模仿句子:The film was shot using natural light, which is extraordinary itself in the US, Canada and Argentina. That meant ferrying actors for hours to extreme locations. 翻译:这部电影以自然光拍摄,这对一部在美国、加拿大和...
模仿句子:What should we read into that slide and what does it tell us about China's economy and its place in the world? 翻译:What should we read into that slide and what does it tell us about China's economy and its place in the world?...
模仿句子:The object, which has been nicknamed Planet Nine by researchers of the California Institute of Technology, is orbiting billions of miles beyond Neptune. 翻译:这一被加州科技研究所研究者命名为第九行星的星体,正...
模仿句子:There is something particularly poignant about the closure of a steelworks. 钢铁厂的倒闭总是伴随着无限的辛酸泪...
模仿句子:Let's now get a snapshot of what's been happening on the financial markets. And a little earlier I spoke to Justin Urquhart Stewart of Seven Investment Management and I put it to him that after a week of volatility a certain amount of...
模仿句子:The first film under consideration today demands that audiences sit up, pay attention and follow the plot closely, even if they wrestle with incredulity at the causes of the 2007 financial crisis and the collapse of the subprime mortga...
模仿句子:Some warn it's a sign of what's to come in the real economy in the same way that financial markets foresaw the crash of 2008. 翻译:一些人警告称这将是实体经济遭遇同样情形的一个征兆,就像金融市场曾预见...
模仿句子:We're moving to a very different area which is international communication and media. They've been making the headlines, certainly here in Britain today, has been the appointment of James Murdoch, famous family of course, returning to...
模仿句子: He decants the mixture into a kettle, transfers that to his stove and sits beside it, settling his dark red robes. 房东将混合物倒入锅子,移到炉子上,自己坐在旁边,脱下了深红色长袍。...
模仿句子:And when I talked to Oliver, that's what they want, they want to give it a scale and normally, the episodes are sort of resolutely, sort of earth-bound, church-hall-bound with the occasional exterior and here is this story that often h...