Jim plays golf down in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The course was built right next to a cemetery. One of the greens is right next to the fence that separates the golf course from the cemetery. One afternoon,...
While waiting for my first appointment in the reception room of a new dentist, I noticed his certificate, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name h...
A professor stood before his class of twenty senior organic biology students, about to hand out the final exam. "I want to say that it's been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you've all w...
After a recent move, I made up a list of companies, agencies, and services that needed to know my new address and phoned each one to ask for the change to be made. Everything went smoothly until I cal...
My husband, who drives an 18-wheeler, was halfway across a narrow bridge when his truck broke down. Placing hazard markers behind, he returned to his cab to wait for the tow truck. A few moments later...
第五法、英语“卡壳”之无厘头解决法 周奔驰在英语角最尴尬的事情是:自己在向美眉表达@#0的过程中,时常由于不知道某个单词或短语而突然“卡壳”...
第三日:周笨驰的大话:“说中文太俗了” 有了咖啡厅当场和洋美眉开口说英语的经历,周笨驰开始信心百倍,有空就去星巴克和老外主动搭话,晚上更...
第二日:星巴克耍酷纪实 周笨驰上次和English美眉第一次用英语交谈后,感到程咬金的“小板斧”真是立竿见影、威力无穷,于是就自己从英语书上抄了很...
第一日:脱口而出“小板斧” 笨学生的“小嘀咕”: 拜托,俺的英语老底儿其实只相当于高中英语,千万不要让陌生的单词、高深的语法把俺对英语的一...
你真的听懂了对方在说什么吗?有些时候潜台词和字面的意思正相反…… Yes = No. No = Yes. Maybe = No. I'm sorry = You'll be sorry. We need = I want. It's your decision = The...