Next, an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.July marks the 70th anniversary of cooperation between the United States and the Kingdom of Cambodia. Since July 11, 1950 when diplomatic relations were established between the two countries, the United States and Cambodia have worked together to improve the lives of the Cambodian people.At times, relations between the countries were cool, due to regional armed conflict.Nonetheless, the United States continued to support the Cambodian people, including through ASEAN's efforts in the 1980s to achieve a political settlement in Cambodia, which came to fruition in 1991 with the signing of a comprehensive settlement at the Paris Conference.When the democratically elected Royal Government of Cambodia was formed on September 24, 1993, the United States and the Kingdom of Cambodia immediately re-established full diplomatic relations.
The United States continues to support democratic institutions and promote respect for human rights in Cambodia. The two countries work together to increase trade, and to contribute to regional and global security.The United States supports Cambodia’s efforts to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, improve nutrition for mothers and children, eliminate human trafficking and corruption1, address environmental degradation2, better manage natural resources, and foster economic development.Today, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Government has so far provided $11 million to help Cambodia’s medical and public health response to the disease, and to mitigate3 the secondary impacts resulting from the pandemic.The United States has invested almost $3 billion dollars over the past three decades to assist Cambodia recovering from conflict, said U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia W. Patrick Murphy in an interview obtained by the Voice of America’s Cambodian Service. “I think we have seen results of this partnership:”“Economic development has increased and relatively4 stable and peaceful. There has been some justice for past atrocities5, which is very important for the rule of law and contending with history, as the country moves ahead into the future. We also see, I think, a lot of return on our contributions to specific areas like education, public health, the environment, law enforcement, de-mining and other humanitarian6 assistance area.”“The U.S. Government,” he said recently, “is committed to continuing its support to the Cambodian people towards sustainable, inclusive, and equitable7 socio-economic development.”That was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.
美国继续支持柬埔寨的民主体制,促进对人权的尊重。两国共同努力增进贸易往来,为地区和全球安全作出贡献。 美国支持柬埔寨努力减少艾滋病毒和其他传染病的流行,改善母亲和儿童的营养,消除人口贩运和腐败,解决环境退化问题,更好地管理自然资源,促进经济发展。今天,由于新冠肺炎疫情,美国政府迄今已提供1100万美元,帮助柬埔寨医疗和公共卫生部门应对该疾病,并减轻该流行病造成的二次影响。美国在过去30年里投资了近30亿美元,以帮助柬埔寨从冲突中恢复,美国驻柬埔寨大使W.Patrick Murphy在接受美国之音驻柬埔寨电台采访时说。“我认为我们已经看到了合作的结果:”“经济发展加快,相对稳定和平。随着国家走向未来,过去的暴行获得了一定的公正性,这对法治和与历史抗争非常重要。我认为,我们在教育、公共卫生、环境、执法、扫雷和其他人道主义援助领域的贡献也取得了回报。”他最近表示:“美国政府致力于继续支持柬埔寨人民实现可持续、包容和公平的社会经济发展。”这是一篇反映美国政府观点的社论。

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n.腐败,堕落,贪污 | |
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n.降级;低落;退化;陵削;降解;衰变 | |
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vt.(使)减轻,(使)缓和 | |
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adv.比较...地,相对地 | |
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n.邪恶,暴行( atrocity的名词复数 );滔天大罪 | |
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n.人道主义者,博爱者,基督凡人论者 | |
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adj.公平的;公正的 | |
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