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    Foreign investment flows to Myanmar have tailed off since a mini-boom just before the military junta stood aside, as cooler relations with China, a tricky business environment and persistent sanctions drag on this new commercial frontier. 自缅甸军政...

  • 普京被《福布斯》评为全球最有权力的人物

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named world's most powerful person by Forbes magazine. 俄罗斯总统普京被《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志评为全球最有权力的人物。 Putin continues to prove he's one of the few men in the wor...

  • 习主席:未来五年内年经济增速将保持在7%

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  • 深圳一企业收购一支西班牙足球队

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    If you have a smartphone, you also have your very own digital personal assistant. There's the iPhone's Siri (now added to Apple TV), of course, but don't forget Cortana on the Windows Phone or the S Voice on the Samsung Galaxy. All of these virtual v...

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  • 宝马第三季度销量创纪录

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  • 中国承认低估燃煤消耗量 减排行动新挑战

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  • 中国国产C919大型客机横空出世

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  • 谷歌CEO:正在努力重回中国!

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  • 美卫星揭示俄失事客机闪光

    A U.S. military satellite detected a heat flash at the time a Russian jetliner crashed over the Sinai Peninsula last weekend, authorities said Tuesday, but the cause of the accident remains a mystery. Authorities have ruled out the possibility that a...

  • 外国官员赞的中国可持续发展计划

    Former Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti said China's emphasis on coordination between growth and environmental protection under its new five-year plan will help achieve a greener economy and contribute to global development. I think coordination i...
