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    Investors from China have started to buy up British private schools as an increasing number of Chinese want their children to be educated in the UK. 面对英国教育的高门槛,中国投资者不以为意,直接买下英国私立学校! It h...

  • 中兴在加拿大发布高端智能手机

    TORONTO, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- ZTE, the fourth-largest smartphone supplier in North America, teamed up with Rogers Communications in launching here Tuesday smartphone ZTE Axon, its first premium device released in Canada. With a display of 5.5 IPS LCD,...

  • 中国养老金有望于2016年投资股市

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  • 中国或将放宽“二胎政策”

    Currently, one in ten Chinese citizens is 65 or above. And this proportion is likely to increase to one third by the year of 2050. Meanwhile, the working population is also aging. Wang Jun, professor at Sun Yat-Sen University, says this trend would p...

  • 中国央行今年内第六次降息刺激经济

    China's central bank cut interest rates on Friday for the sixth time in less than a year, and it again lowered the amount of cash that banks must hold as reserves in a bid to jump start growth in its stuttering economy. 中国央行在本周五进行今...

  • 支付宝推出"扶老人险"引起社会广泛热议

    A controversial insurance policy that will protect good Samaritans from being sued by elderly people was recently launched in China, news portal cnr.cn reported on Thursday. 新闻门户网站央广网在星期四报道,一个有争议的保险政策...

  • 广电总局将严厉整治票房造假

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  • 世卫将加工肉制品列为致癌物

    PARIS, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans, the IARC said Monday. The conclusion was made based on...

  • 中国的下一个五年计划

    Top Chinese leaders are gathering for a key annual meeting to set the economic blueprint for the country for the next five years. The Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will run through Thursday. The session is...

  • 锦州银行披露对汉能的风险敞口

    A Chinese city bank planning on listing in Hong Kong has indicated it has more than $440m in exposure to Hanergy Group debt, in the first case of a Chinese bank detailing its exposure to the embattled thin film solar company. 计划在香港上市的中...

  • 中国空气质量达标城市不足10%

    Only 9 percent of people in China live in an environment that meets the national air quality standards, according to a scientific journal article. 根据一篇科学期刊文章表示,只有9%的中国人生活在符合国家空气质量标准的环...

  • 雅虎决定缩小产品线赢回市场

    Yahoo wants to make better products for you, so it's going to try zooming in. 雅虎想要为你们提供更好的产品,所以它将要尝试继续推进。 The Internet pioneer has many popular services. There's Yahoo Mail for email, Yahoo Screen...

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    CHENGDU, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese biotechnological company announced on Sunday it has developed the world's first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs. Sichuan Revotek Co., Ltd. based in...

  • 荷兰国王访华谈论足球

    The King has been joined at the event by retired Dutch national goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar, who says football in China needs to be developed and nurtured. I think it's sustainable. That's the right work you need. It's not about buying big players i...

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    Speaking at a joint press conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expresses his concern about the current wave of violence in the region. I have been dismayed - as we all should be - by young people takin...
