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    China's two largest internet retailers have clashed in the run-up to Singles Day, the world's biggest online sales day, on 11 November. 中国两大互联网经销商双十一正式开战。双十一又称光棍节,是全球最大网上销售日。...

  • 我国二胎政策的公布促使备孕产品激增

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  • 缅甸大选点票进行中

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  • 中国国有资产管理体制改革

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  • 中国电影展在瑞典首都开幕

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  • 缅甸历史性大选投票开始

    Millions of voters are streaming to the polls across Myanmar in the first relatively free election in a quarter of a century. Voters had lined up long before the polls opened Sunday to cast their ballots. The chief EU election observer in the country...

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  • 爱沙尼亚政府将为作家发薪水鼓励创作

    Ten writers and artists in Estonia are to be paid a salary by the state for the next three years to encourage their work, it's been reported. 据报道,未来三年,爱沙尼亚政府将给十位作家和美术家发薪水来鼓励他们的创作。...

  • 我国去年网购正品率不足六成 投诉率居高不下

    Most complaints made by Chinese consumers last year were about online shopping, a report from China's top legislative body said on Monday. 中国最高立法机关于周一在一份报告中称,去年中国消费者的投诉大都是关于网上购物...

  • 渣打宣布裁员1.5万人

    Bill Winters has taken an axe to Standard Chartered, with the emerging market banks new chief executive revealing plans to raise 3.3bn in a rights issue while cutting 15,000 jobs. 新兴市场银行渣打(Standard Chartered)的新任首席执行官比尔...
