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    U.S. and Russian defense officials have concluded a third round of talks on rules for conduct in the air over Syria and are finalizing a memorandum of understanding that will establish basic safety rules and avoid inadvertent collisions. The U.S. Dep...

  • 俄罗斯支持进一步调查马航MH17

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  • 香港学生到内地实习

    Wing Tan studies Geography at Hong Kong Baptist University. She spent a month at the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources in Ning Xia in Northwest of China. She says she was fortunate to have the opportunity. I've traveled to some regions but I've...

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  • 习主席访英或开启黄金时代

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  • 中国今年破获92起重大洗钱案

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  • 中国面临禁止秸秆焚烧的困境

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  • 第二届中俄博览会开幕

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  • 美俄就叙利亚问题加紧磋商

    PENTAGONRussia and the United States are set to resume talks aimed at avoiding accidents in Syrian air space as the two countries conduct separate bombing campaigns. U.S. Defense Department press secretary Peter Cook said Friday that a second round o...

  • 拉加德:中国经济放缓属“健康”

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